- 成绩单(无需official)
- 推荐信(不必须,但强烈建议)
- 英语语言成绩:Duolingo/InitialView
- 文书:
Required: How have you been challenged to grow, as both a student and individual, in the last year? How has this influenced your drive to further your studies? How will you leverage this growth within the Brown Pre-College community? (250–500 words) Optional: You may submit a supplementary essay if you want to address something not covered in other parts of the application.
- 申请费:
Application fee when submitted by 2/28/2021: $50 Application fee when submitted between 3/1/2021 and 4/25/2021: $75 Application fee when submitted on or after 4/26/2021: $100官网链接:https://precollege.brown.edu/apply [series id='369' title='美国夏校' limit='7']