“我TPO都刷完了,怎么成绩还这样啊!” “我每天都会花时间做听写、跟读”
所以今天我们就以托福听力学科为例,好好聊一聊为什么你的TPO“练了和没练一样”。 要想提分,首先你要弄清楚托福听力到底考的是什么,我们来看看官方指南(OG)给了我们哪些明确的指导: 一、对于听力内容基础理解: • 文章的主旨; • 主要观点; •(与主旨有关的)重要细节; 二、听力的实用理解 • 把握speaker的语气、态度 • 理解特殊信息的功能,比如例子的目的 三、信息的联系和整合 • 识别信息的结构和组织; • 理解信息之间的逻辑关系; • 根据原文信息进行推断,做更深层次理解; • 将讲座或对话中的信息连接起来; 所以很明显,很多同学练了这么多套TPO,甚至将TPO从头到尾刷了个三四遍,仍旧没有提升的主要原因在于——你不会练习。 听力考试不仅仅只是在考你对文章内容的理解,更多的是在于你能否听懂结构、能否理解speaker的真正意图、能否把握信息之间的练习。 只有当我们意识到这些考点的时候,再来进行练习,那你的TPO才是真的有效。 而TPO难度整体与真题较为接近,且文章结构、考点也很容易把握,当真题资源有限时,或者对于基础仍需提高的同学而言,TPO都无疑是一个高效的练习材料。 除此之外,还有一个同学们频频投身的误区——一套一套的无差别刷题! 这点其实之前我跟很多同学都强调过,光靠刷题,积攒的只有练习量,而没有做题能力。 所以,选择好对应自己情况的题目进行有差别练习,就显得格外重要。 比如,当你感觉自己对于生物类lecture的把握存在较大问题,你就可以根据如图分类表的指导,进行选择性的练习。接下来,我们就以一篇生物类话题的讲座为例,来一探究竟。


Listen to part of a lecture in a biology class. Female Professor: Well, it's finally looking like spring is arriving—the last of the winter snow will be melting away in a few days. So before we close today, I thought I'd mention, uh, a biological event that's part of the transition from winter to spring…something you can go outside and watch, if you have some patience. There's a small creature that lives in this area—you've probably seen it: it's the North American wood frog… Now the wood frog’s not that easy to spot, since it stays pretty close to the ground, under leaves and things, and it blends in really well with its background, as you can see. But they’re worth the effort because they do something very unusual—something you might not have even thought possible…OK, North American wood frogs live over a very broad territory, or range —they're found all over the northeastern United States, and all through Canada and Alaska—even inside the Arctic Circle. No other frog is able to live that far north. But wherever they live, once the weather starts to turn cold, and the temperatures start to drop below freezing—as soon as the frog even touches an ice crystal or a bit of frozen ground…well, it begins to freeze. Yes, Jimmy? You look a bit taken aback… 我们看到开头这两段,教授一直沉浸在对North American wood frogs的介绍。对于lecture的文章结构判断,确实需要靠听完全篇再进行总结和分析,但文章开头也是非常重要的一部分。 当我们听到介绍frog,就可以先暂时假设这是一篇描述定义类的文章 但同学们要注意的是,在开头部分的后半段,其实引出了这篇讲座教授真正要介绍的内容——气候对frog的影响。所以接下来文章的重点很可能转移到对frog产生影响的weather的介绍。 我们先来看第一题,主旨题: What is the main purpose of the lecture?
A. To explain the biological advantages of a physical change that occurs in North American wood frogs B. To explain why the North American wood frog's habitat range has expanded C. To describe the functioning of the circulatory system of the North American wood frog D. To introduce students to an unusual phenomenon affecting North American wood frogs
主旨题要听完全篇再进行判断,但这里,我们也可以通过开头这两段的信息,排除掉一些错误选项,比如A和B,这两个选项很明显属于问题解决式结构。 再看C选项,该选项在强调的是对frog体内血液循环系统的介绍。 而D,向我们介绍了一种对于frog有影响的自然现象。答案也就很明显了。 我们再来补充一道题: Why does the professor first mention the arrival of spring?
A. To encourage students to look for thawing wood frogs B. To point out the time period when frogs begin mating C. To explain why the class will soon be doing experiments with wood frogs D. To emphasize the speed of the thawing process
这道题对应的原文内容出现在了文章开篇第一句话:Well, it's finally looking like spring is arriving—the last of the winter snow will be melting away in a few days. 通常情况下,问你speaker说这句话/提到该信息的原因,其实就是在让我们去深究speaker的根本目的以及该信息在文章中的功能。 Well, it's finally looking like spring is arriving—the last of the winter snow will be melting away in a few days. So before we close today, I thought I'd mention, uh, a biological event that's part of the transition from winter to spring…something you can go outside and watch, if you have some patience. There's a small creature that lives in this area—you've probably seen it: it's the North American wood frog… 所以对应原文,我们可以看到,春天到来的时候,冰雪融化。如果我们有足够的耐心,到野外你会发现—— North American wood frog 因此spring arrival在文章中的主要功能就是帮助我们发现融雪之下的frog。 答案选A。 通过这两道题,我们可以看到,虽然TPO整体难度可能略低于真题,但是它的文章结构以及常见的考点其实和真正的听力考试是一致的。 所以除了要能够听懂之外,我们还要做到把握文章结构、体会speaker态度以及理解重要细节的功能等等。



除此之外,我们特意为大家准备了两份托福备考福利,分别是: 1、TPO听力、阅读两类学科的难度分类表和学科分类表;针对不同阶段的同学给出更加明确的练习指导。如下图: 2、2020年,TD以极大的诚意重新升级了「托福备考干货群」,所有资料可入群无条件获取。我们在往年托福资料的基础上再做了更新和升级,包括更多资料,覆盖更多细节知识点,希望能够以此帮助各位考生更好的备考托福。 同时,TD将持续在社群内更新最新托福考试讯息,发布和举行不定期的福利活动,有干货,有陪伴,有进步,让你的备考之路不再孤独前行。 部分备考资料 持续更新中




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