厚朴少年学堂正式更名为KET与PET研习社啦!未来的备考之路,小厚还会继续陪伴大家~ 在本期基础语法逐个击破中,小厚将带大家熟悉he/she 与 they的选择与使用。关于人称代词,我们已经在基础语法go through当中详细介绍了它的用法以及种类。 在我们的基本认知中,代词的使用都有着严格的单复数和性别界定: 但是在很多情况下,我们是没有办法辨认出人称代词所指代的人物的性别,这种情况该如何处理呢?比如:
  • If your child is thinking about learning piano, ? can get good advice from the website.
  • Each team leader is responsible for ? team.
在这种child和team leader性别不明的情况下, ? 处的人称代词要如何选择呢? 以往,句子中出现性别不明的人物时,代词统一使用he/his/him:
If your child is thinking about learning piano, he can get good advice from the website. Each team leader is responsible for his team

1. 兼顾两种性别

这种方法,指的是用he or she 或者he/she的形式指代先行词,如:
If your child is thinking about learning piano, he or she can get good advice from the website. Each team leader is responsible for his/her team.

2. 变先行词为复数形式

If your children are thinking about learning piano, they can get good advice from the website. All team leader are responsible for their teams.

3. “they”用作第三人称“单数”

If your childis thinking about learning piano, they can get good advice from the website. Each team leader is responsible for their team.
“they”在语法中的普遍认知是一个第三人称复数人称代词,但是由于英文中没有一个词能够用来指代不知道性别的单数,而“it”又是用来指代动物或者物品的,所以“they”也已经被当做第三人称单数人称代词而普遍使用了。 注意:不管“they”用作单数还是负数形式,所搭配的动词都要使用复数形式: Every individual is unique. They are a combination of strengths and weaknesses. (√) Every individual is unique. They is a combination of strengths and weaknesses.(X) 这一用法已经被2020年第七版APA (研究论文撰写格式)刊物准则和韦氏词典承认。由此可见,语言语法也并非一成不变,live and learn~


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