GRE阅读 Passage 26
Cuts that need to be held closed in order to heal properly have generally been held closed with stitches. However, pressure to reduce medical costs is mounting. Consequently, it is likely that a newly developed adhesive will become the routine method of holding most types of cuts closed. The new adhesive holds most types of cuts closed as well as stitches do, and the cost of applying it is comparable to that of closing cuts with stitches. But whereas stitches must generally be removed by medical personnel after the cut has healed, the adhesive simply wears off. Thus, for any cut that the adhesive can hold closed as well as stitches can, it is more economical to use the adhesive.文章解析
白话版讲解: 有些伤口需要保持伤口的闭合才能够愈合得比较好。到目前为止,对这种伤口,一般都是用缝合的方法来保持伤口的闭合。但是,降低医疗成本的压力一直在加大。于是,在将来,对大多数伤口,一般就不再用缝合的方法了,而改用一种新研发出来的粘合剂把伤口粘合。大部分缝合能搞定的伤口,粘合的方法也能搞定,粘合和缝合的成本也差不多。用缝合的方法,伤口愈合后,需要人工拆线;粘合的方法,粘合剂自动会脱落(不用人工),所以对于使用缝合或粘合方法都行的伤口,粘合方法更经济。题目解析
1. In the argument given, the two highlighted portions play which of the following roles? A. The first is a claim that the argument disputes; the second provides evidence against that disputed claim. B. The first is a claim that is used as supporting evidence for the main conclusion of the argument; the second is that main conclusion. C. The first is a claim that is used as supporting evidence for the main conclusion of the argument; the second is a conclusion that is drawn in order to support that main conclusion. D. The first introduces a practice about which the argument makes a prediction, the second is a conclusion based on that prediction. E. The first introduces a practice about which the argument makes a prediction; the second is an assessment that is used to support that prediction. 白话版讲解: 问文中两处高亮内容分别有什么功能? 第一处高亮内容为“现在(医院)对伤口的处理一般都是缝合” 第二处高亮内容为“对伤口的处理,粘合比缝合省钱” A“第一处是一个本文所反对的观点;第二处是反对该观点的证据” B“第一处是一个用来支持文章论证得出的主结论的观点;第二处就是文章的主结论” C“第一处是一个用来支持文章论证得出的主结论的观点;第二处是一个结论,这个结论是用来支持文章的主结论的” 第一处根本就不是一个观点(claim),而是一个事实(fact)。所以A、B、C错误。 D“第一处介绍了一种通行的做法(practice),后来文章给出了关于这种通行做法的一个预测;第二处是一个以该预测为基础得出的结论” 这个选项前半句是对的,确实做出了预测,“通行做法会由缝合改为粘合”。但第二处不是以该预测为基础得出结论。说反了。该预测是以第二处为基础得出的。 E“第一处介绍了一种通行的做法,后来文章给出了关于这种做法的一个预测;第二处是一个判断,根据这个判断被用来支持文章做出的那个预测” 我们一起来回顾一下全文的逻辑推理链条: 现在(医院)对伤口一般是缝合。(E选项中所说的practice) 粘合的功能和缝合的功能差不多。 粘合和缝合的成本差不多,但是省人工。 (从功能上来说),粘合可以取代缝合。从成本上来看,粘合低于缝合。(选项E中所说的assessment) (医院)节省成本的压力在增大。 可能(医院)以后大都会用粘合取代缝合。(选项E中所说的prediction) 一般来说,文章的结论一般在文章的最后一句话。但本篇文章的结构有特殊之处。它是先说了主结论(文章第二句话consequently……),然后再详细补说了论证过程。 本题问的高亮的内容有两处。第一处是文章第一句话,这句话对文章的结论,无法起到支撑作用,只是一个背景情况。第二处是文章最后一句话,这是推理过程中的一个论点(assessment)。在这个论点的基础上进一步推导,可以得出全文的终结论,这个终结论以一种prediction的形式出现的。所以E选项正确。 注解: 我们一般喜欢把assessment和中文的“评估”或“评价”划等号,如果这样想,我们就会觉得好像文章最后一句话不是“评价”,就容易觉得E选项是错误的。其实“判断”甚至“看法”可能更接近assessment这个单词的真正意思。 assessment n.“做判断”这种行为或具体做出的一个判断 the action or an instance of making a judgment about something文章作者
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