和教育、友谊等和日常生活息息相关的话题相比,政府类话题由于离我们的日常生活较为遥远,成为了很多同学考试中最不想遇见的话题类型top1。 准备裱花考试已经够让人头秃了,政府的事情为什么还要让我操心? 然鹅,在2020年的44场托福考试中,政府话题占比14%(而在2019年的考试中,政府类话题仅占比4%),一跃而成继教育类话题之后的第二大高频考点。此外值得一提的是,政府话题还打响了今年首场托福考试的第一枪。由此可见,政府类题目作为2021年托福写作的备考重点是当之无愧的。


让我们首先回顾下考试中出现过的政府题: It is important for the government to provide money for beautiful things and not just for practical things. As the leader of a city, what would you do to ensure the prosperity and success of the city? -- creating job opportunities for the unemployed; -- lowering food price; -- providing affordable housing What is the most important action for the government to take for the protection of environmental problems? -- fund researchers on new energy sources such as solar and wind power; -- protect forests and natural wildlife species; -- pass and enforce laws to reduce the pollution Some companies provide important products or service, but also damage the environment. Some people believe that government should impose more penalty, higher tax and larger fine on these companies, while others believe there are better ways. Which do you prefer? It is more important for the government to spend more money on art and music museums than on facilities (like playgrounds, public swimming pool).




政府有4个主要职能: 1. 经济职能:所谓经济职能,就是指政府为促进国家经济发展作出贡献-boost economy 2. 政治职能:对内,维护社会稳定-maintain social harmony and stability;对外,保护国家安全- protecting national security 3. 文化职能:满足人民的文化生活需求-satisfy the need of culture,促进文化繁荣-promote the prosperity of culture; 并重视教育的发展-pay attention to education 4. 社会职能:社会公共服务职能,即指除政治、经济、文化职能以外政府必须承担的其他职能。


1.调节社会分配,缩小收入差距-narrow the income gap; 促进就业发展-boost employment; 提高人们的生活水平-improve the quality of life 2.保护生态环境,对环境破坏进行恢复、治理和监督- protect the environment 3.社会服务体系建立,制定法律法规,促进社会自我管理能力的提高-establish laws


从国家角度,政府要:发展经济政治教育医疗交通环境旅游、维护社会稳定 从个人角度,政府要:促进个人就业、提高人民的生活质量 (health-mental&physical/entertainment/housing/learning/social belonging)



让我们进入实战演练:Do you agree or disagree? The government should spend its money on arts instead of sports. Agree: 可以从国家/个人两个角度进行brainstorming
国家:投资art势必会促进文化发展promote the prosperity of culture 个人:投资art意味着艺术作品频出,对人们的mental health有好处,可以relax
再例如和上道题思路想通的题目:It is important for the government to spend more money on art and music museums than on facilities (like playgrounds, public swimming pool).同样选择agree,我们依然可以从以上的两个角度展开论证。


以上为投资类题目的处理方式,是政府类话题最常考的一类题型。但政府的金库毕竟有限,既然有投资,那必定也伴随着撤资,在政府话题中,撤资题我们该如何解决呢?比如这样的题目: 1. In times of economic crisis, which one or which one do you think the government should spend less money on? --arts;--scientific research;--parks and public gardens 2. In times of economic crisis, local governments often reduce the money they spend in some areas. In your opinion, if a local government is facing economic problems, which one of the following areas should it spend less money on? --libraries --public transportation --police 这一类题目要注意的是题干当中是否有给出限定的context,如果给出具体的背景,那么我们的文章中也务必要结合背景进行展开,切忌泛泛而谈。在破题时,我们可以从以下两个角度进行思考:

1. context出发


2. 寻找alternative

寻找alternative,如果题目当中给出的领域是轻而易举就能被替代的,那么我们自然就支持政府削减对这个领域的投资,因为它的功能/好处是可以找到替代物的。例如,公园的作用是什么呢?锻炼身体。学校的操场,健身房同样可以提供这个功能。而休闲娱乐减压之地。电影院、商场同样也可以满足这些需求。 因此,我们就同意政府对公园进行撤资,因为它并不独一无二



以上为政府类话题的常见出题方式,在掌握了破题思路之后,我们需要着手的第二件事就是提前准备政府话题不同领域的素材。政府类话题常考的内容无非就是艺术、环境、教育、就业等几大领域,我们还是可以在考前抱抱佛脚的! 想获得资料的同学可以向马甲发送暗号「政府」领取哦!如已有马甲好友则无需重复添加~


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