市面上流传的GRE阅读机经真题有三百多篇,同时又存在多种版本的答案和解析,有些疑难题目让考生不知道听谁的,还有些版本的解析像是用谷歌翻译把同题目和选项翻译了一下。TD GRE教研组认为,GRE阅读的解析,可以讲得再清楚一点。 GRE不光有技巧,不光有快速解题法,GRE更加考察大家的逻辑硬实力,文字理解实打实的深度。良好的GRE备考应当在课堂上向老师学习快速解题法,取同取反逻辑的同时,课下扎扎实实的读懂每一句话。读懂,是一切技巧使用的前提。皮之不存,毛将焉附? 有感于此,我们尝试用比较长的时间,原创一个解析,力求做到超详细,大白话,包你懂GRE阅读真题详细解析?:GRE阅读Passage 解析,今天继续为大家推出GRE阅读 Passage 25(长阅读)解析,这篇阅读一共有3段,带4道题,TD版超详细「包你懂」系列对此篇文章进行了清楚地解析。

GRE阅读机经Passage 25

Modern feminism has brought the reputation of the English writer Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) to something approaching the luster it deserves. While she enjoyed a certain celebrity among political radicals in the years just after her death, beginning in the nineteenth century her fame as a writer was hidden by disproportionate attention to her unconventional and, at the time, shocking personal life. When, therefore, Virginia Woolf wrote in 1925 of Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Men and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman that they felt like books “so true that they seem now to contain nothing new in them”, it was more a wishful than an accurate statement of the case. Wollstonecraft’s advances in moral thinking still have the power to shock position-takers of every party. The importance of gender even today is said to cut across other criteria for judging the conduct of men and women in society; Wollstonecraft, by contrast, believed that the shared morality of men and women should cut across all specifications of gender. Wollstonecraft considered gender-based morality a relic of a barbarous age: part of that specialization of virtues by which every sexual feeling was expected to express itself as libertinism (in men) or false modesty (in women). In her view, there ought to be one criterion of morals for men and women alike, with both sexes cultivating the same virtues. Wollstonecraft rebelled against the copious sentimental literature of her own time, which she felt patronized women by insisting that it was to their advantage to affect chastity and modesty and that such virtues were their own reward. In The Rights of Men, Wollstonecraft explores this double Bulosan standard from an unexpected angle. It was the first major response to Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), appearing less than a month after the impassioned defense of the deposed French monarchy. A defender of Burke called Wollstonecraft’s book “an incoherent mass of treacherous candour, interested generosity, and, if not false, at least unnecessary accusation”. But Wollstonecraft nonetheless managed to show how the traditionally feminine virtues of sentimental morality had been transferred by Burke to the aristocracy. Burke’s rhapsody on the queen of France (glittering like the morning star, full of life, and splendor, and joy) was, for Wollstonecraft, an example of the argument that beauty and instinct must often prevail over reason, the argument on which Burke took his stand as a defender of the old order. Like women, Burke thought, and from a similar greatness and delicacy in their nature, the aristocracy were understood at once to require deference and to solicit compassion. To Wollstonecraft, Burke’s argument linked sympathy and power in a dangerous alliance; she insisted that aristocrats do not deserve to be treated in the way that women have traditionally been treated any more than women themselves do.



Modern feminism has brought the reputation of the English writer Mary Wollstonecraft (1759-1797) to something approaching the luster it deserves. While she enjoyed a certain celebrity among political radicals in the years just after her death, beginning in the nineteenth century her fame as a writer was hidden by disproportionate attention to her unconventional and, at the time, shocking personal life. 白话版讲解: 英国作家Mary Wollstonecraft(1759-1797)在写作方面值得得到荣耀,但一直没有得到。(到目前为止),现代女权主义(运动)终于给了她应有的名誉,虽然还没有完全达到她应得的名誉的高度,但(总算)接近了。 尽管Mary Wollstonecraft去世以后,一些政治分子确实认为她是个名人,但是从19世纪开始,人民过于关注她反传统、惊世骇俗的个人生活,对她写作方面的能力却不大关注,她作为一个作家的名气被掩藏埋没了。(这一句话是说:在现代女权主义运动兴起之前,Mary Wollstonecraft没有得到应有名誉的具体情况是怎样的。大家把Mary Wollstonecraft当一个很有名的行为叛逆的女子,而忽视了一点:她是一个很牛的作家。)


