GRE阅读Passage 32
Princessfish are a species of coral-reef fish that are captured alive by divers who first stun the individual fish by squirting a certain poison at them. Since the divers limit their catch to a few individuals and take care not to overfish, the divers’ continuing activities will clearly not result in serious harm to populations of princessfish.文章解析
1. Which of the following, if true, most seriously weaken the argument given? A. Princessfish cannot be captured alive by traditional methods of fishing. B. The poison used to stun the princessfish has no effect on humans who eat them. C. Demand for princessfish has remained steady during the last decade. D. Traces of the poison that remain in the seawater damage the Corals that create and maintain the reefs on which princessfish depend. E. Fish that have been stunned but have not been selected for capture by the divers soon recover from the temporary effect of the poison.白话版讲解:
问下列哪一个情况为真时,会最严重地削弱作者给出的论证? A“用一些传统的捕鱼方法抓Princessfish,就无法抓活的(只有diver那种下到水里去用毒液先喷晕的方法可以抓活的) ” B“用来毒晕Princessfish的毒液,不会对吃被毒晕过的Princessfish鱼的鱼肉的人产生毒性” C“最近十年,对Princessfish的需求一直保持稳定” D“(捕鱼过程中产生然后)残留在海水中的微量(traces)毒液毁坏了珊瑚(虫),珊瑚(虫)是负责创造和维持珊瑚礁的,而Princessfish要靠珊瑚礁才能生存” E“潜水员毒晕一群鱼以后,不是全部都抓,而是挑几只抓;没被抓走的那几条鱼很快会从晕眩中醒过来” 文章的论证逻辑是,因为潜水员在捕Princessfish的时候,会注意不过度捕,所以不会把Princessfish赶尽杀绝。(珊瑚虫很小,珊瑚是它们的外骨骼,珊瑚虫死去后,珊瑚会留下,随着时间的积累,珊瑚体积越来越大,就变成珊瑚礁。)Princessfish需要住在珊瑚礁里,离开珊瑚礁就无法存活。如果D选项为真,divers用毒液捕Princessfish时,尽管捕捉的数量并不多,但是捕捉时残留在海水中的毒液会毁坏Princessfish的房子(珊瑚礁),或伤害帮Princessfish修房子的珊瑚虫。(这就是动了别人的老窝了,就更狠了)那这样的话,Princessfish的种群还是会因为divers的捕鱼行为而受到严重的伤害。所以D选项的情况,如果为真,就会削弱文章的论证。所以D选项正确。 本题答案:DTD福利 & 领取方式
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