市面上流传的GRE阅读机经真题有三百多篇,同时又存在多种版本的答案和解析,有些疑难题目让考生不知道听谁的,还有些版本的解析像是用谷歌翻译把同题目和选项翻译了一下。TD GRE教研组认为,GRE阅读的解析,可以讲得再清楚一点。 GRE不光有技巧,不光有快速解题法,GRE更加考察大家的逻辑硬实力,文字理解实打实的深度。良好的GRE备考应当在课堂上向老师学习快速解题法,取同取反逻辑的同时,课下扎扎实实的读懂每一句话。读懂,是一切技巧使用的前提。皮之不存,毛将焉附? 有感于此,我们尝试用比较长的时间,原创一个解析,力求做到超详细,大白话,包你懂。往期GRE阅读真题详细解析?:GRE阅读Passage 解析,今天继续为大家推出Passage 11的解析,这篇阅读一共有5句话,带4道题,TD版超详细「包你懂」系列对此篇文章进行了清楚地解析。

Passage 11

Before feminist literary criticism emerged in the 1970s, the nineteenth-century United States writer Fanny Fern was regarded by most critics (when considered at all) as a prototype of weepy sentimentalism—a pious, insipid icon of conventional American culture. Feminist reclamations of Fern, by contrast, emphasize her nonsentimental qualities, particularly her sharply humorous social criticism. Most feminist scholars find it difficult to reconcile Fern’s sardonic social critiques with her effusive celebrations of many conventional values. Attempting to resolve this contradiction, Harris concludes that Fern employed flowery rhetoric strategically to disguise her subversive goals beneath apparent conventionality. However, Tompkins proposes an alternative view of sentimentality itself, suggesting that sentimental writing could serve radical, rather than only conservative ends by swaying readers emotionally, moving them to embrace social change.



Before feminist literary criticism emerged in the 1970s, the nineteenth-century United States writer Fanny Fern was regarded by most critics (when considered at all) as a prototype of weepy sentimentalism—a pious, insipid icon of conventional American culture. 白话版讲解: 在1970年代以前,(文学评论界)一般认为19世纪美国作家Fanny Fern不是什么重要的作家,基本不太评价她。就算评价,大部分文学评论家(critics)也认为Fanny Fern不过是一个典型的感伤主义作家,一个(代表)传统美国文化的虚伪(pious)、无趣(insipid)的典型(prototype和icon都有“典型”的意思)。在1970年代,出现了一个女权主义文学批评流派(feminist literary criticism),这一流派的观点,和此前大部分文学评论家的观点不同。


Feminist reclamations of Fern, by contrast, emphasize her nonsentimental qualities, particularly her sharply humorous social criticism. 白话版讲解: 这些女权主义文学批评家,强调作家Fanny Fern作品中一些非感伤主义的特质,尤其是其中对社会做的一些尖锐的幽默批评。这些女权主义文学评论家的做法,是在给Fern一些reclamations。 注意不要想当然地把by contrast理解成“相反的是”,by contrast的意思是“比较之下;不同的是……”(when compared to another : when looked at or thought about in relation to similar objects or people to set off dissimilar qualities) reclamation的意思,出了一道题,我们后面再来看。


Most feminist scholars find it difficult to reconcile Fern’s sardonic social critiques with her effusive celebrations of many conventional values. 白话版讲解: 大部分女权主义学者遇到了一个问题,就是发现Fern的作品中,既有一些对社会的讥讽批评,又有对许多传统价值观的一些流露真诚感激和赞同之情(effusive)的赞美(celebration)。这两者是无法调和的。(一会夸社会,一会又骂社会,这个Fern到底是赞同传统价值观还是反对传统价值观啊。)Fern自相矛盾,说不通啊。


Attempting to resolve this contradiction, Harris concludes that Fern employed flowery rhetoric strategically to disguise her subversive goals beneath apparent conventionality. 白话版讲解: 有一个叫Harris的女权主义学者,就想试图把这个自相矛盾的情况说通。Harris找的理由是,Fern作品的真实意图是骂社会,想起些暗中破坏的作用。Fern采用了一个策略,就是用辞藻华丽的修辞来掩饰自己隐藏在表面上的因循守旧底下的真实意图。


However, Tompkins proposes an alternative view of sentimentality itself, suggesting that sentimental writing could serve radical, rather than only conservative ends by swaying readers emotionally, moving them to embrace social change. 白话版讲解: 但是,另外又有个叫Tompkins的女权主义学者,她不同意Harris的说法。她说不是Fern用了什么策略,而是我们对感伤主义本身,就可以用另一种视角来看。即,感伤主义那种风格的作品,虽然确实是以打动读者、影响读者的感情为特点,但是这种方式并不是只能为维护传统价值观服务,也可以为了激进的目的(抨击传统价值观)而服务。打动读者。影响读者的感情,不是只能把读者往维护传统价值观的方向影响,也可以让读者往欣然接受社会变革的方向影响。


1. Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply.

