Passage 8
Among many historians a belief persists that Cotton Mather’s biographies of some of the settlers of the Massachusetts Bay Colony (published 1702) are exercises in hagiography, endowing their subjects with saintly piety at the expense of historical accuracy. Yet modern studies have profited both from the breadth of information that Mather provides in, for example, his discussions of colonial medicine and from his critical observations of such leading figures as Governor John Winthrop. Mather’s wry humor as demonstrated by his detailed descriptions of events such as Winthrop’s efforts to prevent wood-stealing is overlooked by those charging Mather with presenting his subjects as extremely pious. The charge also obscures Mather’s concern with the settlers’ material, not just spiritual, prosperity. Further, this pejorative view underrates the biographies’ value as chronicles: Mather amassed all sorts of published and unpublished documents as sources, and his selection of key events shows a marked sensitivity to the nature of the colony’s development.文章解析
地中海Monk seal是一种濒危物种。最近大量Monk seals死去,这令人担忧害怕(alarming)。对Monk seals尸体的解剖显示,它们体内有两种东西,第一种是一种未知病毒,第二种是一种已知的细菌毒素。地中海Monk seals的死亡,可能是那种不明病毒导致的,也可能是那种已知的细菌毒素导致的。科学家们另外又从Monk seals大量死亡的海域取了些海水样本,检测以后发现海水中那种已知的细菌毒素非常高。所以科学家们就认为,Monk seals因那种已知的细菌毒素而死的可能性比因那种未知病毒而死的可能性高一些。题目解析
Which of the following, if true, provides additional evidence to support the conclusion? A. Viruses are much more difficult to identify in postmortem analysis than bacteria are. B. Mediterranean monk seals are the only species of seal in the area where the bacterium was found. C. The bacterium is almost always present in the water in at least small concentrations. D. Nearly all the recent deaths were among adult seals, but young seals are far more susceptible to viruses than are adult seals. E. Several years ago, a large number of monk seals died in the same area as a result of exposure to a different bacterial toxin.答案解析 ▼
白话版讲解: 下列哪一选项,如果为真的话,可以给上述结论提供额外的支持? 先找到文章的conclusion是什么,是“Monk seals是那种细菌害死的可能性大,是那种病毒害死的可能性小一些”。所以我们要看哪一个选项可以尽量排除Monk seals死因是病毒的可能性。我们一个选项一个选项看。 A. 只要尸检确实检测出Monk seals体内有病毒,其死亡就有可能是病毒导致的。病毒跟细菌这两种东西,哪种好检测出来,不好检测出来,跟是哪种东西害死Monk seals,没有关系。 B. 别的动物身上有没有在Monk Seals身上发现的那种细菌,跟那种细菌是不是毒死Monk seals,没有关系。 C. 几乎无论是哪里的海水中,都有Monk Seal身上发现的那种细菌,至少是低浓度的。即那种细菌到处都有。那我们要问,如果是那种细菌捣的鬼,那为什么其他海域的Seals或者其他动物没有大量死去呢?所以这个选项会削弱科学家的conclusion。 D. 年幼的海豹身上被那种病毒感染的几率比成年海豹要高很多。但是死的海豹大都是成年海豹。 我们可以推测,海豹如果是病毒害死的,那应该是年幼海豹更容易死,那么死的海豹应该是年幼海豹多。而结果却不是这样,身上有病毒的年幼海豹没怎么死,身上没有病毒的成年海豹却死了好多。这说明海豹身上有没有病毒,跟它们死不死没关系。跟病毒没有关系,那就是跟细菌有关系了。所以D选项正确。 E. 一码归一码,几年前的关于另一种细菌的事,跟最近的事,没有关系。一个人几年前被王二麻子偷过钱包。昨天,他跟张三和李四两个人去公共澡堂洗澡,出来以后发现储物柜里的钱包没了,他想知道是张三还是李四偷的,这个事跟王二麻子没有关系。文章作者

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