昨天下午,UCI提前放出了一部分offer,都是极其优秀的同学,被录取到的大多是honor program:

An admission decision regarding your freshman application will be posted in your MyAdmission account by March 31. Admitted students also receive a formal letter of notification sent to their current mailing address. Do not contact UCI Admissions until AFTER March 31 regarding admission decisions and/or your status.
Some students choose to remain at one campus for all four years, while other students spend their first two years at one campus and transition to another for their remaining two years. We call it the 2+2 plan and it’s the most common path to a Penn State degree—more than 50 percent of our students begin their Penn State experience at a Commonwealth campus.
This process happens during the fourth semester (end of sophomore year) for most students, in anticipation of moving to the second campus for the fifth semester (junior year).
Your academic adviser will also make sure that you are on track to meet the entrance to major requirements for your chosen program. These requirements are the same whether you start at University Park or a Commonwealth campus.
目前收集到:录取者分数集中在1410-1570,跨度很大,想来也是文书为重。两位录取者分数为1380 90+ 和 1470 100+。一部分被录到社区学院program 读两年转学。有1500左右的申请者被翠菊。
作为一个公立大校,对待本州学生那是相当的和蔼可亲:德州内高中学生GPA 年级前7%基本直录。然而传说6%的州外录取率令外州乃至外国申请者望而却步。