主题:预订酒店 题型:填空 参考答案: 1. garden lounge 2. room available: double room 3. basic price: 10.25 dollars 4. gym: adults only 5. include salads 6. all prices include coffee 7. name: Mandy Stannington 8. sunset lounge 9. check out time: 1.30 10. telephone number: 945215733SECTION 2
主题:海豹 题型:地图+选择 参考答案: 11-12. what will participants receive when they check in? A. a class list D. shoe bag 13-14. what arrangement in the first afternoon and evening? C. an informal dance D. talk about dance background/history 15. bathroom: C 16. bunkroom: E 17. medical center: D 18. music hall: F 19. game room: I 20. reception: BSECTION 3
主题:presentation讨论 题型:匹配+填空+多选 参考答案: 21. Assignment introduction: C. fully prepared 22. body structure: D. use existing overview version 23. methods technology: B too long 24. conclusion: A. need more examples 25. woman wants to set a listening task for presentation 26. man: speakers can be divided to discuss as a group 27. practice taking notes 28-30. What should be put emphasis on presentation’s conclusion? C. chatting room E. improve computer skills G. global accessSECTION 4
主题:沙漠中建造城市 题型:填空 参考答案: 31. orientation-desert needs wind shade 32. electricity 33. take a shower 34. use electric cars without a driver when people get around 35. use glass mirrors to collect solar power 36. large umbrella is shaped like a flower 37. use ash, concrete with acid to the building exterior 38. There is a park in the center of the city 39. fountain 40. lowest carbon emission2021年3月27日雅思阅读真题及答案
Passage 1
主题:种树 题型:填空+ 判断Passage 2
主题:如何吸引人才 题型:匹配+判断+填空Passage 3
主题:Musical Maladies 题型:选择+判断+匹配2021年3月27日雅思写作真题及答案
Task 1
柱状图 3个欧洲国家以及男女之间的full time 和 part time工作时间对比Task 2
Health experts claim that walking is the best exercise. However, people are walking less on a daily basis. What has made this happen and how to deal with it?雅思备考资料
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