








Some students choose to work or travel after leaving school and before going to university. Many people, however, say that working experience is more useful in adult life than travel. Do you agree or disagree with this statement?

In modern society, the younger generation confront with more diversified options than ever before. Some school leavers decide to work or travel rather than attending university directly, whereas there are many who argue that working experience should be attached higher importance. As for me, I agree with the opinion that young people should be fully prepared for their professional life.

Admittedly, travelling can be an effective way to release the pressure and enrich experiences for the teenagers. To explain, after striving throughout the years of secondary school, students can be exhausted in passing standardized test and preparing paper works for college application. They deserve a long holiday to release the stress and to reward themselves for receiving offer from their dream school. Besides, the teenagers who have been engaged in school life finally obtain the chance to experience the unique culture and cuisine of the destination they are unfamiliar with. In that way, travelling can not only smooth the nervous mind but also fulfill the curiosity of youngsters.

However, young people can benefit more from accumulating the experience to gain practical skill than just appreciating the scenery according to their itinerary. To clarify, although the school leavers are only capable for the internship or part-time job which require limited professional skill, they can still adapt the atmosphere in workplace by following the regulation of working process and meeting the standards of customer service. For example, when taking order in the fast-food restaurant or making beverages in café shops, the awareness of taking responsibility and ability of communication can be established. Being recognized as part of team and indicating professionalism in their occupation serve as the solid foundation of entering adulthood, regardless their position and income level.

All in all, students may tend to travel and enjoy holiday, but participating in workplace does provide them more precious experience therefore should be prioritized.



Nowadays, more and more people decide to have children later in their lives. What do you think are the reasons for this? Do the advantages of the trend outweigh the disadvantages?

In the recent decades, many nations have attempted to stimulate birth rate while an increasing number of people choose to postpone the age of being parents. This essay will analyze the related reasons behind such a phenomenon and evaluate its effect on society.

To begin with, young people face to severe competition and attempt to survive, which means they have to delay other plans in their personal life. To clarify, nowadays, the majority consider university education as necessity for adulthood and it is not uncommon to see some graduates may approach late twenties when they finally receive their doctoral degree. Moreover, the individuals with strong academic background still have to concentrate and prioritize their professional identity before getting married and being parents. Accordingly, in the society with strong sense of competing and higher level of education, people tend to have children after entering the third decade of their life.

In terms of its effect, I consider both parents and children can benefit from a better living standard, materially and spiritually. For one thing, for the individuals with strong educational background, they are likely to strive in workplace and be rewarded in the way of satisfied income or higher position, which ensures the material demand of their children can be fulfilled. For another, the matured adults usually have sufficient life experience to support wiser decision-making and maintain a stable emotion, which is the foundation to create a pleasant childhood with sense of security. Compared with younger parents who still have to struggle for living cost, delaying the age of being parents ensures well-being for the family as a whole.

To sum up, facing to the social competition, most adults prioritize advancing career before being parents, and I believe that is proper decision for all the family members.



Some people think it is a good thing for senior managers to have much higher salaries than the other workers in a company. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In today’s society, the majority has distributed most of time in their adulthood in working, so they attribute the income level to their professional status. Some people think senior mangers deserve much higher salary than others in the company. As for me, I believe it can encourage the productivity of the business as a whole.

Admittedly, the staff who showcase their talent or contribute significantly in their occupation should be rewarded by raising salary regardless their positions, in order to motivate them to keep striving. To explain, the employees are hired to deal with certain tasks to meet the related requirements, each individual may be gifted in various aspects. Therefore, when one of the team members provides creative ideas for the project or upgrades the existing technology for the organization, their involvement is entitled to exchange for bonus, especially for the graduates with limited experience. In that way, the passion and willingness can be protected to drive all the staff to fulfill their potential as professionals, thereby boosting the achievement of the business as a whole.