When, therefore, Virginia Woolf wrote in 1925 of Wollstonecraft’s A Vindication of the Rights of Men and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman that they felt like books “so true that they seem now to contain nothing new in them”, it was more a wishful than an accurate statement of the case. Wollstonecraft’s advances in moral thinking still have the power to shock position-takers of every party. The importance of gender even today is said to cut across other criteria for judging the conduct of men and women in society; Wollstonecraft, by contrast, believed that the shared morality of men and women should cut across all specifications of gender. 白话版讲解: Virginia Woolf在1925年对Wollstonecraft写的两本书(《为男性的权利辩护》和《为女性的权利辩护》)发表了评论。她说,这两本书 “(的观点)非常正确(true),就好像她写这两本书时就知道100多年后的今天(1925)年会有流行什么观点一样,提前100多年把1925年流行的观点写进了她的书里,以至于现在(1925年)看来,里面已经没有什么新观点了”。(这个地方比较难理解,so true是在夸,so…… that的结构应该是顺承的,怎么后面的“contain nothing new”听起来是在贬?要仔细看,搞清楚,这里的“contain nothing new”,也是在夸。TD GRE教研组专门查了Woolf的书里的原话,contain nothing new后面是“their originality has become our commonplace”)Virginia Woolf的评论,是在夸Wollstonecraft。但是本文作者认为这个夸赞本身,暴露出Woolf有一个地方搞错了。Woolf有一个言下之意,是说Wollstonecraft写的书观点非常正确,在Wollstonecraft的时候,是新观点,是原创,很厉害;到1925年时,当时社会已经基本上接受了Wollstonecraft的观点(也就是说Virginia Woolf觉得 Wollstonecraft是很牛,她的思想观点一直领先到了大概1910年代,但到1925年代不再领先)。但是,Virginia Woolf这样的评论是她的主观、一厢情愿的看法,不符合实际情况。实际情况是,Wollstonecraft的思想观点到Woolf的时代仍然是new的,仍然领先。何止是到1925年还领先,实际上时至今日仍然领先。即从另一个个角度看,以现在(21世纪的眼光)看,Woolf夸Wollstonecraft夸得还不够。实际情况是,Wollstonecraft在道德思维上的观点(advances),时至今日仍然会让一些持各种(保守)立场的人(无论是何党派)感到震惊(不能接受)。直至今日,社会上仍然认为,在评判一个人的行为时,这个人性别是男是女,是一个超越其他标准的重要衡量标准(同样一个事,人们总是把做这件事的人是男是女当作最重要的衡量标准来衡量这件事的好坏:男的找好多女朋友,风流;女的找好多男朋友,放荡)。而(早在两百多年前)Wollstonecraft就认为,在评判一个人的行为时,应该使用一个共同的道德准则(男女都应遵守)去当衡量标准,而不应该用那些“男的应该怎么样,不应该怎么样;女的应该怎么样,不应该怎么”的各种条条框框(specifications of gender)去当衡量标准。


Wollstonecraft considered gender-based morality a relic of a barbarous age: part of that specialization of virtues by which every sexual feeling was expected to express itself as libertinism (in men) or false modesty (in women). In her view, there ought to be one criterion of morals for men and women alike, with both sexes cultivating the same virtues. Wollstonecraft rebelled against the copious sentimental literature of her own time, which she felt patronized women by insisting that it was to their advantage to affect chastity and modesty and that such virtues were their own reward. 白话版讲解: Wollstonecraft认为,男的一套道德标准,女的一套道德标准,这是野蛮时代遗留下来的遗迹(糟粕)。这些野蛮时代的道德标准,把德行还给分了类,做哪些事对男人来说算是virtue,做哪些事对女人来说算是virtue;根据这种标准,人在性方面的感觉应该是这样,男的呢,在性方面要放荡不羁,这样就算是virtue;女的呢,在性方面要假装正经,这样就算是virtue。在Wollstonecraft看来,对男性女性应该用同一个道德批判标准,男的女的应该养成同样的virtue。在Wollstonecraft的时代,充斥着大量感伤主义文学。这些文学作品坚持认为,女性假装纯洁、假装正经对女性有利;假装有这些美德,有什么奖赏呢?这些美德本身就是奖赏(没啥别的奖赏)。Wollstonecraft认为,这些文学作品这样做,是在以屈尊俯就的态度对待女性。 注解: patronize vt. 对…以施惠人自居,以屈尊俯就的态度对待 treat with an apparent kindness which betrays a feeling of superiority 例句: She was determined not to be put down or patronized. 她决心不让别人贬低她或在她面前以恩人自居。


