1. 对话开头 2. 寒暄之后 3. 延伸话题后
一. 对话开头
在对话开头出现的主旨题一般比较直接且简单,同学们比较容易听到信号词选对答案。但是要注意:因为它在比较开头的位置,有一部分同学在开始的时候注意力相对不集中,如果不了解开头的出题信号,可能就会漏听。 所以大家要关注开头的主旨信号信号,比如学生会说的I was wondering…;I want to ask; 或者老师会说的 what can I do for you?等例题:TPO2-C1
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/getvoice-8.mp3"][/audio] 1.Why does the man go to see his professor? A. To borrow some charts and graphs from her B. To ask her to explain some statistical procedures C. To talk about report he is writing D. To discuss a grade he got on a paper原文

二. 寒暄之后
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/getvoice-11.mp3"][/audio] 1.Why does the student go to the university office? A. To apply for a work-study job B. To get information about hosting an exchange student C. To find out if there are any jobs available on campus D. To find out eh hours of the computer lab原文

有时,一篇对话,我们可能已经听到1分半或者2分钟左右的时候,中间偏后的位置才会出现对话的目的。比如:学生来找老师先聊一个见闻,聊了大概2分钟,学生说:其实聊见闻的原因是想根据它来写一篇论文。这时,对话发生的真正目的才出现:咨询写论文。我们来看一个例题:例题:TPO26 C2
[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2021/09/getvoice-10.mp3"][/audio] 1. Why does the student go to see the professor? A. To obtain notes from a class she missed B. To discuss a conference she attended C. To ask about a possible topic for a research paper D. To clarify information about volunteering in the community原文

TD福利 & 领取方式
通过上面的讲解,我们了解了对话主旨题答案常见的三个位置以及信号词的抓取。大家学习完之后,可以领取《托福听力题型系列—conversation 目的主旨练习》这份资料。里面包含了更多关于主旨题的例题及思路讲解,帮助大家巩固所学。 [caption id="attachment_48147" align="aligncenter" width="242"]