突破2000词汇第四期来啦,本期的主题是The Body and Movement! 本系列English Vocabulary in Use将和大家分享剑桥英语官方初级词汇的内容,适用于A2高级段和B1初级段的小朋友们,帮助小朋友们轻轻松松突破2000词汇量!

Parts of the body

知识扩充: 大拇指:thum 食指:index finge 中指:middle finge 无名指:ring finge 小拇指:little finge

Movements with face

People  breathe(呼吸) through their nose or mouth. You breathe in and out  about 12–15 times a minute. People  smile(微笑)  when they’re happy, and sometimes smile at  people to be polite. People  laugh at(发笑;取笑) things which are funny. People sometimes  cry(哭泣) if they’re very unhappy, or receive bad news. People in some countries  nod their heads(上下点头) to mean ‘yes’, and  shake their heads(左右摇头) for ‘no’. People often  yawn(打哈欠) when they’re tired, and sometimes when they’re bored. 知识拓展: other parts on the face

Common expression


1. 将动词表达与身体器官匹配

(1)  shake (2)  wave (3)  comb (4)  fold (5)  blow (6)  nod a your hair b your nose c to somebody d your head e hands f your arms


(点击空白处查看内容) ▼ Answers 1. e, c, a, f, b, d 2. lips, chin, shoulder, waist, cheek, neck, chest


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