我们都知道,学习范文是一个有效的提高托福写作的方法。但是你真的会读(学习)范文么?想知道你的范文阅读是否有效么?我们来做个测试。 首先请大家阅读以下段落。 First of all, studying alone helps us to focus on specific areas of a subject that we are struggling with, rather than doing a broad overview of the subject. Students who always attend classes and communicate regularly with their professors are constantly aware of which topics they need to concentrate on when they study. Students normally have their distinct strengths and weaknesses in a certain field, and studying alone enables them to distribute time on various tasks flexibly based on their conditions. However, when people study in a group, everyone in the group has different needs, and the study session is required to touch on all of them. My own experience is a compelling example of this. As a freshman four years ago, I was not aware of the aforementioned drawback and found myself wasting my time studying in a group for an important European history exam. I knew that I really needed to focus on religious history, but sat uncomfortably through a group study session that progressed through political, cultural, scientific, literary and artistic history before touching only briefly on the issue of religion. As a result, I performed worse on the test than I would have if I had just studied alone. 然后,在不回看的情况下来翻译以下几个表达:
1. 单独学习可以让我们专注于自己有问题的地方 2. 小组学习需要涉及到所有的方面 3. 熬过整个小组讨论
如果你能够完美复述原文,或者能够想得到更加贴切的表达,那么恭喜你,你的语言水平来完成托福考试绰绰有余。但是我相信大多数同学都会发现:眼睛会了,脑袋不会 范文学习中常见的一个误区就是“眼高手低”。有相当大一部分同学把范文学习当成是阅读练习。认为看一遍,发现其中没有生词,没有读不懂的句子,学习就算结束了。事实上,整个学习过程才刚刚开始。 我们首先来梳理一下范文学习的几个目标:
1. 学习破题思路 2. 学习段落结构 3. 学习语言




Some students prefer to study and do homework alone. Others prefer to study and work on class assignments with a group of fellow students. Which do you prefer? Use specific reasons and examples to support your answer.


Everyone has their own favorite study methods, and all of them have specific benefits. I am of the opinion that it is better to study alone than to study as part of a group. I feel this way for two main reasons, which I will explore in the following essay. 通过首段,得知立场是study alone。那么可以自己想一些分观点,然后再来看范文的分观点。


First of all, studying alone helps us to focus on specific areas of a subject that we are struggling with, rather than doing a broad overview of the subject.


Furthermore, when people study in a group they are easily distracted. 如果分观点重复,那么就学习表达方法;如果不重复,就学习表达方法和思路


自己思考分观点展开方法,然后完整阅读整个主体段,思考不同句子和分观点的关系以及不同句子之间的关系。因为常见的段落展开方法是固定的,所以范文中使用到的方法我们自己写作的过程中同样会用到。 First of all, studying alone helps us to focus on specific areas of a subject that we are struggling with, rather than doing a broad overview of the subject. 【原因】Students normally have their distinct strengths and weaknesses in a certain field, and studying alone enables them to distribute time on various tasks flexibly based on their conditions. 【对比】However, when people study in a group, everyone in the group has different needs, and the study session is required to touch on all of them.


这个可能是大部分同学的最重要的目标,也是被误会最深和费时最久的任务。因为范文中不会像阅读文章中一样出现很多专业词汇和长难句,会让同学们误以为自己拿捏了:有种“就这?我也可以” 的错觉。但是下次遇到和范文类似的题目类似的表达,依旧在沿用读范文之间自己的broken English。 正确的做法是,将其中的一些表达,一定是短语和句子而不是单词,记录下来,配上中文翻译。然后定期复习—复习的方法就是参考中文回忆英文。比如: 或者,更好的情况下,范文本身就是配有中文翻译的。我们在学习完毕之后,对照中文回忆一遍英文,将无法正确表达的内容整理成中英文对照的笔记。 之所以有这样的过程,而不是直接背诵英文句子甚至整个段落,是因为这样能够创造一个信息差—当我们在写作的时候,绝大多数情况都是在把自己的中文思维转化为英文表达。 而不知道贴切表达的后果就是词不达意。我们写得很嗨,但是考官看不懂。而对照中文,相当于在提前预演自己真正写作时的过程。如果能够转化成功,那么我们就掌握了这部分英文表达。 对于目标三,还有一个很重要的一步,就是复习。语料积累完毕之后,需要不定期复习。直到该表达从被动语料变成主动语料。 简言之,范文学习就是一个逆向思考的过程。我们看到的是最终成果,但是我们需要学习的是这个成果是被产出的过程。所以我们需要像庖丁解牛一样,将范文拆分破解,顺着纹理才能够摸到脉络,学习之,并在以后的写作当中借鉴。 托福组的老师整理过一份材料《TD原创托福独立写作语料》,设计原理就是按照今天的方法论。相信通过学习这份材料,大家的写作能力一定能够得到提升。





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