市面上流传的GRE阅读机经真题有三百多篇,同时又存在多种版本的答案和解析,有些疑难题目让考生不知道听谁的,还有些版本的解析像是用谷歌翻译把同题目和选项翻译了一下。TD GRE教研组认为,GRE阅读的解析,可以讲得再清楚一点。 GRE不光有技巧,不光有快速解题法,GRE更加考察大家的逻辑硬实力,文字理解实打实的深度。良好的GRE备考应当在课堂上向老师学习快速解题法,取同取反逻辑的同时,课下扎扎实实的读懂每一句话。读懂,是一切技巧使用的前提。皮之不存,毛将焉附? 有感于此,我们尝试用比较长的时间,原创一个解析,力求做到超详细,大白话,包你懂往期GRE阅读真题详细解析?:GRE阅读Passage 解析,今天继续为大家推出Passage 36长阅读解析,这篇阅读一共有5段,带4道题,TD版超详细「包你懂」系列对此篇文章进行了清楚地解析。

GRE阅读Passage 36

Astronomers have had difficulty accounting for certain planets discovered outside our solar system. They are called hot Jupiters because each is similar in mass to Jupiter, the largest solar-system planet, but orbits its parent star at a fraction of the distance at which Earth, let alone Jupiter, orbits the Sun. In the standard, solar-system-based theory of planetary formation, such a massive planet could not form so close to a star. So most attempts to explain a hot Jupiter’s existence envision it forming farther away, then migrating inward. According to one hypothesis, the planet’s gravitational field tugs on the protoplanetary disk of dust and gas from which it formed. The disk exerts its own gravitational tug, and this interplay of forces robs the planet of momentum in its orbital path, forcing it to spiral in toward the star. According to another hypothesis, the planet’s gravitational field is so strong that it creates a groove in the disk, partitioning it into inner and outer regions; the resulting gravitational interactions between the planet and these regions cause the planet to lose orbital momentum and spiral inward. Another question remains: what prevents the planet from continuing its spiral until it collides with the star?



Astronomers have had difficulty accounting for certain planets discovered outside our solar system. They are called hot Jupiters because each is similar in mass to Jupiter, the largest solar-system planet, but orbits its parent star at a fraction of the distance at which Earth, let alone Jupiter, orbits the Sun. In the standard, solar-system-based theory of planetary formation, such a massive planet could not form so close to a star. So most attempts to explain a hot Jupiter’s existence envision it forming farther away, then migrating inward. 白话版讲解: 一直以来,天文学家都解释不了一个现象:在我们的太阳系之外,发现了一些(有点奇怪的)行星。这些行星的质量都和太阳系中的木星相近,被称为“热的木星”。这些“热的木星”绕着其所在星系的恒星转,但是其距它们那个星系的恒星的距离,比地球和太阳的距离都要小很多,更不要说跟木星和太阳的距离比了。木星是太阳系中最大的行星,木星和太阳的距离也很远。之前,(人们)以太阳系的情况为基础,提出过一个关于行星如何形成的经典(standard)理论。这个经典理论认为,在距离恒星太近的地方,是不可能形成一个特别大的行星的。这些“热的木星”距离其所在星系的恒星非常近,所以不可能是在其现在所处位置形成的。那这些“热的木星”为什么会在现在的位置存在呢?大部分试图解释这个现象的尝试(所谓尝试,就是提出理论假说),都是说想象这些“热的木星”一开始是在距离其所在星系的恒星很远的地方形成的,然后向着靠近恒星的方向、向内慢慢移动到其现在所处的位置的。


