Part 3是整个考试准备的重点,但也是最容易被大家忽视的部分。很多同学把口语的复习重心放在Part 1 & 2两个部分, Part 3则多为裸考。我能理解大家的心态, 因为Part 3是多数考官自由发挥的环节,你并不能预知考官究竟会问什么,所以准备也是白准备。但是,如果你抱着“Part 3只是加分环节,答得好加分,答不好也不会扣分”的观念来看待这部分的话,我就很难理解。
比如,之前有同学被问到“What kind of activities do Chinese people like to do?” 这是一道非常典型的客观题,我们需要按男女或老少的方式进行分类回答,但她给出的回答却是:“I like to do….other people like to do…”。也正是如此,考官立即提出“Please in general”。
怎样才是主观题呢?我只需要将问题改成“What kind of activities do you think that Chinese people like to do?”即可。现在我们就可以站在个人立场上进行回答,也可以拿个人案例进行举例。
Discourse markers (话语标记) 是Part 3非常重要的一个部分,它主要体现在“Fluency & Coherence”这个得分点上。如果你不清楚什么是“Discourse markers”,你可以把它理解为“Linking words”, 也就是连接词。如果你想要得分上6,使用大量话语标记就变得非常必要。
最常见的“话语标记”,包括:Nevertheless/ furthermore/ firstly/ secondly/ and/ but/ however/ well 等。除此之外,我们也可以尝试以下这几个高分的用法:
• Apparently 明显地
—Indicate that the information you are giving is something that you have heard, but you are not certain is true.
Question: Do you think that we will buy newspapers in the future?
Apparently, sales of newspapers have dropped to their lowest ever level so it is highly likely that we will reach a stage where they cease to exist completely.
However, when that will happen, it’s hard to say, it could be in the next ten years or possibly less.
• Interestingly enough 有趣的是
—Introduce a piece of information that you think is interesting or unexpected
Question: Do you think the diet in your country is healthy?
Although it is commonly believed that the diet in my country is healthier than most countries, interestingly enough, it is probably no healthier than others. This is largely because of the rise in the quantity of fast food consumed due to people’s hectic lifestyles.
• Shockingly 令人震惊地
—Introduce a piece of information that you think is very bad
Question: Do you think corporal punishment should be used in schools?
Shockingly, it is still being used in some parts of the world as a form of discipline and I find it abhorrent. Hitting a child is not the way to punish him or her. All it does is teach them that hitting someone is acceptable.
• Absolutely 当然
—Emphatically saying that you agree with something
Question: Do you think celebrities have a right to privacy?
Absolutely, just because you are famous does not mean that your private life should be on the front page of the newspaper everyday.
• Absolutely not 当然不
—Emphatically saying that you disagree with something.
Question: Do you think children should be banned from fast food outlets?
Absolutely not, because if you ban something, it makes it more attractive. Children should be encouraged to eat healthily and going to places like McDonald’s should be regarded as a treat not a regular occurrence.
• Part 3允许说“Sorry, I don’t know”
Part 3部分问题繁杂,你不免会遇到一些专业性极强的问题。这个时候,你千万不要正面应对,不会也说会。你就直接告诉考官:“Sorry, I don’t know.” 但是你需要给出一定的理由来论述自己不会的原因是什么以及按你的理解这道题应该是怎样的。这么一来,哪怕你不知道问题该怎么答,你还是换了一种方式完成了问题。但当然涉及基础生活常识的问题,你千万不要回答说“我不会”,这只会让考官觉得你是一个没有思考能力的人。
比如:What’s the difference between Chinese and Western rock music?
Well, it’s really a tricky question and I have no idea how to answer it. Although I am a music buff, I am not really into rock music so don't really know much about it to be honest.
If you really want me to give you an answer, I would say that there is no real big difference. Because of globalization, rock music around the world tends to sound the same. I am sure most rock bands have similar influences.
明确了以上8点后,现在我们就可以正式进入到各个题型的讲解环节。虽然Part 3题型繁多,但是总结一下规律,你还是可以找到很多解题的小窍门。首先,我会把这8大类Part 3话题归类为两大类:
如果你有好好研究Part 3题型的话,一个事物的优点和缺点是很多问题的突破口,包括:Pros & Cons类型问题/ Prefer类型问题/ Why类型问题/ Importance类型问题/ Opinion类型问题以及部分Difference类型问题。比如:
“Why should students wear school uniforms?”
“What are the benefits of wearing uniforms?”
“What kind of problems arise from wearing uniforms?”
“Should companies force employees to wear uniforms?”
“Do you think students should wear school uniforms?”
还有一类问题则需要通过维度拆分来完成,包括:Future类型问题/ Suggestion类型问题以及部分Difference类型问题和Why类型问题。针对此类问题,我们需要先找到问题核心关键词,然后通过拆分看到对应的角度,接着再选取适合的角度来完成我们的回答。
比如:What will schools look like in the future?