In The Rights of Men, Wollstonecraft explores this double Bulosan standard from an unexpected angle. It was the first major response to Edmund Burke’s Reflections on the Revolution in France (1790), appearing less than a month after the impassioned defense of the deposed French monarchy. A defender of Burke called Wollstonecraft’s book “an incoherent mass of treacherous candour, interested generosity, and, if not false, at least unnecessary accusation”. 白话版讲解: 在《为男性的权利辩护》一书中,Wollstonecraft从一个出人意料的角度研究了(有些人持有)这种Bulosan所说的双重标准。(注:Carlos Bulosan是一个著名的菲律宾裔美国作家,他在1936年出版的 America Is in the Heart曾指出美国社会对菲裔移民使用双重标准。)《为男性的权利辩护》这本书,是Edmund Burke在1790年写的《论法国大革命》面世后不到一个月写的,是当时最早对《论法国大革命》做出回应的、比较重要的一本书。Burke写的《论法国大革命》是满怀感情对废黜的法国国王和王室进行辩护的一本书。有一个人,看了Wollstonecraft写的《为男性的权利辩护》,为Burke辩护,说Wollstonecraft写的这本书内部不一致、不合逻辑(incoherent),集合了三种坏东西:“奸诈的率直+顾私利的慷慨+虚假(不虚假也至少是不必要)的指责”。


But Wollstonecraft nonetheless managed to show how the traditionally feminine virtues of sentimental morality had been transferred by Burke to the aristocracy. Burke’s rhapsody on the queen of France (glittering like the morning star, full of life, and splendor, and joy) was, for Wollstonecraft, an example of the argument that beauty and instinct must often prevail over reason, the argument on which Burke took his stand as a defender of the old order. 白话版讲解: 但是Wollstonecraft成功地展现了一点:Burke在书中把那种感伤主义道德准则(morality)传统上认为是女性应有的美德(virtues)给搬到贵族身上去了。Burke在谈到法国皇后时,说她“glittering like the morning star, full of life, and splendor, and joy”,真是一番狂热的赞词。这说明Burke是认同“美和本能应该战胜理智”这一观点的。以“美和本能方面的考虑应该战胜理智的考虑”这一观点(理智告诉我们应该废除国王和王室,但是王后太美了,又让我们觉得不应该砍她的头,我们应该听“美”的)为基础,Burke才选择了为旧秩序辩护的立场,进行了一番论证。


Like women, Burke thought, and from a similar greatness and delicacy in their nature, the aristocracy were understood at once to require deference and to solicit compassion. To Wollstonecraft, Burke’s argument linked sympathy and power in a dangerous alliance; she insisted that aristocrats do not deserve to be treated in the way that women have traditionally been treated any more than women themselves do. 白话版讲解: Burke是这样想(推理论证)的。因为(王室)贵族跟女性类似,(品德)高尚(greatness)的同时,身体又纤细优雅脆弱,所以人民对贵族应该和对女性一样,既要对他们deference(humble submission),同时又要同情。在Wollstonecraft看来,Burke的这种论证,把同情和权力(power)以一种危险的方式扯到了一起(给同情是可以的,但是认为应该给贵族humble submission,也就是认为应该给贵族power,这种观点是很危险的,也是双重标准的)既然你Burke认为,品德高尚、优雅脆弱的贵族,应该得到humble submission和同情;那为什么之前全社会没有给同样是品德高尚、优雅脆弱的女性以humble submission呢?传统上全社会是怎样对女性的(给了些同情,没给很多humble submission),最多最多、最好最好也就只能那样对贵族,不能再好一点了(也就只能给些同情,不能给很多humble submission)。 注:请注意deference这个单词,和respect是有差别的,不能翻译成“尊重”,它的意思是“humble submission and humble respect”,所以18世纪的社会,对女性应该是有respect的,但是肯定是没有deference的。


