AND 你同不同意,在考场上看到这样的题目很多同学会两眼一抹黑?
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? People today pay too much attention to material things because they think others will judge them based on their belongings.
Do you agree or disagree with the following statement? Competition between friends usually negatively impacts friendships.
我们将这类题目,称之为“ 抽象话题 ”。他们像一个个滑溜溜的鹅卵石一样,让人找不到下手的地方。如果没法破题,那我们的十八般武艺找不到施展的地方。
但是好在,方法还是有的。 我们力邀TD托福写作大神小青老师为大家带来 『托福写作抽象类话题思路破解微课』 , 从分类讨论、抽象名词具像化、增加写作细节等方面引导学生快速找到合适的立场和分观点,给出后期实操性极强的练习建议。 将这个鹅卵石砸开裂缝。 精彩将至,还不快来!