2020年9-12月雅思口语题库Part 2话题高分范文+示范音频
Describe a conversation topic that you were not interested in. You should say:Who you talked wit When you had the conversatio What the topic wa And explain why you were not interested in it
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Part-2.mp3"][/audio] I had a family dinner a couple of months ago. It was kind of like a big family reunion. I was sitting next to my cousin. And she stared this weird conversation that made me awkward and uncomfortable. She asked me what’s my plan about my marriage, like when I was going to get married. I told her that I’m not in a rush, I preferred to focus on my career and myself in the next few years. Then she was totally in shock. She began to give me a lecture like she was an expert in this field. She said that a woman’s priority should be her family and I would regret not getting married before I was 30. I was actually surprised to hear that, it made no sense. I mean, People have their own timelines. Not being married at 30 but still happy is beautiful. Starting a family after 35 is still possible. My point is everything in life happens according to our time, our clock. Don’t let anyone rush you with theirs. Since I didn’t wanna argue with my cousin and I was just not into that kind of topics. I didn’t bother continuing the conversation, I just acted like I agreed with her by nodding. Some stuff is just not suitable to talk with families, sometimes they will never understand you. Because usually we share different values. They like to force you to accept their ideas. That’s why people prefer sharing feelings with friends.闪光表达: weird 诡异的;尴尬 it makes no sense 不可思议,没道 into something = like something = … is my thing 喜欢…;对…感兴趣
2020年9-12月雅思口语题库Part 3话题高分范文+示范音频
1.What do you usually discuss with your friends? [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Part-3-1.mp3"][/audio] I usually talk to my friends about what's going on with our mutual friends. Like who posted a weird or funny moment. Girls like to gossip together. Or sometimes we just complain about our jobs and bossy superiors. 2.Do you like having conversation with old people? [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Part-3-2.mp3"][/audio] Nope. Cause there’s basically nothing to talk about. I don’t mean to be rude. I mean, we can sure learn a lot of stuff from senior people. But the age difference makes it hard to communicate. We don’t have the same passion for a certain thing and we share different values. 3.What would you do if people don’t listen to you? [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Part-3-3.mp3"][/audio] Well, if people don’t listen to me. The first thing that comes to my mind is that this is my issue. If I start ad-libbing on a topic I’m unfamiliar with, my speech will likely sound unconvincing and lack a sense of humor. People will begin to switch off. So next time I’ll try to be better prepared and tell more jokes or engaging stuff to appeal people to listen. 4.Do you believe that most people are good listeners? [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/10/Part-3-4.mp3"][/audio] I don’t buy it. Only people who really care about you will listen to your stories and even complaints. Especially when it comes to negative feelings. Others don’t really wanna listen to you whining about not having enough time to rest or you think you are going into depression. Sometimes, you just need to keep it to yourself.闪光表达: gossip 聊八 bossy superiors 专横的上 have the same passion for … = are both interested in… 对…有同样的兴 a sense of humor 幽默 a sense of smell 嗅 a sense of direction 方向 a sense of achievement/accomplishment 成就 switch off 关掉;答案里作为“跑神儿“的意 ad-lib 即兴演 whine about 发牢 go into depression 抑郁了

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