2020年9~12月雅思口语真题Part 2话题:聪明的人
[audio m4a="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Part-2-an-intelligent-person.m4a"][/audio] Describe an intelligent person you know. You should say:Who this person is How you know this person What this person doesAnd explain why you think this person is intelligent I’ve been watching this newly released Netflix TV show “The Queen’s Gambit”, which is really good, even if it's about chess. I think it’s probably the best show of 2020. Beth Harmon, the heroine of the show, is an extremely intelligent woman. In the TV series, Beth Harmon is an orphan in the 1960s who learns the game from a janitor in her orphanage's basement. He teaches her the rules and is amazed by her talent. She spends her nights popping pills and imagining chess games on the ceiling of her dormitory. As a teen, she makes her way onto the international chess circuit. She also spends that time battling addiction, a much harder fight for Beth than any chess match. As they say, “Genius on the left and madness on the right.” She is addicted to the medicine which helps her concentrate. But eventually she conquers her fears and becomes a world champion. There have been many films and TV shows about geniuses and the burden and costs of a great mind, but few with a woman's story at the center. Beth is as messy, mean and ultimately brilliant as John Nash. I think she’s wise and admire her not only because her gift to the chess, but also because all the efforts she contributes. And she is not affected by the miserable experience in her life. 闪光表达:
pop pills 吃药 Genius on the left and madness on the right. 天才在左,疯子在右
2020年9~12月雅思口语真题Part 3
[audio m4a="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2020/11/Part-3-1.m4a"][/audio] 1. Do you think smart people tend to be selfish? I think so. I’ve met some intelligent people before. After one conversation with those smart people, I get a feeling that they seem too selfish. The conversation was all about them and what they are working on and what they are going to do. Sometimes, I feel odd to even continue the conversation. It seemed like I‘m just part of an audience in a speech. And intelligent people know what it takes to get ahead and will therefore make those short-term survival-oriented decisions quicker than ordinary people. 2. Who do you think plays a more important role in a child’s development, teachers or parents? Parents are the child’s first role model. Children behave, react and imitate their parents. Parents play an important role in encouraging and motivating their kids to learn. Good parental support helps child to be positive, healthy and good life long learner. They also provide a sense of identification to the child. Like the effect on intellectual development and character traits. Right from the bed time stories to the behavioral habits parents are capable to make a child a responsible citizen. 3. Why are some children more intelligent than others? There is no escaping the fact that intelligence is inherited to some degree. Researchers found that the IQ of children strongly correlated with their biological parents. So, genes matter, but they are certainly not destiny. Children can always be more intelligent by learning. Like children who play the piano or a stringed instrument score 15 percent higher on verbal skills than children who don’t play an instrument. Children who attended preschool are 52 percent more likely to graduate from high school than kids who didn’t attend preschool. 闪光表达:survival-oriented decisions 关乎生存的决定 a sense of identification 认同感


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