(Optional)Pick one woman — a historical figure, fictitious character, or modern individual — to converse with for an hour and explain your choice. Why does this person intrigue you? What would you talk about? What questions would you ask them?
At Boston College, we hope to draw on the Jesuit tradition of finding conversation partners to discuss issues and problems facing society. Who is your favorite conversation partner? What do you discuss with that person?
(For Honor applicant)If you could change anything in the world, what would it be? Explain why and how you would change it?
1. What inspires you? (200 characters or fewer)
2. You are teaching a new Yale course. What is it called? (200 characters or fewer)
3. Yale students embrace the concept of“and” rather than “or,” pursuing arts and sciences, tradition and innovation, defined goals, and surprising detours. What is an example of an “and” that you embrace? (200 characters or fewer)
乍一看,耶鲁大学的小文书倒不是说有多难写,而是这个字数限定……实在是太少了。比起文书,它更像是一些short answer response。200character换算成字数可能只有30-50个字;本来看到what inspire you还能支棱起来侃侃而谈,结果写了一半不到——字数超了。
这也意味着回答这个问题并不需要多有效的reasoning;最重要的是创造性。What inspire you看起来很好写,但真的打开空白文档之后,发现脑子里不管有多少想法飞奔而过,写下的都是一些空洞的迷惑发言……
TOP10: Colgate University/USC
The academic community at Colgate is shaped by the unique talents, character, and personality of each student. Please finish each sentence in 75 characters or less so we can learn more about you.
I am fascinated by…
I want to learn all I can about…
My favorite book is…
My role model is…
In the future, I hope to …
One thing I would change is…
I wish…
I am most challenged by…
In 5 years, I…
The following prompts have a 100 character limit:
What is your favorite snack?
Best movie of all time:
Dream job:
If your life had a theme song, what would it be?
Dream trip:
What TV show will you binge-watch next?
Which well-known person or fictional character would be your ideal roommate?
Favorite book:
If you could teach a class on any topic, what would it be?
We are a community with quirks, both in language and in traditions. Describe one of your quirks and why it is part of who you are.
“Everything changes, everything moves, everything revolves, everything flies and goes away,” observed Frida Kahlo. Apply Kahlo’s perspective to your own life.
弗里达·卡罗 (Frida Kahlo) 曾经说过,“一切都在变化,一切都在移动,一切都在旋转,一切都会飞逝而去,”将卡罗的观点应用到你自己的生活中。
Honors Program (Optional, First-year applicants for September Admission Only):
We often use metaphors to help us understand our world and persuade others. Write about a metaphor that you think is powerful, and explore its potential to be helpful and/or harmful in your thinking.
Which Ben & Jerry’s ice cream flavor(real or imagined) best describes you? (500 words)
Ben & Jerry 的哪种冰淇淋口味(真实的或想象的)最能描述你?
你别说,Ben & Jerry这个美国最出名的冰淇淋产业的大本营就在佛蒙特。随便google一下ben and jerry's vermont,就能出来一堆蓝天白云农场大叔的Ben and Jerry's经典招牌,也算是地区文化之一了。
TOP4: Pomona college
Marvel or DC? Pepsi or Coke? Instagram or TikTok? What’s your favorite “this or that” and which side do you choose? (50words)
漫威还是DC?百事可乐还是可乐?Instagram 还是 TikTok?你最喜欢的“这个或那个”是什么,你选择哪一边?
不过@Yale,波莫纳学院的题目是pick a side,耶鲁的文书第三小问则是“学生不只限于and和or”,怎么样,你们两个要不要打一架?
TOP3: Occidental College
If you had your own food truck or restaurant, what would it be called? (150 characters)
Give us your top ten list.
Theme: _____________________________
Top 10 List,顾名思义就是让你出一个排行榜,主题还是不限的。最喜欢的10种棒棒糖口味?历史上最棒的10部电影?10个感到幸福的时刻?随便发挥,怎么天马行空怎么来!
TOP1:University of Chicago
What if the moon were made of cheese? Neptune made of soap? Pick a celestial object, reimagine its material composition, and explore the implications.
What’s so easy about pie?
Invent a new unit of measurement. How is it derived? How is it used? What are its equivalents?