很多同学在写独立写作的时候都会有文章读起来并不连贯的问题,笔者在批改学员文章的时候,有时需要反复揣摩文章内容。然鹅在正式考试中,考官在阅卷过程中恨不得一目十行,哪有时间一步一回头地去理解你的文章到底想表达什么,如果不能easy to follow,那你的文章多半是凶多吉少了。 如何用最简单的方法让文章富有连贯性?——使用transitions作为句间的粘合剂,逻辑连接词作为句与句之间的桥梁使读者可以不费多大脑力就可以跟上文章的逻辑脉络。
在上一期文章中我们主要讲了「giving a result」这一组表结果的逻辑连接词的具体用法和注意事项,错过的同学可以戳链接浏览哦!?: 托福写作高分秘诀:英语写作常见连接词有哪些?如何正确使用逻辑连接词,使句子具有连贯性?-托福高分写作技巧 今天我们重点来学习「Adding Information」这一组逻辑词的用法。

什么是adding information

在我有了一个明确的观点时,我可能会先列出第一个支持观点的理由,然后,当我想提出另外一个理由时,会在这个理由前加上表递进或者并列关系的逻辑词去给出更多的信息。 常见的逻辑词有:
Furthermore Also Too As well as that Along with Besides In addition Moreover …
这一组逻辑词是最容易让同学们头脑发昏的,甚至很多同学会认为这组词的意思是相同的,且可以随意替换。很多同学在写文章的时候为了体现出用词的变化,把这几组词混用,但实际上,它们看似和and, also相近,但含义上却有着细微差别。今天我们着重讲下 同学们最常使用的furthermore, moreover, besides的区别。


Furthermore的用法是:在我有了一个明确的观点时,我可能会先列出第一个支持观点的理由,然后,当我想提出另外一个理由时,会在这个理由前加上furthermore,看似它的用法和and, also相近,但其实它并不是表示单纯的并列关系,而更多带有着递进的含义,即对前一句的支持和补充说明。就好比你有一条明确的推理路线,只是在用额外的理由使路线推进下去,而不是分支出其它路线。
举个?: 我喜欢画画,我也喜欢游泳。这句话中的画画和游泳虽然都是爱好,但喜欢游泳并不是对前一句的进一步解释,只是单纯表示我并不只是喜欢画画。所以这时可以用and 或者also连接 I like painting and swimming 或 I like painting. I also like swimming. 相反,如果我说我喜欢画画,我也看画展。这个时候我们可以用furthermore加在两句中间,因为是基于喜欢画画,才看画展,两句有着明显的递进关系。I like painting. Furthermore, I like visiting art gallery. 让我们进入到实战演练,来看一道独立写作题目的范例: Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Sometimes it is better to be dishonest with people than to always tell them the truth. 立场:同意 观点:First of all, telling small lies can sometimes motivate the people we care about to excel. 理由:Humans are very competitive. Furthermore, they want to be the best at whatever task they have been assigned. they want to be the best at whatever task they have been assigned他们想成为佼佼者是对前一句人们有竞争意识的进一步补充说明,因此用furthermore是比较合适的。


来做一道小练习: I don’t like Rufus the dog. He’s disobedient.( ) Julie doesn’t like Rufus the dog, either. 同学们可以思考一下?,括号内应该放入哪个逻辑词呢? A) Furthermore B) Moreover 中间如果插入的是furthermore, 很明显它后面的句子应该是对上一句的补充。然而根据下一句句意可以看出,Julie也不喜欢这只狗,这是两个不同的人对这只狗的集体控诉,最终想证明的观点可能是这只狗确实很惹人厌。因此,括号内应该填入Moreover。
再来看下moreover在独立写作中的应用: Some people prefer to eat meals at restaurants, while others like to prepare and eat food in their own home. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer. 立场:在家吃 主体段: 观点:Secondly, everyone knows that restaurants are incredibly expensive. 理由:I do not blame restaurant owners for this because I know they must pay a lot for labor, real estate and utilities, but it is true that a meal that might cost five dollars to prepare at home will cost ten times that amount when served to me at a restaurant. Moreover, my country has a tipping culture, which adds increased costs every time I eat out. 这一段针对去餐厅吃饭贵了两个不同类型的理由:第一个理由是和在家吃饭进行了价格上的对比;第二个理由是小费文化,更是增加了在外吃饭的费用,因此用moreover作为连接词是最合适的。


besides是一段论证即将结束的信号,它适用于的情况是当你已经给出了比较充分的理由来支持你的观点,但又脑中灵光一闪,想出了额外的理由给该段论证画上句号。所以一般情况下,besides通常放在段落的末尾。 比如,He won’t get the job in Paris – he doesn’t have enough qualifications;moreover, he can’t speak French. Besides, the interviewer doesn’t like him. 他没有得到那份工作。原因是他没有足够的资质并且不会说法语。哦对了,面试官也并不喜欢他。因此,最后一句面试官不喜欢他是说话人在即将结束对话时额外想到的理由。 让我们再来感受下besides在独立写作中的应用: At some universities, students take part in making decisions about the issue that affect the daily life of everybody on campus, such as how many hours the libraries should be open for each day or what kind of food should be surfed in a cafeteria. But as some universities, experts are hired to make these decisions, students almost never involved. What approach do you prefer and Why? 立场:应该让学生做决策 主体段: 观点:Finally, some of the school administrators offer the job of decision-making to experts because they are afraid of students spending school’s funds in an irrational way. Here, I say that their worries are uncalled for. 理由:Students are a group with large numbers of people; Irrational people certainly exist among them, but through voting and discussing, the entire group will draw a conclusion that represents the wishes of the majority. Besides, the number of experts the school hired is relatively small, leading to a higher rate of mistake-making. 当提出第一个理由:学生群体可以通过投票得出有代表性的建议之后,又在段落的末尾补充了一个新想到的理由:专家只是少数人,可能会导致错误的决定。 以上内容就是「adding information」这一组逻辑词的具体使用说明,在实际的托福写作当中并没有特别严格的区分要求,但为了保证文章的连贯和逻辑的缜密,我们还是需要做到正确使用的




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