我们以TPO66 L2为例,分析一下文章部分观点以及文章结构: [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/getvoice-4.mp3"][/audio]听力原文:
Professor: Ok, today, I want to talk about sleep. We all sleep. Human sleep, many animals sleep. When we sleep, we aren't actually unconscious, but in a state of reduced awareness of our surroundings. Now, what does that mean for animals in the wild, if they are in a state like that, unable to monitor their environment? Male Student: They're helpless, vulnerable to predator, maybe? Professor: Right. They are vulnerable to predators. Yeah, they sleep. So, let's talk about why the biology of sleep. 根据这几句话的信息,相信有一部分同学应该也可以判断出文章的结构了。其中非常明显的一句话就是: So, let's talk about why the biology of sleep. 显然,今天的这节课,教授将带领学生一起探讨sleep的意义「或原因」。因此同学们应该也可以判断出这属于定义式结构的常见开头方式,接下来在听文章的时候大家可能就会把注意力集中在寻找睡眠的原因/好处上。所以第一题也就很简单了: 1. What is the main purpose of the lecture? 问:文章主旨是什么? A. To explain why people sleep at night rather than during the day 解释为什么人们在晚上睡觉而不是在白天睡觉。 B. To discuss the problems caused by a lack of sleep 讨论睡眠不足引起的问题。 C. To explain why muscles in the body need sleep 解释为什么人体肌肉需要睡眠 D. To explore benefits that are provided by sleep but not by regular rest 寻找睡眠(而不是规律作息)的好处 答案:D 要想判断清楚lecture的结构,开头部分很重要。至于如何精准地找到重要信息,这点在我的方法论课上会做详细讲解。
但是接下来,事情似乎到了“不可控制”的地步。比如这道题: [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/getvoice-5.mp3"][/audio] 2. Why does the professor mention that sleep is a risky behavior? 为什么教授要说“睡眠是一种冒险行为”? A. To suggest that resting while awake is better than sleeping 暗示清醒的时候休息要比睡着更占优势。 B. To indicate how important the benefits of sleep must be 暗示睡眠的好处有多么重要。 C. To explain why many animals sleep during the day 解释为什么有些动物白天睡觉。 D. To explain why birds sleep less than mammals 解释为什么鸟类比哺乳动物睡得少。 答案:B听力原文:
So, the first thing I want you to understand is that sleep is a very risky behavior. And risky behavior don’t evolve unless they bring the animals some kind of benefit that outweighs that risk. So, sleep must have a really important function. 原文大意: 因此,首先我希望你们能够知道的一点是“睡眠是一种很危险的行为”。而且这种冒险行为只有当动物睡眠的利大于弊时,才会进行转变。因此,睡眠一定存在一种真正重要的功能。 很多同学在听这部分内容时,会听到“sleep is a very risky behavior.”这句话,因此就忙着下结论,睡眠是一件不好的事情。所以当看到这道题时,就直接把范围限制在了C和D之间。但是这种顾头不顾尾的做题方式实则存在很大问题。这段话speaker想强调的重点其实是在于最后这句“So, sleep must have a really important function.” 因此不能只通过碎片化信息去分析文章内容,而要学会去把握文章中的分观点。
接着我们再来听一道细节题: [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/02/getvoice-6.mp3"][/audio] 3. According to the professor, why is the sleep of dolphins unusual? 教授为什么认为海豚的睡眠不同寻常? A. Their sleep is interrupted whenever they need to come up for air 每当海豚需要向上游呼吸空气时,他们的睡眠就会被迫中断。 B. They can move around while they are asleep 海豚在沉睡时仍可以活动。 C. In every dolphin group only half of the dolphins are asleep at any given time 每个海豚种群中,只有一半数量的海豚能够在任意的给定时间内睡着。 D. Their brains show no activity during sleep 在沉睡时,海豚的大脑不活动。 答案:B 很多同学看到这道题就会有些许错乱:不是研究睡眠的意义吗?怎么开始讲海豚了呢?海豚是干嘛的啊?听力原文:
So, basically all mammals and birds sleep. But there are some unusual ways of sleeping. Take marine mammals like dolphins. 【举例】Dolphins need to swim up for air once in a while, so they can’t completely shut off all movement and sensation. So their brain can't shut down completely. But dolphins get around this. How? Won’t they sleep one brain hemisphere at a time? Sleeping dolphins actually look like they’re just resting awake and occasionally swim up for air. 原文大意: 所以,大多数的哺乳动物和鸟类都需要睡眠。但是!还有一些不寻常的睡眠方式。以海洋生物——海豚为例。 海豚需要不时向上游呼吸氧气,所以他们无法做到睡觉时完全停止所有的动作和感知。所以他们的大脑也不会完全停止运转。但是海豚有办法应对这个问题,怎么做呢? 答案:睡着的海豚实际上看起来是醒着的,并且时不时的向上游去呼吸氧气。 这道题明显是一道细节题,以海豚为例,去研究并不常见的生物睡眠现象。我们能够识别出来的一些关键词有:unusual, take...like(以...为例) 例子的出现,给我们提供的最重要的暗示信息就是去研究example的功能/目的——描述部分不常见的睡眠方式。

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