器具的用途出现的频率可谓是考古类当中最多的。如TPO 5谈到的是一种叫做“Great Houses”的建筑物的用途;TPO 25涉及的是伊拉克发现的“clay jar” 的用途;TPO 33涉及位于苏格兰的“carved stone balls”的用途;TPO 59谈及的是位于老挝的“large stone jars”的用途;TPO 69中讲到“the cave paintings of Lascaux”的目的。追溯某个考古物件的归属
其次考察频率较高的是考古物件的归属,相信大家都不陌生。如TPO 3中是判断某幅画是否是Rembrandt的画作;TPO 12中谈及某副画像是否是Jane Austen的自画像;TPO 68中涉及某个photographic negatives是否为美国著名摄影师Ansel Adams的作品。考古学整个学科中所遇到的问题
最后还有一种比较独特的考法,是关于考古学整个学科中所遇到的问题。像TPO 16中主要就是涉及到这个内容。 读到这里同学们应该对考古学的综合写作考点有了大概的了解,但有些同学可能还是会觉得难以对内容进行预判。不要急~接下来我们就以TPO 69的综合写作为例,给大家对常见的逻辑做分析。托福综合写作考古类预判的实例
接下来我们以“探讨某种器具的用途”为例,为常考逻辑及相关的预判做一个简要说明。 同学们可以先熟悉一下TPO 69的综合写作的阅读部分及听力音频。Reading
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/08/getvoice.mp3"][/audio] 接着我们可以针对这篇文章进行分析,将文章所涉及到的关键信息进行摘取。阅读部分观点
总观点:The paintings were made to ensure a successful hunt. 分观点(即支持总观点的原因): 1) There is the animal subject matter of the paintings. The cave images are almost exclusively of large mammals. 2) The depictions of humans in the cave paintings include human figures that appear to have animal heads. 3) Many cultures hold the belief that by depicting an event one can bring about its reality.听力部分观点
总观点:While this view is popular, there is little actual support for it. 分观点: 1) The animals in the paintings. Yes some of them were hunted by the cave painters, but many of the animals painted were not hunted. 2) But the human figures with the animal heads in the cave paintings are not shown hunting, they are not even standing up. 3) The fact that the images are often considered to have magical properties doesn’t necessarily mean that the purpose of the magic was to ensure the successful hunting. The Lascaux cave images may have had a different kind of magical use. 根据这些内容我们可以发现,谈到洞穴画的用途时主要涉及了确保捕猎行为以及一些宗教意味的用途(如magical properties)。 读到这里我们其实可以将某个神秘用具的用途进行归类总结。 一般来说,某个神秘用具的用途有以下几种:1. 生存用途:确保食物(其中包括捕猎,储存,烹饪等方面),保证住处(其中包括介绍其结构或材料,住处的独特设计是为了适应气候或者独特的地貌等) 2. 生活用途:测量(重量或者高度),用于交换(货币),日常娱乐,科技 3. 军事用途:武器(打猎或者打仗),抵御外敌的建筑 4. 文化用途:祭祀,古时候的魔法器具等所以,对考古方面不太了解的同学需要提前理解其中的常考逻辑,对背景知识有更多的了解,并且积累相关的词汇,这样才能在写作之前针对内容进行合理的预判,并且在听到音频中提到的内容也不会过于不熟悉。有了这些基础,同学们便能更好更快的完成综合写作啦。