Student:老师!我这篇文章的多选题只错了一个,耶✌! Professor:你“耶”什么呢? Student:只错了一个啊,起码会给我一半分吧! Professor;孩子,醒醒,别睡了。。。
上述对话发生在我和我的学生小Y之间,对于他而言,多选题能做对一个,哪怕是蒙对一个选项都是“上天的恩赐,大自然的回馈”。而相同的情况也发生在很多同学身上,通过对大家的了解和同学们给到的反馈与求助,大多数的同学实际在遇到听力多选题时都会手足无措,靠仅存的那点记忆和运气做题。 因此,本次我们就托福听力多选题这一专项,为大家深层剖析多选题的考点和套路


改革后,听力考试由1个大section+1个小section组成。即先完成1个conversation+1个lecture(答题时间6分30秒),再完成1个conversation+2个lecture(答题时间为10分钟),共28道题答题时间16分30秒(不含音频播放时间)。如果遇到加试,再加一个小section,也就是1C+1L。 根据上图会发现:就算是答对了25-27题(并没有全对的情况),同学们还是可以拿到满分30的(官方:拿好我的爱,不谢)。也就是说,听力满分容错率高达3题,遇到的考卷难度不同,错0-3题都可以拿到满分30!
但此时,有的同学就会问了:错什么题,才能尽量降低对分数的影响呢? 答:保证能力范围内的题绝对不错;通常情况下,难度高的题目做错,对大家的分数影响会相对较小。
可这和多选题又有什么关系呢? 很多同学会和小Y一样,都认为:我既然选对了其中一个,也该像阅读的小结题一样,给我点分意思意思吧。 但我要和大家揭露这个残忍的事实:多选题全选对得2分,但是只要错一个选项,就是0分! What's the worse?整套听力考试28道题中,多选题平均占到5-6题,也就是相当于每个篇章有一道多选题。而个别文章(C or L)会出2道。 可想而知,搞定多选题是多么的重要!


多选题包括4选2;5选2;5选3等形式,但无论再怎么“72变”,这类题考察的根本还是并列逻辑+细节内容常见的并列逻辑词有: and, also, other, another, plus, additionally, in addition, in addition to, coincidentally, on top of that, along with, moreover, furthermore, besides, what’s more, either…or…, not only…but also…, for one thing…for another…, neither…nor… (这些signal words建议大家背下来,平时做好积累,要做到听到任意一种表达时,3s之内反应出该词的含义以及功能)

1. 数字/序数词

常见表达: • first,second,third • there are three major factors/reasons/points/predictions.......

? 例题1【TPO21 L4】

According to the professor, what two aspects of Neel’s work are characteristics of Expressionism? Click on 2 answers A. The depiction of unusual object B. The way the subject’s faces are portrayed C. The shape of the subjects’ bodies D. The use of color in the paintings 答案:BD

? 文本

In a minute, I'll show you some of her portraits, and I'll want you to notice a few things about them. First, Neel's use of bold color. All right? You'll see she uses color to convey emtion and feeling, like the subjects' clothing for instance, it appears brighter than it really is. And the subjects, the people being portrayed, Neel paid special attention to faces. The way she paints the eyes and how the faces are portrayed, these are quite realistic, like the realist's work. But another thing Neel did was use elongated, sort of stretchy figures.

2. 并列逻辑

并列逻辑这部分,需要着重和同学们强调一下以下五个信号词:and, also, other, another, plus。 相比in addition,besides这些明显且“做作”的表达,上述五个词常见度要更高,词汇本身难度要更低。但是!正是因为过于简单,很多题型在听的时候,很容易就听了个热闹,压根没意识到这是个考点,从而造成错过重要信息。 所以,这种情况下,同学们需要做的是熟悉并列逻辑常见的表达方式,提高对该类信号词的敏感度,并且在听到时,快速体现在笔记上。

? 例题2【20151025 L1】

According to the professor, what are the main functions of beneficial bacteria that normally live in the digestive system?Click on 3 answers. A. They help the body process complex carbohydrates. B. They consume the bacteria that cause digestive problems. C. They produce some vitamins that the body cannot make on its own. D. They slow down the absorption of proteins. E. They prevent bad bacteria from obtaining enough. 答案:ACE

? 文本

And why do I say they are helpful? Let's look at some examples. First, our bodies can’t make certain vitamins, like certain B-vitamins and vitamin-K, which plays an important role in blood clotting. So, we have these good bacteria in our digestive system. They eat the food we eat and secrete those vitamins for us. Also, some bacteria help us digest food that our own digestive enzymes cannot otherwise process. For example, at least one bacterial species breaks down the complex carbohydrates that are found in vegetables and other plant foods. Our own enzymes can’t do this for us. The bacteria in our digestive system also compete for the same nutrients that bad bacteria need. You know, the ones that if allowed to grow unchecked can be harmful to us. There’re so many more good bacteria than bad bacteria. Normally that the good ones overwhelm the bad ones by taking up most of the available nutrients.

3. 无明显提示词

这种情况实际也比较常见,很多同学遇到后会比较慌,认为连明显的信号词都没用,怎么能判断出是多选题的出题区域呢? 其实,这类情况下,往往考察特征feature的概率较高。尤其是定义式结构中,介绍某个对象(某种生物、某位艺术家、某种艺术形式等)。而之前也跟同学们交代过,定义式结构中,需要大家注意听、记笔记的核心点就在于特征。 所以,这种所谓没有明显提示词的多选题,更多考察的还是考生是否能够理解原文内容,分好内容层次以及捕捉关键信息的能力。

? 例题3【20151011 L1】

What are three factors mentioned by the professor that affect manatees' ability to navigate? Click on 3 answers A. Their large body size B. Their poor vision C. Their inability to echolocate D. The rate of water flow in their habitat E. The level of visibility in their habitat 答案:BCE

? 文本

You should be familiar with manatees. They’re large marine mammals that are found in warm water, costal and river ecosystems; places where salt water and fresh water meet. In North America, they can be found in Florida and the Caribbean. The manatee’s habitat is often characterized by dark, murky water. As a result, it’s very difficult for manatee’s to see in this environment. It’s difficult to see any distance. It’s difficult to see any objects. Manatees don’t have very good vision anyway and unlike other marine mammals, such as whales and dolphins, manatees don’t use echolocation. 通过上述题型,我们可以发现:听力多选题实际考的还是同学们对于题目考点的熟悉度,即对并列关系的把握和总结。所以除了我们刚才提到的这些出题形式外,还是建议同学们平时多做练习。也希望大家在听力备考的路上能够高效、快速的披荆斩棘,获得高分!


TD福利 & 领取方式

备考过程中,除了基本的考点和基础需要夯实之外,我们仍需要足够的练习来加强做题能力、加深印象。想要了解上述题目具体的解题方法,以及【听力多选题】考点和出题套路的同学,可以参考「托福听力多选题专项微课」的资料包。 该资料包含了微课助教讲解、直播课程录屏和讲义文档等重要内容。有需要的同学可以发送暗号【多选题】联系马甲获取哦!


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