Lucy, a 12th grader in a New York high school, shares her SAT preparation journey. Starting with a 1350 score, she improved to 1510 after attending TD’s prep program. She discusses strategies for SAT reading, grammar, and math, emphasizing the importance of understanding SAT reading patterns, practicing timed tests, and mastering grammar rules. Lucy also stresses the importance of targeted practice, reviewing mistakes, and staying calm during the exam. Her experience showcases that consistent practice and focused review are key to achieving a high score.
我在纽约州的一个高中读书, 所以9、10年级大家都没有什么焦虑感。不过我还是被家长磨着做了一套SAT Official Guide。好家伙,我花了5个小时才做完, 大概1200分左右。这就很伤自尊心了,所以我打算好好学习一下。在选机构的时候,正好平时经常看TD的推文,所以就报名了当时的「SAT备考计划圣诞班」。
在参加了TD的备考计划和高分特训之后,我非常幸运地成功把总分从1350(March)提到1460(August ),最后提到了1510(October)。