However, allocating higher payment for senior management still worth considering as satisfying material demand can ensure loyalty and integrity for the leaders. To be specific, only by combining the professionalism with endurance can the individuals obtain management position, which means leadership should be recognized by higher salary. Besides, by coordinating with suppliers and competing with rival companies, the managers may confront with frequent challenges, both spiritually and materially. They may question themselves for the income which is lower than average level or hesitate to refuse the bribe, leading to scandals of fraud and corruption. Resulting from that, a satisfied salary can minimize the risk of violating ethic code of organization and encourage the managers to return the shareholders with better yield.

To sum up, by taking into account of excellent performance made by the staff in lower level, senior mangers are capable to gain higher salary.



Nowadays, people believe that governments should invest taxpayers’ money in healthcare, while others believe that money should be used in other areas. Discuss both points of view and give your opinion.

In today’s society, the public expect government to allocate tax revenue in reinforcing infrastructure and well-being. Some people claim that taxpayer’s money should be spent on healthcare. Others, however, argue that other areas have more urgent demand. To my way of thinking, I consider the decision should be made according to actual condition by each government.

To begin with, offering sufficient financial support to construct well-facilitated hospitals and hire experienced professionals is undeniable a worthy option. By that I mean such a decision can ensure the citizens to obtain prompt treatment when certain symptoms appear at the initial stage, in order to avoid suffering from chronic diseases, which is especially significant for the disadvantaged group who living in poverty. Besides, when individuals are diagnosed with cancers or other fatal illness, their life can be saved by advanced equipment and exceptional skills immediately in specialist medical institutions, thereby extending lifespan and minimizing mortality rate for the country. In that way, the nation can improve its living standards and reputation, which can fully justify the investment provided.

However, medical care is not the only way to reflect the value of tax-payer’s contribution, and the importance of environmental protection should never be ignored. To explain, most countries, both developed and developing ones, have been through the stage of exploiting natural resources and exchanging them for short-sighted business profit. Therefore, the government is responsible to distribute certain percentage of fund into decontaminating pollution and recovering the forestation. Acid rain, haze, as well as regional drought are convincing examples which indicate the country condemns its residents to harsh living condition. Resulting from that, for the authority that cares about its image and stable development, environmental protect deserves to be taken into account when deciding on the allocation of tax revenue.

In a word, medical care is indeed worthy investing to enhance public health directly, however, environmental protection is also a wise decision to show respect towards the contribution of general public who paid part of their income as tax.



The only reason people work hard is to earn more money. There are no other reasons to do it. To what extent do you agree or disagree?

In this highly competitive society, the field with the most tension of competition will be advancing one’s career. Some people claim that people only strive for higher payment and there is no other source of motivation. From my perspective, I believe that personal interest should never be ignored.

To begin with, it is undeniable that satisfied income level can directly drive individuals to devote and enhance their loyalty in professional roles. To clarify, majority of staffs undertake heavy financial burden of feeding their family, including paying medical bills for senior parents, paying tuition fees for kids as well as paying back the principal for their own mortgage. All of these living costs need to be justified by sufficient income which should be generated continuously. Therefore, it is not uncommon to see individuals accept invitation of job-hopping for higher salary, which clearly indicates most personnels consider income level as priority for decision-making. In that way, with the salary which is higher than average level, the employers can stimulate not only productivity but also loyalty of workers.

However, when the living cost can be covered, working-class tend to pursue the occupation which reflects their personal interest and social value. For one thing, only by combining hobbies of life with functions of position can the professionals exude their potential and ensure strong willingness to enhance efficiency. Compared with money-making goals alone, employees are willing to allocate longer time and higher creation into the area which fulfills their tastes. For another, as the general public spends most of their adulthood in career, the industries that attract attention and gain respect from other social members will guarantee self-motivation in the long-run. For example, being doctors, professors or solicitors are unlikely to be wealthy, but they can easily establish reputation and obtain appreciation as their value is fully recognized by others.

To sum up, material expectation is considered as preference of career by most people, however, I still believe personal recognition deserves to be taken into account in job-hunting.


