主题:周末节日安排 题型:填空+匹配 参考答案: 1.workshop 2.discussion 3.library 4.F short stories 5.A biography 6.D criminal fiction 7.B new novel 8.H written for children 9.0136645772 10.river laneSECTION 2
主题:城堡旅游 题型:选择 参考答案: 11.B mid of 14th century 12.C 150 13.C Ludlow Gate 14.B wrenched/broken boat 15.A church 16.A flowers 17.C prickle plant 18.C boots and thick trousers 19.B wild animals 20.C whitingSECTION 3
主题:对老人们“旧日子”回忆的访问 题型:填空+匹配 参考答案: 21.phonebook 22.trust 23.topics 24.purpose 25.record 27. photographs: D. participant 28. household objects: A. relative of a student 29. clothes: B. museum 30. store toy: E. internetSECTION 4
主题:儿童智力发展 题型:填空 参考答案: 31.qualification 32.government 33.boys 34.small 35.meeting 36.business 37.college 38.reading 39.age 40.relationship2021年5月15日雅思阅读真题及答案
Passage 1
主题:噪音和听力受损 题型:填空+匹配+单选Passage 2
主题: 复活灭绝动物 题型:匹配+填空Passage 3
主题:手机短信和节目互动 题型:单选+匹配2021年5月15日雅思写作真题及答案
Task 1
折线图 4个美国的工厂生产一辆车花费的时间Task 2
People should look after their health as a duty to the society where they live, rather than their own benefits. To what extent do you agree or disagree? 信息来源于考生回忆与网络整理,答案和顺序可能不准确。雅思备考资料
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