KET/PET考试中,语法知识点往往 “包揽 ”了应试者大部分的“雷区 ”。虽然KET/PET考试没有像英语考试一样对语法进行大范围的考察 ,但语法知识的学习也很重要。除完形填空中有相关题目外,口语和写作部分也将间接考察孩子对语法的掌握 。 今天为大家带来KET/PET基础语法知识点:its or it's的区别。 its和it's是最容易被混淆的单词之一,两者读音一样,写法上有细微的差别,用法上却大有不同。

What do it's and its mean?

Its是代词it所有格形式,用来表示属于“it”,可以理解为“它的”; It's则是It isIt has的缩写形式。 注:It was不能缩写为it's


Can you hear that noise? Where do you think it's (it is) coming from? It's (it is) nearly the end of the month. It's (it has) gone really quickly. I'm so glad it's (it is) Friday. It's(it has) been a pleasure serving you tonight!
如果你不确定在这里使用It's是否正确,那么把It's拆分为it is/it has,再看看句子是否通顺就可以啦!


需要先说明的是,用英文表达所属形式时,加“'s”时最常用的方法,如:Mary's bike (the bike belonging to Mary) 和the lions' roars (the roars of the lions)。但是!当表达人称代词的所属形式时,则不使用“'s”,如:yours, ours, theirs, his, hers, 当然还有its. 例句:
The car needed its brakes repaired. The house, while old, really has its charms. Every house in the street has got its own garage.

知识扩充:所有格 's


上文中也提到“'s”用来表示某物属于某人/某物: Is that Olivia's bag? Britain's coastline is very beautiful. 同样,“'s”还可以使用在复合名词中: Greg is her youngest daughter's husband. 可以在同一个名词短语中使用两次: We went to Jake's father's funeral.




在空白处填出it's或its 1. On the farm, the feed for chicks is significantly different from the roosters'; ______ not even comparable. 2. In the living room, we have a special table; ______ legs are made of wood, but it has a glass surface. 3. My rabbit stays cool in the summertime with the help of _____ big ears.

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