本次话题来自口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会给大家分享题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!带你了解老外地道口语表达~
雅思口语Part 1 Relax
1.What would you do to relax?
I would indulge myself into some video games when I have large patches of free time. That temporarily detaches me from the secular affairs like my pressure at work. However, in most cases, I am limited to some fragmented time periods and I would just take a nap instead.
2.Do you think doing sports is a good way to relax?
Truly! Endorphin emitted from sporting activities physiologically excites my nerves and alleviate my pressure in a way almost unstoppable. So, whenever I feel worn out mentally, I would immerse myself into the gym for a whole afternoon.
3.Do you think vacation is a good time to relax?
Adjustment might be the main theme of vacations. People should keep a balance between getting off from work and playing too hard to get back to work. So, a moderate way to relax, for example, going out into the nature, might be optimal for vacation relaxation.
4.Do you think students need more relaxing time?
Indeed. Before being students, they are kids, adolescents, human beings, I should say. So, to maintain a healthy body is much more important than merely studying. By sleeping for eight hours per day or getting enough physical exercises, students can be recharged and retain a good condition
雅思口语Part 2
1.Describe something you did that made you feel proud
You should say:
What it was How you did it
What difficulty you had How you dealt with the difficulty
And explain why you felt proud of it
I am really proud of my getting a gold medal at a chemistry competition and the effort I paid was worthy of mentioning.
Firstly, the competition included a wide range of knowledge. The main content came from A-level courses, which was required for senior high school students and also part of the knowledge was to be learned in the university. So, in order to catch up, I, step by step, built up the foundation and utilized the basic knowledge to facilitate absorption of complicated contents like reactions, properties, composition of molecules, things like that.
Especially for the organic chemistry part, the three-dimensional structure of molecule was very complicated. To try to visualize the position of bonds, the mutual force between atoms, I had to develop my imagination to a great extent – even when I was having meals, I would continue this mental exercise.
Also, since I’d been away from chemistry for three months, my reaction to the problems and solutions was slow and my mind was kind of stagnant. So, I kept hinting myself that through constant practice, I can be more proficient, in order to alleviate the pressure of failure in the first stage from my mind.
As a result, when I received the gold medal, all my effort paid off and no matter how suffering I was became negligible. All that was left was sheer proud.
雅思口语Part 3
1.Which one is more important, personal goals or work goals?
For most people, it is definitely work goals. Living in this world, people seek for a greater fortune and established achievement in career. To satisfy their need for either fulfilling their need for survival or showcasing their elevated social and economic status, they need to maintain a decent economic foundation. For example, some people fancy taking the first-class seat on plane, to exhibit their social status represented by wealth. Others simply want to keep healthy, so they pay a lot to hire personal therapist to constantly monitor their health. All of these money need to be gained through their excellent career.
2.Have your life goals changed since your childhood?
For sure, in my younger years, it could not be considered as a goal but more of a dream or imagination. For example, I wanted to be a car racer or a spy or a panda keeper, all of which were not thatrealistic or not that successful by common criteria. But now, my goal is just to relocate to Switzerland and live there till death, since my life pattern has changed a lot. I moved from my hometown to the metropolis of Shanghai and met fantastic teachers at school. So, I intend to pursue a further study on Chemistry and even maybe study for a PhD degree in Germany, well, close to Switzerland, isn’t it?
3.Does everyone set goals for themselves?
While setting goals is widely recognized as a beneficial practice for personal growth, not everyone sets goals for themselves, as this can vary greatly depending on individual personality and cultural backgrounds. Some individuals may avoid setting goals due to a fear of not achieving them, which can lead to feelings of disappointment or inadequacy, and maybe cause them to lose face among peers. Certain cultural or personal beliefs may discourage goal-setting。They emphasize on the importance of living rather than setting a goal.
4.What kinds of rewards are important at work?
Financial rewards, for sure is the main form of reward. When regular pay raises, it can be a strong motivator since it is an acknowledgement of employee's value and contributions to the company. Also, bonuses for exceptional performance or achieving specific targets can also be a fundamental indicator to boost morale and incentivize high performance. However, there are more ways for motivation. Public acknowledgment of an employee's achievements can be highly motivating and can also serve to inspire others, contributing to the increase of whole team’s efficiency.
5.Do you think material rewards are more important than other rewards at work?
Even an elevated life quality supported by wealth is what everyone pursues after, it does not mean that the material reward counts for everything. For one thing, it cannot last forever, or the sense of achievement will finally wear out. However, non-material rewards can foster long-term employee engagement and loyalty by creating a positive work culture and a sense of belonging. Also, people have to have time to relish their material rewards, so rewards such as flexible working hours or wellness programs can improve employees' overall quality of life, leading to higher job satisfaction.
