GRE阅读真题Passage 48
When studying shrimp feeding from hydro-thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, biologists were surprised that the shrimps’ reproductive cycles followed seasonal patterns. Far beyond the reach of sunlight, and with food abundant around the vents all year round, why should such animals reproduce seasonally? The answer might involve their offspring, which in their larval form drift in the currents to colonize new vents. The larvae must feed during their trip, and their springtime release coincides with a peak in algae raining down from surface waters. So far, researchers have found no evidence of seasonal breeding among vent-dwelling species that provide their offspring with yolk to sustain them or among vent-dwelling species found in areas of the ocean with not seasonal algae blooms.文章解析
When studying shrimp feeding from hydro-thermal vents at the bottom of the ocean, biologists were surprised that the shrimps’ reproductive cycles followed seasonal patterns. Far beyond the reach of sunlight, and with food abundant around the vents all year round, why should such animals reproduce seasonally? 白话版讲解: 生物学家在研究从海底从hydro-thermal孔(可以理解为地热温泉孔)中找食物的虾的时候,发现了一件让他们惊讶的事。这个事就是,这些虾的生殖周期居然也是和季节变化相关的。(陆地上和海洋表面的动物,其生殖周期和季节变化是相关的,这个好理解。这些动物一般在春天交配产仔,是因为春天气候暖和,生下来幼崽来以后又正好是赶上夏天秋天,食物丰富。秋天交配产仔就不行,生下幼崽来容易冻死,食物也不够吃)。但是这些在海底生活的虾的情况不同。海底是一年四季见不到阳光的,另外hydro-thermal孔中一年四季都会喷出来丰富的食物,也就是说在海底,春夏秋冬,温度是一样的,食物资源也是一样的,所以在海底生活的虾不用非得春天交配产仔。但是观察到的实际情况是,这些虾也是在春天交配产仔的,这是为什么呢?第二部分:
The answer might involve their offspring, which in their larval form drift in the currents to colonize new vents. The larvae must feed during their trip, and their springtime release coincides with a peak in algae raining down from surface waters. So far, researchers have found no evidence of seasonal breeding among vent-dwelling species that provide their offspring with yolk to sustain them or among vent-dwelling species found in areas of the ocean with not seasonal algae blooms. 白话版讲解: 原因可能出在这些虾的幼虫身上。这些幼虫出生后,先要在水流中漂着漂(一段路程),去找新的vents定居。在这一段路程中,它们还没有到达vents,所以吃不到vents喷出来的食物。那它们也得吃东西啊,就得吃海藻。什么时候水里面有海藻吃呢?平时也有,但是不多,每年春天,从水面沉到海底去的海藻最多。所以,虾才选择海藻最多的时候产仔。而且,到目前为止,研究人员发现,(和本文提到的虾一样)在海底靠vents生活的其他动物中,有些动物的生殖周期是和季节变化无关的(这些动物不一定在春天产仔)。哪些不一定在春天产仔呢?两种。一种是生下来以后,父母提供了有卵黄,幼崽可以靠吃卵黄生活的。一种是在其生活的海域,并没有“海藻在某一个特定季节数量很多的,其他季节就不多”这种情况的。题目解析
1. Which of the following best describes the function of the highlighted sentence? A. It casts doubt on the accuracy of earlier observations of seasonal breeding among shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents. B. It undermines the explanation proposed for seasonal breeding among some shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents. C. It suggests that alternative theories are needed to explain seasonal breeding among shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents. D. It describes the survival benefits to shrimp of mating in parts of the ocean where algae blooms rain down abundantly. E. It supports the explanation proffered for the seasonal breeding observed among some shrimp species living near hydro-thermal vents.白话版讲解:
问高亮突出显示那句话,其作用是什么? 对“生活在毫无阳光、食物来源总是很丰富的海底的虾,它们为什么选择在春天产仔?”这个问题,文章给出了解释。 文章给出的解释是,虾为了让自己的幼虫有最多的海藻吃,所以才选择在春天产仔。虾为什么要这样做呢,虾的幼虫不是出生在vents边上的,而是要自己漂一段路才能到vents边上。也就是说,有一段路程,幼虫除了海藻没有别的任何东西吃。二是虾生活的海域,春天的海藻最多,所以虾是迫不得已,选择在春天产仔。反过来说,如果虾能够给自己的幼虫一种海藻以外其他食物来源(比如yolk),或者海藻不是春天最多,它们就不会选择在春天产仔。 高亮突出显示的那句话,是说:研究人员确实发现,其他一些生存环境和虾类似的动物,确实是只要幼虫有其他食物来源,或者海藻哪个季节都一样,就并不是只在春天产仔。处境基本相同,其他一些动物有别的选择,虾呢,别无选择。 所以这句话,这是在支持文章的解释。所以E选项正确。 本题答案:E文章作者
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