

不出所料果然和疫情有关。疫情期间的“quarantine”指的是:禁止人们离家或自由旅行的一段时间,这样人们就不会感染或传播疾病。 a general period of time in which people are not allowed to leave their homes or travel freely, so that they do not catch or spread a disease quarantine是唯一一个在搜索量高峰和整体浏览量(到11月初时超过183,000)都排名前五位的单词,词典的编辑们说,“quarantine”在今年的搜索量中排名第三,但如果去掉“hello”和“dictionary”这类几乎每年都出现的词,“quarantine”就跃居榜首
其中搜索量的高峰(28545个)出现在3月18日至24日这一周,当时,由于COVID-19,各国在当时开始实施限制措施。 《剑桥词典》还采访了一些想分享自己对词典2020年词汇看法的名人。 Celebrities on the Cambridge Dictionary Word of the Year 2020



pandemic 大流行

(of a disease) existing in almost all of an area or in almost all of a group of people, animals, or plants

lockdown 封锁

a situation in which people are not allowed to enter or leave a building or area freelybecause of an emergency
词典中也添加了其他新单词,比如“ HyFlex”和“Elbow bump”等。

HyFlex=Hybrid flexible 混合灵活式教学

a type of teaching in which some students are physically present in class and othersjoin the same class at the same time from a distance, using the internet. HyFlex is short for hybrid flexible

elbow bump 撞肘问候

a friendly greeting in which you touch someone's elbow (= the place where the armbends) with your elbow
elbow bump是一种可以让人们保持社交距离的友好问候方式。


《剑桥词典》每周也会在官方博客发布新的词条,让读者进行投票是否可以加入词典。在最近的一次投票中,有33%的读者认为 quaranteam应该添加到词典中。其他词条还包括quaranteen, coronnial 和 lockstalgia。

quaranteam 一起隔离的一群人

a group of people who go into quarantine together

quaranteen 封锁措施下的青少年

a teenager in the time of the covid-19 lockdown

coronnial 新冠疫情期间出生的人

someone who was born around the time of the covid-19 pandemic

lockstalgia 对封锁的怀念

a feeling of nostalgia for the lockdown period of the covid-19 pandemic


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