本次话题来自口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会给大家分享题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!带你了解老外地道口语表达~
雅思口语Part 1
1.Are you a person who likes to stay at home?
It is hard for me to keep myself fully engaged in outdoor activities since I am so fully occupied with all the working pressure. For me, home sweet home is where I find the greatest solace, allowing me to fully exhibit my true self regardless of others feelings, feelings that might be unpleasant.
2.What do you do when you stay at home?
For weekdays, after work, I often relax after I finish my daily chores, like doing laundry and stuff. But for weekend, I would intentionally change to another mode. I might play video games for 8 hours straight, just to silently rebel again this monotonous life routine. This temporary escape from the reality always helps me restore my energy.
3.What is your favourite place at home?
I consider my study as the most comfortable place to stay in. Since I spend most of my time sitting in front of the screen, I make several adjustments to maximize the user-friendliness of all the facilities, including a pair of Hi-Fi speakers, a chair that specially caters to my body and thick curtains to block out all natural light.
4.What did you often do at home as a child?
The reason why I have such a limited memory about my childhood might be that I spent most of my time sleeping. I had this special ability back then, to fall asleep in 5 minutes anywhere I could lie down or put my head on. My parents once thought that I was possessed or had a rare disease. Luckily, I am still myself.
雅思口语Part 2
1.Describe a place (city/town) that is good for people to live in
You should say
Where it is
How you knew this place
What it is like
And explain why it is better than other places to live in
The village of Bama is located in Guangxi Province and is one of the commonly acknowledged villages of longevity in the world – Among every 100 thousand dwellers, there are more than 30 people who are over 100 years old, ranking the top among the globe. If I choose to live there, I might experience more of the world than I would right now.
My wish to spend the rest of my life there stemmed from a gift of a bottle of spring water I received. This bottle was claimed to have the effect of prolong anyone’s lifespan. Even though I did not believe that magical function, the origin of this bottle, the village of Bama attracted my attention.
Actually, when I searched on the internet, I found out that this cure had its scientific proof——natural alkaline water. It can balance the acid concentration in our stomach and prevent diseases in our digestive system. The soil around the village is rich in manganese & zinc, resulting in that the agriculture products are full of these elements. Once eaten, they can combine with a certain kind of protein to achieve an anti-aging effect. By restricting blood sugar, fat and pressure level, which are common diseases among old people, people in Bama suffer from aging when they are as old as in their 90s.
Because of its unique geological features, the nature gifts this place with factors that are beneficial for human health. However, I think apart from those physiological features, the place provides an environment of slowed pace and negligible pressure——what the cities fail to provide.
雅思口语Part 3
1.What are the differences between cities and towns?
One of the primary differences is the population. Cities generally have a larger population than towns, which can range from tens of thousands to millions of people. Industrialization has provided the foundation of convenient infrastructures with the capacity to sustain lives of millions. Also, in urban areas, more people live in a smaller area, whereas towns typically have a lower population density. Another reason that contributes to the populous city area is that cities often provide a wider range of job opportunities and economic activities, including various industries, businesses, and services.
2.What has happened to towns and villages in recent years in your country?
The great advocation of “university graduates as village officials” has motivated a great many of educated people to realize their dreams and accord it with the country’s aspiration of reinvigorating the underdeveloped areas. They brought to rural areas the most advanced concept of development and implemented it with firm confidence. So, the actual gap between cities and villages has been continuously narrowed and this proved to be a bold and wise move especially in the Covid-19 period, when the abundance of medical resources, like doctors and medical materials, in major cities, as well in remote villages saved lives of millions.
3.What are the differences between big cities and small ones?
For nowadays citizens, the scale of cities is directly linked to the availability of their establishing a satisfying job, or sustaining their live. Cities often have a wider range of job opportunities and industries, while small towns may have a more limited job market. This, however, by no means indicates that big cities are preferable choices. Since the cost of living, including housing, transportation, and general expenses, is typically higher in big cities than in small towns, the money people earn might not be sufficient to cover this part of extra spending. Nowadays, more and more young people are moving away from metropolises like Shanghai, to escape from the “lavish” cost.
4.What factors will contribute to whether a place is good to live in or not?
Geological convenience is among the top priority of many people, the distance or time for them to quickly access some other big cities or their hometown. So, in order to attract more talents, some small cities are building their own airport to increase a means of transportation to enable diverse methods of travelling. Another contributing factor that also results from geological location is the climate. Some northern parts of China exhibits features of continental climate and are somewhat notorious for its sandstorms and poor air quality. The possibility to suffer from lung diseases is higher in northern parts than in southern parts.
5.What are the major changes that have happened in your city?
Shanghai has put its ever-increasing emphasis on the suburb areas, the several districts that did not benefit from either the development of CBD or the reinvigoration of rural areas. The government has transformed some of the wasted areas into cultural and creative districts to attract tourists and small businesses to arrive. They fulfilled the function of a belt to connect the whole city into an integrated, organic entity. Also, this is the area for expansion of green lands for purification of polluted air in the core city. Together with this method was the new criteria for energy efficiency in residential areas to limit emission of unnecessary waste gases.