1. By quoting Burke’s defender in the highlighted phrase, the author of the passage most clearly succeeds in A. providing a context for the political turbulence that unseated the French monarchy. B. emphasizing the way in which Wollstonecraft’s philosophy divided men and women. C. explaining why Wollstonecraft’s work has won more acceptance in the twentieth century than in the nineteenth. D. illustrating the nature of the appeal of Burke’s argument. E. demonstrating the degree of hostility aroused by Wollstonecraft’s work. 白话版讲解: 问高亮的那个词组成功取得了什么样的修辞效果? A“介绍了推翻了法国君主统治的政治动乱的背景” B“强调Wollstonecraft所主张的人生行为准则(philosophy),这套行为准则是把男性和女性分开来看的” C“解析为什么Wollstonecraft的著作在20世纪比19世纪被更多人所接受” D“举例说明Burke的论证是多么有吸引力” E“显示Wollstonecraft的著作引发了多么大的敌意” 首先找到高亮部分,这部分的意思是: 有一个人,看了Wollstonecraft写的《为男性的权利辩护》,为Burke辩护,说Wollstonecraft写的这本书内部不一致、不合逻辑(incoherent),集合了三种坏东西:“奸诈的率直+顾私利的慷慨+虚假(不虚假也至少是不必要)的指责”。 因为用的都是“incoherent mass of treacherous candour, interested generosity”这样贬义比较强的词,所以表现了Wollstonecraft的书引发了多么严重的敌对态度。 本题答案:E 2. The author of the passage quotes Burke’s description of the queen of France most probably in order to A. provide a specific illustration of a position with which Wollstonecraft took issue. B. provide a specific example of Burke’s already archaic prose style. C. balance the quotation from Burke’s anonymous defender. D. provide evidence of why Burke’s position was more widely accepted than Wollstonecraft’s. E. provide an example of what Wollstonecraft perceived as Burke’s lack of political astuteness. 白话版讲解: 问文章作者引用了Burke对法国王后的描述,是为了……? A“提供一个具体的例子,说明一个观点;对这个观点,Wollstonecraft是强烈反对的” Burke说王后是“glittering like the morning star, full of life, and splendor, and joy”,这样赞美王后,显然是支持为王室辩护的观点(position),而Wollstonecraft是强烈反对这一观点的。所以A选项正确。 注解: take issue with sb/sth 对…持强烈异议,很不赞同 to disagree strongly 例句: I took issue with him over his interpretation of the instructions. 我不赞同他对命令的理解。 B“提供一个具体的例子,说明Burke古旧体的文章风格(这里请注意两点,第一不押韵的都叫prose,第二archaic不一定是贬义,Burke本人其实是超一流做节)”因为这里不是为了举例说明Burke的写作风格多么高雅,所以B错误。 C“文章引了那个为Burke辩护的人话,再引一下Burke的话,使文章中引语的平衡” 如果是文章之前已经引用了某个人的话,这个人是赞同Wollstonecraft对Burke的批评的。再来引用一个为Burke辩护的人的话,那才叫balance。 D“提供证据,证明为什么Burke的观点比Wollstonecraft的观点获得了更广泛的接受” E“Wollstonecraft认为这几句引用的话说明Burke缺乏政治精明” 本题答案:A 3. The passage suggests that which of the following is true concerning Virginia Woolf’s appraisal of A Vindication of the Rights of Men and A Vindication of the Rights of Woman? A. Woolf was defending Wollstonecraft’s theories against attacks by nineteenth— century critics who concentrated only on Wollstonecraft’s notoriety. B. Woolf favored the advances proposed by Wollstonecraft and mistakenly assumed that they had become self-evident in the twentieth century. C. Woolf miscalculated the practical effects that the advances proposed by Wollstonecraft would have on society. D. Woolf decried the loss in the twentieth century of social progress made in the eighteenth and nineteenth centuries. E. Woolf was reacting against what she considered a lack of originality on Wollstonecraft’s part while calling for more sweeping changes than Wollstonecraft had proposed. 