以C15-Test 1-Passage 2这篇文章为例,讲的是无人驾驶汽车的发展
There are many reasons why technology is advancing so fast. One frequently cited motive is safety; indeed, research at the UKs Transport Research Laboratory has demonstrated that more than 90 percent of road collisions involve human error as a contributory factor, and it is the primary cause in the vast majority. Automation may help to reduce the incidence of this.
Another aim is to free the time people spend driving for other purposes. If the vehicle can do some or all of the driving, it may be possible to be productive, to socialise or simply to relax while automation systems have responsibility for safe control of the vehicle. If the vehicle can do the driving, those who are challenged by existing mobility models - such as older or disabled travellers - may be able to enjoy significantly greater travel autonomy.
Technology Advancement - 技术进步
Safety - 安全
Human Error - 人为错误
Automation - 自动化
Road Collisions - 道路碰撞
Contributiony Factor - 促成因素
Primary Cause - 主要原因
Travel Autonomy - 旅行自主权
Mobility Models - 交通模式
Older Travellers - 老年旅行者
Disabled Travellers - 残疾旅行者
Time Efficiency - 时间效率
Productivity - 生产力
Socialise - 社交
Relaxation - 放松
2. 使用场景
来看这道题 It will be better to have wide use of driverless cars for individuals and society. To what extent do you agree or disagree with the statement?
1)Enhanced Safety: As mentioned, over 90 percent of road collisions involve human error. Automation has the potential to significantly reduce these incidents by eliminating the human factor in driving. 提升安全性
2)Time Efficiency: Allowing individuals to reclaim the time spent driving can lead to increased productivity, more opportunities for social interaction, or simply providing time for relaxation and personal interests. 提高效率
Advanced technology has brought many beneficial changes to the world. However, some old people today struggle with the use of technologies such as mobile phones and the Internet. How can the elderly benefit from using advanced technologies? How can the elderly be encouraged to use consumer electronics more often?
这道题问的是一些老年人不会使用现代科技,他们如何从现代科技中受益以及如何鼓励他们使用科技,我们可以用无人驾驶车帮助老年人出行这个点进行论证 The development and adoption of driverless cars can offer those with mobility challenges the ability to travel independently.
It's suggested that everyone in the world should have a car, a TV and a fridge. Do you think the disadvantages outweigh the advantages for society?
Cars provide individuals with the freedom to travel where they want, when they want, which can lead to greater personal autonomy and flexibility.