GRE阅读真题解析Passage 45
For centuries, oak was the wood of choice for European shipbuilders. However, toward the end of the eighteenth century, as British oak supplies grew scarce, shipbuilders there turned to teak and found in it an ideal substitute. Other woods expand and contract at different rates than oak, so repairs to oak ships done with those woods split or leak. Only teak matches oak’s expansion coefficient and stays watertight. It is unmatched in its resistance to rot and pests, and its oils even protect nails against corrosion. Moreover, it was one of two important tropical hardwoods (with Central American mahogany) that dried light enough to float downriver—the only way to transport timber in quantity from the inland jungles where it grew.文章解析
For centuries, oak was the wood of choice for European shipbuilders. However, toward the end of the eighteenth century, as British oak supplies grew scarce, shipbuilders there turned to teak and found in it an ideal substitute. Other woods expand and contract at different rates than oak, so repairs to oak ships done with those woods split or leak. Only teak matches oak’s expansion coefficient and stays watertight. 白话版讲解: 过去曾经有几个世纪的时间,欧洲(大陆的)造船商造船的首选(of choice)木料,都是橡木。但是,到了十八世纪末的时候,从英国进口的橡木供应变得很稀少了,造船商就转而用柚木,发现柚木是橡木的一种理想替代品。如果不是用柚木,用其他树种的木材来替代橡木,会有什么问题呢?其他树种的木材,遇热越冷遇干燥遇潮湿时,膨胀率和收缩率和橡木不同。所以橡木的船体破了一块,用另一种树种的木材去补,补好了,过一段时间比如个把月,遇到温度湿度改变,补的地方自己就会裂开或者漏。用柚木补,就没这个问题。柚木的膨胀和收缩系数和橡木一样,遇到温度湿度改变,补的地方也不会漏,不会导致船进水。第二部分:
It is unmatched in its resistance to rot and pests, and its oils even protect nails against corrosion. Moreover, it was one of two important tropical hardwoods (with Central American mahogany) that dried light enough to float downriver—the only way to transport timber in quantity from the inland jungles where it grew. 白话版讲解: 柚木还有一个优点,其防腐蚀性和防虫能力,没有其他木料可以和它媲美。柚木油还可以防止钉子生锈。柚木还有第三个优点,就是可以在水上漂着运输。有两种重要的热带产硬木,是风干后重量轻到可以漂在河面顺流而下的(这是将生长在内陆丛林地区的柚木批量运出来的唯一方法)。一种是产于中美洲的mahogany树,另一种就是柚木。题目解析
Consider each of the choices separately and select all that apply. 1. It can be inferred from the passage that an advantage of teak over mahogany is that teak is A. more compatible with the materials in existing ships. B. less susceptible to rot and pests. C. available in greater quantities in inland jungles.白话版讲解:
问根据文章,柚木跟mahogany比起来,有什么优点? 因为文章第一部分说了只有柚木补橡木船,不会裂和漏,所以选项A正确。 又因为文章第一部分说了柚木在防腐蚀和防虫方面是unmatched,所以B选项正确。 文章没有说teak的数量比mahogany的数量多,所以C选项错误。 本题答案:B 2. In the context in which it appears, ‘turned to” most nearly means A. rotated. B. resorted to. C. deflected from. D. reverted to. E. revolved around.白话版讲解:
词汇题,问“turn to”在文章中是什么意思? 根据上下文,文章中的意思是本来用橡木造船,后来橡木不够了,只能用柚木来替代。B选项的意思和文章中turn to sth的意思接近。所以选B。 resort to sth (别无办法的情况下)诉诸,依靠,采用 to do something that you do not want to do because you cannot find any other way of achieving something 例句:I had to resort to violence/threats to get my money. 为了拿到我的钱,我被迫诉诸暴力/采取威胁的手段。 [ + -ing verb ] When she didn't answer the phone, I resorted to calling up to her from the street. 她不接我的电话,我没有办法,只好站在街上对她大喊。 选项ACE明显错误。 D选项revert to sth的意思是“回到,恢复,重提(不好的或令人不满意的事情)” to return to doing, using, being, or referring to something, usually something bad or less satisfactory 例句:Why does the conversation have to revert to money every five minutes? 为什么话题每5分钟就会回到钱上去? [ + -ing verb ] When they divorced, she reverted to using her maiden name. 他们离婚后,她恢复使用自己的娘家姓。 本题答案:B文章作者
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