市面上流传的GRE阅读机经真题有三百多篇,同时又存在多种版本的答案和解析,有些疑难题目让考生不知道听谁的,还有些版本的解析像是用谷歌翻译把同题目和选项翻译了一下。TD GRE教研组认为,GRE阅读的解析,可以讲得再清楚一点。 GRE不光有技巧,不光有快速解题法,GRE更加考察大家的逻辑硬实力,文字理解实打实的深度。良好的GRE备考应当在课堂上向老师学习快速解题法,取同取反逻辑的同时,课下扎扎实实的读懂每一句话。读懂,是一切技巧使用的前提。皮之不存,毛将焉附? 有感于此,我们尝试用比较长的时间,原创一个解析,力求做到超详细,大白话,包你懂往期GRE阅读真题详细解析?:GRE阅读Passage 解析,今天继续为大家推出GRE Passage 44 解析,TD版超详细「包你懂」系列对此篇文章进行了清楚地解析。

GRE阅读真题 Passage 44

Exotic insect pests can produce both short and long-term effects on forest ecosystems. Short- term effects include the disturbances directly associated with the action of the pest, which may cause the defoliation, loss of vigor, or death of trees. Long-term effects are primarily mediated by changes in tree species composition and the consequent alterations of forest structure, productivity, and nutrient uptake. Exotic pests are more efficient than most abiotic disturbances (e.g., fire or wind) at producing long-term changes in species composition. Pests often target specific tree species and, if they become established, they usually remain as permanent components of the ecosystem. Shifts in forest species composition ramify through the ecosystem in many ways because tree species have different, often unique properties.



Exotic insect pests can produce both short and long-term effects on forest ecosystems. Short- term effects include the disturbances directly associated with the action of the pest, which may cause the defoliation, loss of vigor, or death of trees. Long-term effects are primarily mediated by changes in tree species composition and the consequent alterations of forest structure, productivity, and nutrient uptake. 白话版讲解: 外来的昆虫害虫对森林生态系统,既会带来短期影响,也会带来长期影响。短期影响包括一些和昆虫的活动直接相关的紊乱(disturbances),比如会导致一些树掉叶子、变得不强健,或死亡等等。长期影响则通过以下情况来实现:树林中不同树种的占比发生改变、整个森林繁殖力和营养摄入量的改变。


Exotic pests are more efficient than most abiotic disturbances (e.g., fire or wind) at producing long-term changes in species composition. Pests often target specific tree species and, if they become established, they usually remain as permanent components of the ecosystem. 白话版讲解: 要说让树林中不同树种的占比发生改变,外来的昆虫害虫比大部分非生物源干扰(如火灾或暴风灾害),还要更高效更厉害。这有两个原因,一是因为害虫精准瞄准某几种树种,而火灾或暴风灾害是对所有树都产生相同伤害(精准打击某几种树跟普遍打击所有树比起来,当然更容易造成树种占比发生改变)。二是因为害虫一旦在一个森林里站稳脚跟、存活下来(become established),就会成为该森林生态里的一个永久的成员,持续打击某几种树,而火灾或暴风灾害为害的时间是比较短暂的(抓住几种树长时间打击,当然比短时间打击所有树,更容易造成树种占比发生改变)。 注解:species这个单词是单复数同形的。我们可以推断出target specific tree species中的species是复数,只特定的几种树。因为如果这里的species是单数,就应该有冠词。 mediate vt. 引起,形成 bring about (a result such as a physiological effect)


Shifts in forest species composition ramify through the ecosystem in many ways because tree species have different, often unique properties. 白话版讲解: 我们把文章最后一句话当文章的一个部分,是因为这句话和文章第二部分说的是两个不同的问题。文章第二部分是在说,昆虫在让树种占比发生变化这件事上比火灾、风灾还厉害。而文章第三部分是说,同样的昆虫进入不同的森林,都会引起树种占比发生变化(shift)。但是这些shifts还会以各种方式ramify,就是说shift和shift还不一样。为什么呢,因为不同的树种,具有不同的独特的特性。这句话是比较难看懂的,如果看不懂,第二题就容易做错。下面我们来举例。有一种昆虫对松树、柏树、银杏都有害,就是说这一种昆虫会target这三种树。而松树的properties让它一遇到这种昆虫很快就会死光,柏树稍微有点抵抗力,会死一半,银杏呢,抵抗力很强,会死大概五分之一。由于不同的森林中,原有的不同树种的占比是不同的,所以同一种昆虫进入不同的森林,最后引起的树林中中发生的树种占比变化是不同的。这个就叫shift会ramify,in many ways。 注解:请注意ramify through不是固定搭配,不要放在一起看,要拆开来看,ramify在这里就是一个普通的不及物动词。through应该跟着后面的the ecosystem放在一起看。through的意思是“遍布”over the whole surface or extent of;in every part of”,和throughout是一个意思。 例句:Homes scattered through the valley。山谷里到处散布着房屋。 ramify vi. & vt. 分枝、分成多个支路;使分支,成为枝桠状(to spread and develop many parts or branches, or to make something do this) 例句:An elaborate system of canals was built, leading away from the Thames and ramifying throughout the UK.建立了一个精心设计的运河系统,从泰晤士河引出,呈枝桠状向英国各地延伸。


Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply. 1. The passage mentions which of the following as effects of exotic pests on forest ecosystems? A. decreased vitality in trees B. defoliation of trees C. changes in forest structure


问外来害虫对森林生态系统会有什么影响? 题干中只说了effects,所以这里的effects是短期影响和长期影响都包括。根据文章第一部分,ABC都正确。 本题答案:ABC 2. The author of the passage mentions the “unique properties” of tree species primarily in order to help explain A. why pests tend to target specific tree species. B. why pests can have long-term effects on entire ecosystems. C. how pests contribute to shifts in forest species composition.. D. how pests are able to become established in an ecosystem E. how some tree species are able to withstand the effects of pests.


问作者提到各种树有自己“独特的特性”,主要是为了帮助解释什么? 各种树有自己“独特的特性”,这件事本身并不会造成树种占比发生改变。这件事还要加上外来的害虫来了这件事,才会导致树种占比发生改变。其作用原理是,各种树的“独特的特性”使它们对虫害会有不同的反应,受到不同的伤害。有的树受害大,死光了,有的树受害小,还有的树基本上不受害,这才导致树种占比发生改变。所以作者提到各种树有自己“独特的特性”,仍然是在讲害虫是怎样引起树种占比发生改变,是在help explain 这个过程是怎么样的(how)。 这道题很多同学想选B,认为ramify through the ecosystem可以对应on entire ecosystems。请注意本题题干所问的实际是全文最后一句话的修辞功能,而不是问全文的修辞功能,也不是问文章别的部分的修辞功能。全文最后一句话,不是想说,“我告诉你们啊,害虫不是对部分ecosystems产生影响,也不是产生短期影响,而是对整个ecosystems,产生长期影响。” 所以B选项错误。 本题答案:C


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