白话版讲解: 问根据文章,关于Virginia Woolf对《为男性的权利辩护》和《为女性的权利辩护》两本书的评价,下列哪个说法是正确的? A“Wollstonecraft 的观点受到了19世纪批评家的攻击,这些批评家只集中关注Wollstonecraft的非常差的名声。Woolf对那两本书的评论,是在为Wollstonecraft辩护” B“Woolf支持Wollstonecraft提出的理论,但是她误以为这些理论(观点)在20世纪已经成了不证自明的观点了(已经不算new观点了)” C“Woolf错误地估计了Wollstonecraft的理论(观点)将会产生什么样的效果” D“Woolf认为18世纪、19世纪,社会都取得了进步,20世纪没有取得进步。她对此表示强烈的不赞同(decry)” E“Woolf认为Wollstonecraft缺乏原创性,她对这一点表示反对,同时又号召社会应该进行比Wollstonecraft所提议的变革更大规模的变革” 找到文章第一自然段第二部分。根据文章解析,可以选出正确选项B。 本题答案:B 4. The author of the passage suggests that modern feminism has treated the writings of Mary Wollstonecraft in which of the following ways? A. Modern feminism has emphasized the progressive aspects of Wollstonecraft’s writings, while separating her work from her personal reputation. B. Modern feminism has emphasized Wollstonecraft’s importance as a theorist, while deemphasizing her effect on the daily life of her times. C. Modern feminism has worked toward a synthesis of Wollstonecraft’s philosophical advances with those of her contemporaries. D. Modern feminism has embraced Wollstonecraft’s relative importance as a theorist, while rejecting certain elements of her theories of gender-based morality. E. Modern feminism has equated Wollstonecraft’s ideas about the popular sentimentalization of women with her view of monarchist systems of government. 白话版讲解: 问文章作者暗示现代女权主义运动以下列哪种方式对待了Mary Wollstonecraft的著作? A“一方面强调了Wollstonecraft著作进步的方面,另一方面将她的著作和她个人的名誉分隔开” 根据文章第一自然段第一部分,A正确。 B“一方面对Wollstonecraft对她那个时代日常生活的影响不再强调,另一方面强调了她作为一个理论家的重要性” 文章没有提到Wollstonecraft对the daily life of her times有什么effect。所以B错误。 C“致力于把Wollstonecraft的哲学理论(观点)和她同时代人的哲学理论(观点)综合起来” 文章没有提到,所以C错误。 D“一方面欣然接受了Wollstonecraft作为一个理论家的重要性,另一方面,拒绝接受其理论中某些倡导对男女应有不同道德标准的观点” gender-based morality并不是Wollstonecraft的观点,而是她反对的观点,所以D错误。 E“Wollstonecraft生活的时代,流行带着过多感情看待女性、过于怜惜女性(sentimentalization of woman)的做法,Wollstonecraft对这种做法,有些ideas(看法、评价);主张推行君主制的人(monarchist),认为政府应该以君主专制的一套系统运行,Wollstonecraft对这种观点也有一个view(看法、评价)。现代女权主义运动认为,Wollstonecraft对sentimentalization of women的看法,和Wollstonecraft对monarchist观点的看法,是相同的。” 文章并没有提到Wollstonecraft对君主专制是什么看法,文章第三自然段,不是在介绍Wollstonecraft反对君主专制,而是在介绍Wollstonecraft怎样发现并反对Burke隐藏的双重标准。所以E错。 注解: sentimentalize vt.带着过多的感情去看待、而不是理智去看待 to look upon or imbue with sentiment;to present something in a way that is sentimental (= giving too much importance to emotions, especially love or sadness, and not enough to thought and reason) 例句: Her book sentimentalizes parenthood and completely ignores the disadvantages of it. 她的书没有理智地看待父母立场/功能(而是带着太多感情去看,觉得父母的照料能给孩子好多爱啊,非常好啊),忽视了父母立场/功能的不利之处。 注解: equate with/and 将……等同于…… to say or think that (something) is equal to or the same as (something else) 例句: He equates disagreement with/and disloyalty. 谁不赞同他,他就认为谁不忠诚于他。 You shouldn't equate material wealth with happiness. 你不能认为拥有物质财富就等同于拥有幸福。 本题答案:A


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