
本次话题来自2021年1-4月最新雅思口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会按时给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!!!

Part 2 你还在拼凑胡扯吗?还在无厘头的蹦句子吗?高分答案永远都是有满满的细节和完整的故事~

是不是还在头疼Part 3的变态题?教你一招:再怪再难的题我们都能把它简单化生活化~

2021年1-4月雅思口语真题 part2话题:喜欢拜访但不喜欢一起居住的人


Describe a person who you like visiting but would not like to live together.

You should say:

Who the person is
Why you want to visit him or her
Why you would not like to live with him or her and explain how you felt about this person

That’ll definitely be my mom. I used to live with her for 18 years. Then I went to college in a different city. And I officially moved out from my mom’s house after graduation. Don’t take this the wrong way, this woman is the most important person in my life and I love her. But sometimes I just can’t get along well with her. Well, I do admit that there are some benefits when I’m living with her. Like, I can save a lot more money. I’ll save on rent, utility bills, renovations, shared grocery bills, and a lot more. Of course, I should be contributing to the household expenses, I don’t wanna be a complete mooch! But I won’t have to spend as much as I would if I were on my own. Plus, I don’t have to do all the housework. But the reason I don’t like to live with my mom is that there’s no privacy or private space at all. That can be a psychological burden. I don’t have the freedom to get up whenever I want on my day off or drink milk from the carton or play music at odd hours. I can’t even expect my mom not to enter my room since it belongs to her. And I can’t expect her to think or behave like me, since there is a generational gap between us. There will be arguments and nit-pickings overpetty household issues. So, I prefer not to live with my mom. But I do want to visit her from time to time. Because I’m gonna miss her after a while and I want to spend some time with her. Especially when it comes to festivals and holidays, I really miss those warm and home-cooked meals made by my mom.


utility bill 公共设施账单;水电费账单
mooch / moocher 揩油者,敲诈者
nit-pickings 挑刺,找茬儿
generational gaps 代沟

2021年1-4月雅思口语真题 part3:



1. Do people in China like to visit others?

Yeah, people in China like to visit others. Especially during festivals. Like Spring Festival, people will visit relatives and friends with gifts. It’s sort of a tradition. But I think it’s not gonna happen this year. Because of covid-19, people are probably going to avoid having contacts with others and just have a safe and sound holiday.

2. Why do people meet up at home rather than a restaurant?

Because it’s more comfortable and private. People usually meet to talk, share feelings or have some business interactions. Restaurant is noisy and filled with strangers. But at home, people can actually feel at ease and have a nice chat with others. I always like to enjoy a wonderful afternoon with my friends on my balcony which has a good view. I usually prepare some drinks and snacks. It’s better than staying in a café or restaurant.

3. What do people usually do when they visit others?

I think people usually enjoy a meal with the ones they visit. It seems that we rarely see old friends as often as we’d like. Whether it’s because physical distance or conflicting work schedules, it can be tough to find the time to visit them. Eating together is a good way to catch up. After all, what better way is there to do that than over drinks or delicious appetizers and dishes to share?

4. Do you think people need to visit others more?

Yeah, definitely. Visiting others can be a stress reliver. People are tied up with work during weekdays. Everybody seems to live a fast-paced life these days and can never escape the tedious daily routine. People need to keep a balance between work time and break time. And It’s always nice to visit some old friends and have some warm chitchats with them. Strengthening bonds and enlarging social circles is another benefit of visiting others. Cause social networks are more active and influential than ever before. It’s essential to keep a close relationship with others.

5. Do you think it is better to live alone or live with others?

I think both have their own advantages. Having a roommate adds convenience. For instance, if you have different schedules, a roommate can feed your pet or water the plants when you’re not at home to do it. If you go out on a trip, your roommate can take care of the house and deal with emergencies. Besides, you can save some money by sharing the rent. Although having a roommate can be a rewarding experience, there are many types of problems that may arise in a roommate relationship. These range from lifestyle conflicts to financial issues.


safe and sound 安然无恙
tedious daily routine 乏味的日常生活/工作
tied up 忙得不可开交
feel at ease 安心,感到轻松









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