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GRE阅读真题 Passage 55

Some historians have recently challenged the “party period paradigm,” the view, advanced by McCormick and others, that political parties—especially the two major parties—in the United States between the years 1835 and 1900 evoked extraordinary loyalty from voters and dominated political life. Voss-Hubbard cites the frequency of third- party eruptions during the period as evidence of popular antipathy to the two-party regime. He correctly credits third parties with helping generate the nineteenth century’s historically high rates of voter turnout by forcing major parties to bolster supporters’ allegiance, lest minor parties siphon off their votes, and with pushing policy demands that the major parties ignored. Formisano stresses the pervasive record of nonpartisan and anti-party governance at the local level, and women’ s frequent participation in nineteenth-century public life, prior to their enfranchisement, in nonpartisan and antiparty ways as evidence of the limitations of the party period paradigm. Yet McCormick would deny that the existence of antiparty sentiment during the period undermined the paradigm, since he has always acknowledged the residual strength of such sentiment during the nineteenth century. In any case, the strength of the paradigm is its comparative thrust: the contrast it draws between the period in question and earlier and later political eras.



Some historians have recently challenged the “party period paradigm,” the view, advanced by McCormick and others, that political parties—especially the two major parties—in the United States between the years 1835 and 1900 evoked extraordinary loyalty from voters and dominated political life. 白话版讲解: McCormick和其他一些学者提出过一个叫“党时代范式”的理论,这个理论认为,在1835年到1900年之间,美国的几个政党(尤其是两个大党),使得选民对它们特别忠诚,在美国的政治生活中占据了支配性地位。最近有另外一些历史学家,对“党时代范式”提出了质疑。


Voss-Hubbard cites the frequency of third- party eruptions during the period as evidence of popular antipathy to the two-party regime. He correctly credits third parties with helping generate the nineteenth century’s historically high rates of voter turnout by forcing major parties to bolster supporters’ allegiance, lest minor parties siphon off their votes, and with pushing policy demands that the major parties ignored. 白话版讲解: Voss-Hubbard提到,在1835年到1900年这个时间段,美国政坛其实经常冒出来(拿到蛮多选票)的第三党,认为这表明,其实在这个时间段,民众对两大党不是像“党时代范式”理论说的那么忠诚,民众对两党体制的反感和厌恶也蛮普遍的。他认为,19世纪之所以出现了整个历史上较高的投票率,就是因为时不时冒出来一个(有一定影响力)的第三党起了作用。这些小党的出现导致两大党因为怕被这些小党搞走选民,不得不想办法加强本来支持它们的选民的忠诚。也正是这些时不时冒出来的小党,推动了一些政策需求的出现,这些需求是之前两大党都忽视了的。Voss-Hubbard的这一观点是正确的。


Formisano stresses the pervasive record of nonpartisan and anti-party governance at the local level, and women’ s frequent participation in nineteenth-century public life, prior to their enfranchisement, in nonpartisan and antiparty ways as evidence of the limitations of the party period paradigm. 白话版讲解: Formisano的观点是:“党时代范式”这个理论存在很多弱点。他强调了几个现象,当成是自己观点的证据。一是存在很多记录,表明在1835年到1900年这个时间段,美国很多地方实行的是不偏袒某一党、不被某一党控制的治理,或反对任何政党、主张无政党的治理。二是存在很多记录,在女性获得选举权之前,女性就也以不偏袒某一党或反对任何政党、主张无政党的方式经常参与19世纪的公共生活了。


Yet McCormick would deny that the existence of antiparty sentiment during the period undermined the paradigm, since he has always acknowledged the residual strength of such sentiment during the nineteenth century. In any case, the strength of the paradigm is its comparative thrust: the contrast it draws between the period in question and earlier and later political eras. 白话版讲解: McCormick一直都承认,19世纪“反对任何政党、主张无政党”那种观点至今有残留影响。(也就是说,McCormick并没有忽视这个现象,他是知道这个现象的)。所以他肯定会否认,19世纪存在“反对任何政党、主张无政党”观点这么一种现象,就会削弱他提出的“党时代范式”理论。无论其他情况怎样,“党时代范式”这个理论的优点在于其“侧重于比较不同时代情况”这一要旨(comparative thrust),即指出了1835年到1900年这个时间段(的美国政坛情况),和之前的时间段及之后的时间段(的美国政坛情况),都形成了反差。 注解:
  • siphon off(尤指非法或不公正地)抽取,抽调 draw off or transfer over a period of time, especially illegally or unfairly 例句:He's been siphoning money off the firm.他一直从公司抽取钱款。
  • thrust n. 要旨;显著、最基本的因素或意义 salient or essential element or meaning;the main idea, subject, or opinion that is discussed or written about 例句:The main thrust of her argument was that women are compromised by the demands of childcare.她的主要论点是妇女被需要照看孩子这个事的拖累。 in any case 无论其他情况怎样 without regard to or in spite of other considerations : whatever else is done or is the case 例句:In any case the report will be made public next month.不管其他情况怎样,反正那个报告下个月将会向公众公布。
  • sb/sth in question正被谈论的…,讨论中的… the person or thing that is being discussed 例句:I stayed at home on the night in question. 那个晚上我在家里呆着没出去。


1. The primary purpose of the passage is to A. correct a common misconception about a historical period. B. identify a feature of a historical period that has often been overlooked. C. challenge the validity of evidence used to support a claim. D. discuss certain challenges to a particular view. E. account for a particular feature of a historical period. 白话版讲解: 问全文的修辞功能。 A“纠正一个普遍存在的对一个历史时期的错误印象” 文章不是想纠正一个错误印象。 B“指明一个历史时期的一个特征,这个特征迄今为止经常被忽略” 文章不是为了指明一个被忽略的特征。 C“对用来支持一个断言的证据的真实性提出质疑” 文章没有质疑证据的真实性。 D“讨论对一个具体观点提出的某些质疑” 符合文章内容,其中a particular view指McCormick提出的party period paradigm,certain challenges指Voss-Hubbard 和Formisano提出的质疑。所以D选项正确。 E“解释一个历史时期的一个具体特征” 文章的目的不是解释某个特征。 本题答案:D 2. Select the sentence in the passage that describes how a historian might reply to attempts to call his theory into question. 白话版讲解: 题干中的a historian指McCormick。质疑他的理论的人认为,19世纪存在“反对任何政党、主张无政党”观点这么一种现象,就会削弱McCormick提出的“党时代范式”理论。而McCormick认为不会削弱。 本题答案: 3. In the context in which it appears, “evoked” most nearly means A. elicited. B. recalled. C. cited. D. suggested. E. elaborated.


evoke 的意思是“引起(反应)”(elicit a response) 例句:The book evoked critical reactions from various bodies.那本书引起了各种机构的批评。 elicit的意思是“引出;探出反应,回答,事实”(evoke or draw out a response, answer, or fact from someone in reaction to one's own actions or questions) 例句:Taboos can elicit quite violent reactions if they are broken.禁忌如果被打破,就可能会引起非常强烈的反应。 选项中elicit的意思接近。所以A选项正确。 请注意E选项elaborate的意思是“详尽阐述(理论,政策,体系)”develop or present (a theory, policy, or system) in detail 例句:The key idea of the book is expressed in the title and elaborated in the text.该书的主要观点在书名中提出并在全书中得到详尽的阐述。 本题答案:A

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