1. The passage suggests which of the following about the contradiction mentioned in the highlighted sentence? A.It was not generally addressed by critics before the 1970s. B.It is apparent in only a small number of Ferns writings. C.It has troubled many feminist critics who study Fern. 本题答案:AC


首先找到contradiction是在第四句话出现,但这个contraction的具体内容是在第三句话中出现的,即第三句话中的Fern’s sardonic social critiques和 her effusive celebrations of many conventional values两者之间的contradiction。根据文章第三句话中的“Most feminist scholars find it difficult to reconcile……”,可知道C选项正确。又根据第一句话,在1970年代以前,文学评论界对Fern的观点是比较一致的,没有注意到有什么contradiction,所以A正确。B选项的说法是文章中没有提到的。

2. It can be inferred from the passage that Tompkins would be most likely to agree with which of the following about the critics mentioned in the passage?

A. They accurately characterize the overall result Fern is aiming to achieve. B. They are not as dismissive of Fern as some feminist critics have suggested. C. They exaggerate the extent to which Fern intended her writing to serve a social purpose. D. They wrongly assume that sentimental must be a pejorative term. E. They fail to recognize the role that sentimental rhetoric plays to reader’s emotions. 本题答案:D


首先找到文章提到Tompkins是在第五句话,Tompkins认为不是Fern用了什么策略,而是感伤主义本身,不是只能把读者往维护传统价值观的方向影响,也可以让读者往欣然接受社会变革的方向影响。即之前人们对感伤主义只有一种view,其实可以有两种view。又根据第一句话中的“weepy sentimentalism—a pious, insipid icon”几个形容词都是贬义词,可见之前的文艺批评家对传统价值观及Fern是持批评和贬低态度的,是把sentimentalism当贬义词看的。所以D选项正确。E选项是迷惑选项,因为根据文章,Tompkins并不认为之前的文学批评家是没有认识到sentimental rhetoric是可以影响读者的感情的,而是认为之前的文学批评家认为sentimental rhetoric只能朝一个方向影响读者的感情。所以E选项错误。

3. It can be inferred that the author of the passage mentions Fern’s “sharply humorous social criticism” primarily in order to

A. contrast Fern’s apparent intentions with the impression her writing made on Harris B. suggest that many feminist critics have attributed to Fern intentions that she may not have had C. identify an aspect of Fern’s writing that strikes some scholars as incompatible with other attributes of her writing D. help account for the effect Fern's writing had on critics of her own time E. identify the aspects of Fern's writing for which she was primarily known prior to the 1970s 本题答案:C


这是一道修辞目的题。问作者提到“sharply humorous social criticism”的修辞功能。 首先找到“sharply humorous social criticism”是出现在第二句话,“这些女权主义文学批评家,强调作家Fanny Fern作品中一些非感伤主义的特质,尤其是其中对社会做的一些尖锐的幽默批评”。particularly her sharply humorous social criticism的修辞功能就是为了具体指出her nonsentimental qualities中的部分qualities具体是什么。所以C选项正确。 注意B选项不太好看懂,B选项的意思是:“暗示很多女权主义文学批评家把一些Fern实际上可能并没有的intentions强行说Fern有这些intentions了。”

4. In the context in which it appears, “reclamations” most nearly means

A. reformations B. rehabilitations C. recapitulations D. retractions E. reiterations 本题答案:B


这道词汇题的难度较大。Reclamation这个单词,我们看了一般会想,这就是reclaim变的名词嘛,我会我会,然后就不会去深入理解和记忆。 题目所问的“reclamations”所在的第二句话是说“这些女权主义文学批评家,强调作家Fanny Fern作品中一些非感伤主义的特质,尤其是其中对社会做的一些尖锐的幽默批评。这些女权主义文学评论家的做法,是在给Fern一些reclamations”。 recalmation这个词对应的动词是reclaim,reclaim的意思是“重新得到,收回,取回;要求(或主张)归还,要求(或主张)恢复” retrieve or recover (something previously lost, given, or paid); to demand or obtain the return of 请注意定义,即可以是demand the return,也可以是obtain the return,所以下面这个例句可以有两种理解。具体怎样理解,还要看上下文。 例句:
When Dennis emerged I reclaimed my room.
第一种理解:丹尼斯露面后,我主张我应该得到我房间的归还(我要求把房间还给我)。 第二种理解:丹尼斯露面后,我把房间要回来了。 在本文中的意思是: 第一种理解:这些女权主义文学评论家,主张应该把“不仅仅是个只会夸传统价值观的感伤主义作家,也会对社会提出讽刺批评”的名誉,还给Fern。 第二种理解:这些女权主义文学评论家,把“不仅仅是个只会夸传统价值观的感伤主义作家,也会对社会提出讽刺批评”的名誉,还给了Fern。 备选项中的rehabilitation对应的动词是rehabilitate,reclaim的意思是“恢复地位;恢复名誉,平反” restore (someone) to former privileges or reputation after a period of critical or official disfavor 例句:
With the fall of the government many former dissidents were rehabilitated.
随着政府的垮台,许多以前的持不同政见者平反了。 从上面的定义和例句可以看出reclamations和rehabilitations的意思接近。 最后补充说明一下,如果备选项中有restorations,那就也可以选。


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