
1. Verify that you meet the Equipment and Environment Requirements (https://www.toefl.cn/at-home/equipment) to take the Home Edition test 确认你用于考试的电脑设备和环境符合设备和环境要求 2. Visit ETS authorized HKEAA official website and complete the voucher order form providing your name, date of birth, and e-mall address 登录ETS授权的香港考评局官网,在兑换券订单页输入你的个人信息:姓名/出生日期/电子邮件地址。 (https://ipeform.hkeaa.edu.hk/toefl/register/2?locale=zh-CN)

1. How long is my voucher valid for Home Edition registration? 考试兑换券用于报名在家考的有效期是多久? The code is valid for 12 months from the date it was issued to you. There will be no refunds for expired vouchers.考试兑换券号码自发出之日起有效期为12个月,逾期将不予退款。 2. What if l could not receive the confirmation email with voucher code by using the wrong email address in the HKEEA voucher order form? 如果我在香港考试及评核局购买的考试兑换券订单中输错了电子邮件怎么办? For enquiries in relation to the voucher order of TOEFL iBT Home Edition please contact the lnternational and Professional Examinations Division of the HKEAA email: toeflchina@hkeaa.edu.hk or telephone:(852)3628 8731(Monday-Friday8:30 a.m.to 5.30 p.m. Hong Kong Time (except for SaturdaySundayand Hong Kong Public Holidays) 有关家庭版托福iBT考试兑换券订单的问题,请联系香港考试及评核局国际及专业考试部: 电子邮件:toeflchina@hkeaaedu.hk或电话:00852-3628-8731(香港时间周一至周五0830-1730,周末及香港公共假期除外)。 3. Can I purchase other TOEFL products or pay other testing fees with the HKEAA voucher? 我可以使用香港考评局(HKEAA)兑换券购买其他托福产品或支付其他考试费用吗? The voucher you purchase from HKEAA is only valid for the TOEFL iBT Home Edition test registration fee. Other fees (e.g., late fees,rescheduling fees) or materials(e.g,test prep books)must be paid in your ETS account using a different payment method. 你在香港考评局官网购买的兑换券仅限用于报名家庭版托福iBT考试。如需支付其他考试相关费用(如逾期报名附加费、转考费)或资料费用(如备考书籍),则必须通过个人ETS账户使用其他支付方式完成。 4. If I cancel my TOEFL iBT Home Edition appointment. Can i get a refund for the voucher? 如果我取消用考试兑换券预约的家庭版托福考试,可以获得退款吗? Yes, you can cancel your at home appointment via your ETS account or by contacting ETS. If you cancel your test appointment 4 days before your test day, you will receive a refund of 50% of the voucher fee you paid. You must cancel at least 4 days in advance of your test date to receive a partial refundwhich is the standard TOEFL iBT test cancellation policy. 可以,你可以通过自己的ETS账户或联系ETS来申请退考。若考生于考试日4天或之前申请取消已兑换的考试,成功者可获得已支付兑换券费用(考试费用)50%的退款。你必须在考试日期开始前至少提前4天申请退考才能收到部分退款,这是标准的托福iBT考试取消政策。 After you cancel your test via your ETS account and you are eligible for a refund. ETS will notify the HKEAA.Approved refunds will be issued by the HKEAA and will return to the same credit card you used to purchase the voucher. lt might take up to 30 working days for the statement to show the refund, depending on your card issuing company. 在你申请取消已兑换的考试后,若符合退款资格,ETS会通知考评局处理。若退款申请受理,退款将直接退还至你付款时使用的信用卡账户内。由于不同银行处理时间的不同,退款可能需要30个工作日后完成。官方信息
TOEFLiBTHomeEdition website for China家庭版托福考试中文官网 https://wwwtoeflcn/at-home HKEAA Website for TOEFL iBT Home Edition Vouchers家庭版托福考试兑换券订购官网(香港考试及评核局HKEAA网站) https://ipeform.hkeaaedu.hk/toefl/exam/toefl TOEFL iBT Home Edition Registration Site for China家庭版托福考试注册报名官网 www.ets.org/mytoefl 如有家庭版托福iBTR考试兑换券订单相关问题,请联系香港考试及评核局国际及专业考试部。提供普通话、粤语和英文服务。 电话:+00852-3628-8731(香港时间周一至周五830-17:30,周末及香港公共假期除外) 电子邮件:toeflchina@hkeaaedu.hk 中国内地服务专线: 400-120-0394 以外地区请拨打: +1-609-771-7100或 +1-877-863-3546; 美国东部时间周一至周五8:00 - 19:45,美国公共假期除外GRE家考