市面上流传的独立写作真题琳琅满目,但很少会配备详细解析以及高分示范,很多同学即使拿到了真题,也还是一筹莫展没有思路,于是,越来越多的真题资料永远的躺在了电脑中积灰。基于这一情况,TD托福教研组决定不定期为同学们带来真题剖析,帮助同学们最大化的发挥真题价值。 今天我们结合真题来学习独立写作题型的其中一种:绝对词题目。 什么叫绝对词题目?顾名思义,是题目中的表达非常绝对化,最明显的标志就是带有绝对词。 常见绝对词如下:
表频率:always never merely hardly 表示范围:all any only no/none 表示序数:the first/last the most/best/worst 表示发展:must have to
Do you agree or disagree with this statement? Visiting museums is the best way to learn about a country.


在选择同意立场时,很多同学会有这样一个疑虑,题目中的绝对词我到底需不需要去证明?比如这道题说的是参观博物馆是了解一个国家最好的方法,关于这个“最好的”我们要不要去证明呢? 设想一下,如果要论证这是最好的方法,我们需要把所有其它的了解博物馆的方法都推翻,从而证明这是the best way,然而,在短短的30分钟写作时间里,想要把其它所有可能的情况都一一列举是不太可能的。因此,如果写同意,我们只需论证visiting museums对于了解一个国家的好处即可。 思路如下:


It is living history in museums that provides an insight into one country. 了解国家的历史


Museums are the caretakers of history as much as they offer connections to history that can easily be overlooked in our modern-day life. Everything there has a story to tell. People can easily learn how life looked like and even what people wore and did everyday. 把历史拆成具体的方面展开


Place of Versailles- It represents an age in French history of both France's rise as a fashion and power center as well as the dramatic — and bloody — decline of the monarchy. 可以结合个人去博物馆的经历给出例子


Visiting museum is the most economical and efficient way to get a brief understanding about the country. 高效经济的方法


Most attractions require entrance fee to get in- cost a lot if people want to visit every historic spots around the country. Also, People need to waste a lot of time on the road. Instead, with only one ticket, you can go through this country quickly in museum, which basically have intact collection of the images and memories of this country. 既省去了参观不同景点的钱,又不需要浪费时间在路上


相比同意的立场,这道题目更适合写反驳立场。因为如果写同意,我们只能围绕museums去展开观点,这样留给我们发挥的空间就大大缩小了,反之,写反驳的话,我们只需要去想出2-3个其它了解国家的好方法即可完成这篇文章,这样大大缩短了我们在考试过程中构思的时间。 需要注意的是,在提出其它方法时,切忌整篇文章不能完全不提visiting museum,如果完全不提及题干当中的key words,很有可能被判为偏题。那么我们如何能避免这种情况呢?可以通过每段对比的方法,把自己举出的了解国家的方法和参观博物馆进行对比论证,或者通过一个让步段提及。 思路如下:


When we want to learn about the recent progress of a country, visiting museums can become quite ineffective; rather, it is reading news that provides us with current updates. 通过看新闻了解一个国家的时事


Any information about the current economic, political, business and social affairs of a country can easily be found in newspaper- 一个国家的经济、政治、文化等各个方面的信息都可以通过新闻了解到 knowing more about a country through online news and news apps is even more convenient and cost-effective, especially compared to the cost and effort required by visiting museums. 对比参观博物馆,看新闻更方便快捷


Just by a keyword search on the website of BBC, within five seconds I am able to find the specific event of Britain that I desire to know. 列举上网查看某个国家新闻的例子。


Another way to obtain a detailed understanding of a country is to fully immerse into its environment and become a part of the local community.  融入到当地的环境中


Staying in locals’ house empowers us to learn about the lives of people in there and truly experience their culture and traditions. 【对比】Unlike passively receiving the overwhelming information from museums, homestay is an excellent opportunity to actively absorb knowledge that tends to last longer in our memories. 相比博物馆,去当地的社区有更真实的体验


lived in an American’s house for a week, from which I participated in the arrangement of a Christmas party, listened to the story of the Grinch and the ancient tales of Christmas  讲述一个homestay的经历让你了解到了当地的事情。


以上为绝对词题目两个立场的正确解锁方式,同学们在今后遇到其它相同类型的绝对词题目时也可以运用相近的思路去处理。 此外,仅了解破题思路是不够的,更要将思路落实到实处,我们为同学们准备了反驳立场的文章范文供大家参考借鉴,向马甲发送暗号「绝对」即可领取哦!


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