昨天是平安夜(Christmas eve)哦,We wish you a merry Christmas and Christmas eve! 在感受节日氛围的同时,也来了解一下圣诞节的知识吧~

What is Christmas

Christmas is an annual(年度的,一年一次的)festival celebrated on December 25 by Christians(基督徒) all over the world to honor the birth of Jesus Christ.

What Day Is Christmas

Christians celebrate Christmas every year on the day of 25 December.However, in different Christian traditions, Christmas is not celebrated on December 25. Orthodox(东正教) Christians celebrate Christmas on January 7th. While Armenian Church celebrates it on January 6th .

What Is Christmas All About

Christmas is annually celebrated to commemorate(庆祝)the birthday of Jesus Christ. For most people, Christmas is all about the Christmas tree, Christmas cake, Santa Clause(圣诞老人), and Christmas Carols(圣诞颂歌).
But, Christmas is not only a holiday. It is an event when broken families gather. People show love and gratitude(感激之情), share good memories, make each other happy, and remember the birth of Jesus. It is a festival to reduce the suffering of pain, stress, disappointment, hopelessness, crushed dreams, loneliness, broken promises that people experience around and inside themselves.
At Christmas, people wear clothes of red and green colors, which represent the birth death, and resurrection of Jesus Christ, who is the symbol of love, hope, peace, and light. The sacrifice of Jesus is honored to make the lives of people full of hope and peace.

Fun Facts About Santa

There are many popular stories about the origin of Santa Claus. The most common story is that he was a Christian bishop(大主教)who was born in around 4th Century AD in present-day Turkey. His name was Saint Nicholas and his parents died when he was a young boy. His parents left a lot of money. He was an extremely kind man and decided to dedicate (奉献)his life and money to help needy people(有需要的人). So he started giving gifts to children and helping the sick and needy people. He was then known as the protector of children and sailors. 据说,做一个good boy/girl,圣诞节就会收到圣诞老人送的礼物哦~祝小朋友们圣诞快乐!周末考试取得好成绩~




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