香港大学(The University of Hong Kong),简称港大,创建于1911年,以“明德格物”为校训,是香港历史最悠久的高等学府,是一所由香港特区政府全面资助的公立研究型综合大学,有亚洲“常春藤”之称。 作为一所蜚声国际的世界一流大学,香港大学于多个全球权威大学排名中表现卓越,为香港地区排名最高的高等学府。在2022QS世界大学排名中,港大位列全球第22名;在2022泰晤士高等教育(THE)最新发布的世界大学排名中港大位列第30名。 香港大学2022年本科入学申请已于10月4日开放!今天为大家总结了相关申请要求和文书题目,想申请香港大学的同学绝对不要错过哦~


*该时间线适用于持有international qualifications的申请者 网申截止日:2021年11月17中午(first-round evaluation,此日期后rolling) 上传材料截止日:2021年12月1日 公布结果:2021年12月6日 ?报名步骤:


1. Personal Information including a valid email address 2. Your identity document (Passport / Hong Kong Identity Card / other travel document) 3. Choice of programmes (可选1-5个专业,后4个选择不排序) 4. A valid credit card (VISA or MasterCard) for payment of the application fee


在支付申请费后上传: 1. Personal statement(只能提交一篇,1000字以内,detailing your interest in applying to the University, the programme(s), etc) 2. High school transcript 3. CV, certificates and awards 4. Certificates of public examinations and proof of English language and second language proficiency 5. Degree certificates and official transcripts (for current university students) 6. Any other required documents you would like to add to support your application 辅导老师/顾问提供: 1. High school transcript 2. Predicted / actual results 3. Reference letter(s)

关于Personal Statement


How should I prepare the personal statement? Do I need to write for each programme choice?


You should upload a personal statement of no more than 1000 words detailing your interest in applying to the University, the programme(s), etc. You will only be able to submit one personal statement regardless of the number of your programme choice(s). However, if you have indicated interest in our HKU-UCL Dual Degree Programme in Law, a separate personal statement is required.


You may nominate your counsellor to support your application to the University by providing predicted / anticipated result(s), transcripts, and reference documents. You may also nominate up to 2 referees who may provide additional information to support your application to the University. In the case that you are not able to find your counsellor under the 'Counsellor' list, please provide your counsellors' contact information as a referee and we will be in touch accordingly. HKU Extra-curricular Achievements活动列表 To allow the University a better understanding of your achievements and to assess your fit with our programmes, please provide a maximum of 3 examples, where applicable, of activities where you have demonstrated the corresponding characteristics. You may also provide other information for the University to consider as supplemental information by uploading a CV / Resume as a supporting document. Type有5个分类,每个选项最多可以填3个活动: 1. Leadership 2. Communication 3. Global Mindedness 4. Academic Achievements Outside of School 5. Other


为了让大家更好的了解大学申请,我们为大家准备了TD干货申请合集!包括夏校地图,美国大学地图,美国文书题目和范文等实用的申请干货。你想知道的关于申请的资料这里统统都有! 最后,祝同学们申请季一切顺利~
想要获取干货资料的同学,添加下方小马甲并回复关键词「干货群」进入TD申请干货分享群,即可免费领取申请干货资料~ 如果你想了解TD全程/夏校/转学申请服务,或期待TD在文书、选校和选专业、面试、科研项目等方面给予支持,可以扫描二维码添加TD小马甲进行咨询。如果已经有马甲好友则无需重复添加,直接咨询即可。


?2022 U.S.News世界大学排名发布!中美两国上榜大学数量最多! ?UMich/UVa/UIUC/UWM这4所美国大学于11月1日EA早申截止,历年录取数据帮你正确选校 ?2021年11月1日ED/EA早申截止的美国大学全盘点!想要申请的同学别错过! ?2022 新加坡国立大学本科入学申请开放!申请条件和申请流程都在这! ?这10所美国大学ED/EA录取率比RD平均高48%!早申机会一定要抓住!
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