At one high school, more of its students than ever before have been caught cheating on their homework assignments; for example, many students have asked other students to provide them with answers for assignments. The school is considering making a change to help decrease the number of students who cheat on homework. Which ONE of the following actions do you think will be most effective, and why? -Asking parents to monitor their children as they do their homework and confirm that their children have not cheated -Increasing the penalty (punishment) for cheating -Asking teachers to create homework assignments that will make it more difficult for students to cheat 文末调取TD为你精心准备的托福独立题目高分示范。综合写作
犀牛的重新迁移有没有用 阅读: 1. 过程很难且危险,实施的过程中会有损失,会影响犀牛的繁殖; 2. 一些年龄比较大的雄性犀牛被选走的话,会影响生育;如果分开了母犀牛和他们的孩子也会带来负面的影响; 3. 对偷猎没有作用,因为不管在哪还是会被偷猎者抓,因为他们的犄角很值钱。 听力反驳: 1. 对比运输途中的短期危险,在南非遭到偷猎危险更大,而且死亡率没有那么高; 2. 计划的执行者会很认真小心的挑选犀牛,这样就不会切段犀牛的关系链,也不会有隐患; 3. 军队会保护这个计划,有一片很大的地方,偷猎者不会轻易找到。2021年11月20日托福下午场口语真题
喜欢每天读新闻还是定期读新闻? 文末调取TD为你精心准备的托福独立题目高分示范。 信息来源于考生回忆与网络整理,答案和顺序可能不准确。 欢迎留言指正和补充!2021年11月20日托福口语写作真题答案领取

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