


Drivers will be charged a substantial fee for driving their vehicles into the city center during busy times of the day. Do you think that congestion pricing is a good idea?


👉1. Off - peak Travel:Citizens choose to travel during off - peak hours to save money, which can effectively disperse traffic flow and relieve road congestion during peak hours.

在高峰期常常可以表达为:during rush hours/ in rush hours;

非高峰期就可以表达为during off-peak hours.

为了增加语言多样性,我们还可以对多次出现的主语进行同义替换, 如市民:residents/ urban residents / the public

👉2. Switch to Other Modes of Transportation:In order to save money, citizens switch to using public transportation, bicycles or walking, reducing the use of private cars and alleviating road congestion.

👉3. Change Residence and Workplace:Citizens choose to live closer to their workplaces or change jobs to places closer to their residences to reduce living costs, shortening the commuting distance and reducing the demand for traffic travel.


1. More Rational Road Planning:Design a scientific and reasonable road layout(布局), optimize road width, intersection settings, etc., to improve road traffic capacity.

2. Optimize Urban Zoning:Reasonably plan urban functional zoning, promote the balance between work and residence, and reduce unnecessary commuting distances.

3. Improve the Management System:Strengthen traffic management, formulate strict traffic rules and enforce them strictly to improve traffic operation efficiency.


👉1. Promoting Public Transportation

When people use public buses trains and metro systems they take fewer private cars off the roads. When cities invest in better public transportation systems, people choose this mode of travel over their cars. When public transit fares stay low and connecting services run smoothly they make people want to use their cars less.

Technology tools that show vehicle locations and let people pay online make traveling simpler. Robust public transportation networks in developed countries prove that effective transportation systems help reduce traffic problems and lower pollution levels while making urban travel better for everyone.




1)transit fares 译为公共交通费用,我们除了reduce ticket price也可以用这个表达:

举个栗子To ensure high - ridership, public transit fares are maintained at a low level, making it an affordable option for the general public.

2)强大的公共交通网络除了strong还可以用robust (adj. 强健的、健康的)

也可以用来指身体健康:a robust constitution体质强健


👉2. Use of Alternative Routes

Traffic jams have become a global city issue that creates travel delays and discomfort while hurting business. Using alternative routes represents an effective way to address this problem. Cities display traffic updates about roads with low congestion through their GPS systems traffic apps and electronic displays.

The new traffic routes spread out vehicle movements across all streets which reduces vehicle backups at main roads. Cities need to build more secondary roads while setting up special lanes for trucks(卡车) and buses to move through town. When cities add more public transportation services to their sustainable transportation options people find it easier to switch from private cars.


结构为【交通拥堵的问题——解决方法——具体展开+好处】,交通拥堵还会导致商业延误,使用备用路线可以减少这个问题,比如—使用GPS 更新车辆实时位置,达到分散车流的目的;城市还可以建设公交和卡车的专用二级道路,便利市民出行;



1)解决问题:address this problem→solve this problem

2)出行延误:create traffic delays→delays

delay单个单词即有延误的意思:如flight delay 航班延误;path delay 道路延误;

3)vahicle backups 交通拥堵

backup我们通常理解有备份的意思,其实也有拥堵的意思,交通拥堵除了traffic jam/ traffic congestion, 我们还可以用vehicle backup;

4)交通拥堵的消极影响:creates travel delays and discomfort

举个栗子Vehicle backups during rush hour create travel delays and discomfort for commuters, who have to endure long detours(绕路) and standstill traffic.


👉3. Developing Park-and-Ride Facilities

People can leave their vehicles in parking spaces near city limits and ride public transportation from there to their destinations through park-and-ride systems. When fewer cars enter city traffic it makes roads less crowded and creates cleaner air.

These facilities work best when you create safe parking areas charge reasonable rates and connect them to dependable public transport systems. When cities link park-and-ride facilities to public transportation they create better ways for people to commute sustainably while decreasing traffic and supporting ecological urban development.

park-and-ride facilities这个表达大家可以参考下面的英文释义来理解:a system designed to reduce traffic in towns in which people park their cars on the edge of a town and then take a special bus or train to the town centre; the area where people park their cars before taking the bus。其实就是把汽车停在城外,然后乘公交车到市中心,以减少市区的车辆。我们国家的上海、西安和南京已经实行了相关政策;例如—在南京,停车换乘收费5元一次;

The development of park and ride facilities that encourage people to use public transport or bicycles and the creation of carpooling(共同乘车-即我们现在常用的拼车) groups would also be helpful in reducing the use of cars and motorcycles.




1)city limit:在城市边缘可以用at /on the edge of cities/towns; 城市中的city limit这里也是同样的意思;

2)reasonable rate这里是价格的意思;rate 除了有比率、速度,还表示各种价格:

advertising/insurance/postal, etc. rates 广告费、保险费、邮费等

a low/high hourly rate of pay 按小时支付的低/高报酬

We offer special reduced rates for students. 我们对学生有特惠价格





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