Common App的Additional Information部分是可选的,但可用于补充未涵盖的重要信息,如未列出的课外活动、健康状况、特殊家庭背景或学校评分系统等。填写时应保持简洁、提供具体细节,并按重要性排序。此外,考生可利用该部分解释可能影响录取的负面因素或提供相关作品链接。若无必要,可选择不填写。
The Durham Youth Commission is a teen-led faction of the Durham County government that was created to provide youth input in local politics. To get into the Commission, applicants must submit a thorough description of their extracurricular and academic interests as well as answer questions about what they would like to see accomplished during their time in office. Out of 100 applicants, I was selected to serve on the commission two years in a row along with about 25 other high schoolers attending school in Durham. Along with promoting efforts to combat gun violence during my time serving in the DYC, we also pursued advocacy projects to address mental health challenges and food insecurities. The Commission was regularly updated by various city officials about the nature of their work, including the mayor of Durham. The DYC also attended several conferences hosted by other city youth councils to build leadership and communication skills as well as encourage active community involvement. I volunteered over 60 hours each term. I served on this commission for organizations like Mobile Market, Peace Toys forward Toys, Habitat for Humanity, and Kids Voting. (187 Words)
- The Durham Youth Commission (DYC) is a teen-led faction of the Durham government created to provide youth input in local politics.
- Out of 100 applicants, I was selected to serve on the commission two years in a row along with about 25 other Durhamhigh schoolers
- Promoted efforts to combat gun violence, mental health challenges, and food insecurities.
- Regularly updated by city officials and Durham Mayor about the nature of their work.
- Attended several conferences hosted by other city youth councils to build leadership skills and encourage active community involvement.
- Volunteered over 60 hours each term for organizations like Mobile Market, Peace Toys for War Toys, Habitat for Humanity, and Kids Voting. (106 words)
I dropped water polo and cross country after sophomore year due to chronic back problems. My back healed by Junior year and I returned to water polo as an assistant coach but chose not to return to the cross country so I could focus on academics and get a job to help pay bills at home.
I would like the admission committee to know that my younger brother has spina bifida and my family and I devote a considerable amount of our free time to his care and trips to the doctor. It also means that my mother has not been able to work outside of our home since he was born.
In 2018 my father suffered a series of strokes which left him partially paralyzed and with severe cognitive impairment. He was obviously unable to continue his career as a professor at the local university. With the help of many therapists and medical professionals my father has slowly gained back some of his faculties, but it is rare that he is left at home alone. My mother and my brother and I are typically by his side making sure he has what he needs and that he is safe. For the first half of last year while my father’s condition was critical my mother was unable to work at all.
My mother is a beautiful, warm, and passionate person. Sadly, she also suffers from schizophrenia which she allows to be treated only periodically with medication. She is rarely able to hold a job for more than a few months at a time, and our family depends on my father's job driving heavy equipment for the city for income as well as insurance. Dad isn’t able to take time off on those days or long periods of time when mom needs extra attention. My sister and I have taken over household chores and bill paying to fill in some of the gaps.
以下是一个描写IB Extended Essay的例子:
For my IB extended essay requirement, I wrote a 4,000-word thesis arguing that French art film director Gaspar Noébreaks the conventions of classical narrative structure as defined by story theorist, Robert McKee. My close reading of Noé's film Irreversible (2002)seeks to prove that Noé defies McKee's principles of the inciting incident, law of diminishing returns, and balance of high and low pace scenes by Noé'smanipulation of the Russian Formalist elements of fabula and syuzhet.
同样,如果在高中阶段你完成过其他的论文,同样可以用类似的方式介绍,如果论文Abstract比较短的话,也是可以直接复制到Additional Information中的!
你还可以在Additional Information中附上你个人作品的链接,艺术生可以附上作品集链接。
“I’m one of the first students to apply to U.S. universities from my school OR my school doesn't have experience with applications.”
“We don’t have a college counselor, so two of my teachers volunteered to complete the counselor recommendation.”
“My English teacher and I worked together to create our School Profile (not only for me but also for my younger classmates)”