According to one hypothesis, the planet’s gravitational field tugs on the protoplanetary disk of dust and gas from which it formed. The disk exerts its own gravitational tug, and this interplay of forces robs the planet of momentum in its orbital path, forcing it to spiral in toward the star. According to another hypothesis, the planet’s gravitational field is so strong that it creates a groove in the disk, partitioning it into inner and outer regions; the resulting gravitational interactions between the planet and these regions cause the planet to lose orbital momentum and spiral inward. Another question remains: what prevents the planet from continuing its spiral until it collides with the star? 白话版讲解: (第二自然段接着上文最后一句话的most attempts来介绍其中两个attempts,不过换了一个词,没用attempt,而用了hypothesis)。根据一个理论假说,“热的木星”的引力用力拉protoplanetary disk(由灰尘和气体组成)。(这里插了一句话,说,最早,“热的木星”就是从protoplanetary disk脱胎而出的)。而在“热的木星”拉protoplanetary disk的同时,protoplanetary disk也对“热的木星”施加吸引力,这种互相拉拽的作用使得“热的木星”失去了在其轨道上前进的动量,导致“热的木星”旋转着向恒星的方向靠近。根据另外一个理论假说,“热的木星”的引力非常强,以至于导致protoplanetary disk中出现了一道沟槽,把protoplanetary disk分成了内区和外区两个区。“热的木星”和protoplanetary disk两个区的互相引力作用,导致“热的木星”失去了在其轨道上前进的动量,导致“热的木星”旋转着向内、向恒星的方向靠近。(这两个理论假说其实差不多,略有区别)有一个问题,是这两个理论假说都回答不了的,那就是,为什么这些“热的木星”没有一直向恒星靠近,最后直到撞到恒星上去,而是在其现在所处的位置停下来了,不再向恒星靠近,重新在一个绕着恒星的轨道上稳定地运行起来了呢?


1. The author of the passage mentions “Earth” primarily in order to A. stress the massive size of a hot Jupiter. B. emphasize the proximity of a hot Jupiter to its parent star. C. imply that hot Jupiters are unlikely to harbor extraterrestrial life. D. point out differences between Earth and Jupiter with regard to their orbital distance from the Sun. E. illustrate how hot Jupiters might fit into the standard theory of planetary formation.


文章作者提到“地球”是为了……? 文章提到“地球”,是为了说明,“热的木星”,距它们那个星系的恒星的距离,比太阳系中国地球和太阳的距离都要小很多,更不要说跟太阳系中木星和太阳的距离比了。所以B选项正确。 本题答案:B 2. Which of the following elements is part of one but not both of the hypotheses discussed in the passage? A. an interplay of gravitational forces B. a loss of orbital momentum C. a protoplanetary disk composed of dust and gas D. a protoplanetary disk divided into two regions. E. the movement direction of hot Jupiters


文章提到了两个理论假说,下列哪个元素,是只有一个理论假说提到的? A选项:两个理论假说都提到了。 B选项:两个理论假说都提到了。 C选项:两个理论假说都提到了。 D选项:只有第二个理论假说提到。 E选项:两个理论假说都提到了。 本题答案:D 3. It can be inferred from the passage that the “attempts” share which of the following goals? A. to explain how a Jupiter-sized planet could form so close to its parent star B. to explain what prevents a hot Jupiter from colliding with its parent star C. to determine whether a hot Jupiter is formed from a protoplanetary disk of dust and gas D. to determine whether a hot Jupiter’s gravitational field is strong enough to create a groove in its protoplantary disk E. to account for hot Jupiters in a way that is not inconsistent with the standard theory of planetary formation.


文章提到了 根据文章可以推测,试图解释的常识有一个共同的目的是……? A“解释一个像木星那么大的行星怎么可能在距离其所在星系恒星那么近的地方形成” 多个理论假说,都是在承认不可能在那么近的地方形成的基础上,试图解释为什么那么近的地方现在会有一个那么大的行星(都是说在别的地方形成,然后慢慢移动到现在的地方),所以A错误。 B“解释是什么事情阻止了一个“热的木星”撞到恒星上去” 文章最后提到了这个问题,并没有接下去介绍试图解释这个问题的理论假说。 C“确定(搞清楚)“热的木星”(最早)到底是不是由一个满是dust和gas的protoplanetary disk形成的 ” 这个不是试图解决的问题。 D“确定(搞清楚)一个“热的木星”的引力是否强大到可以让protoplantary disk产生一道沟槽” 这个只是第二个理论假说试图搞清楚的问题。 E“以一种和经典行星形成理论不冲突的方式解释“热的木星”为什么现在会在离恒星这么近的地方存在” 经典行星形成理论认为,不可能再太近的地方形成。于是大家也顺着这个理论解释,说,是不可能,不是在这么近的地方形成的,是现在很远的地方形成的,然后慢慢移动到这么近的地方来的。 本题答案:E  

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