GRE阅读真题Passage 66
In recent decades, scholars of American literature have skillfully revealed authors’ simultaneous accommodation and resistance to an increasingly commercialized, capitalized environment during the early nineteenth century. Historians of the period have not, however, fully exploited literary criticism, due to the disciplinary boundaries that mark contemporary academic research. Few historians have extensive training in critical theory and its specialized languages, and the sheer volume of work in early American history and literature challenges anyone who would master either field, much less both. Moreover, historians study people across the nation, but much literary scholarship called “American” actually examines works produced in northeastern states. And historians usually study the operations of capitalism in its details, while literary critics produce a generalized picture of literary commodification.GRE阅读文章解析
第一句 :
In recent decades, scholars of American literature have skillfully revealed authors’ simultaneous accommodation and resistance to an increasingly commercialized, capitalized environment during the early nineteenth century. 白话版讲解: 最近几十年里,研究美国文学的学者娴熟地揭露出了当时的作家们在面对 19 世纪早期日益商业化和资本化的环境时,同时展现出来的适应性和抵制性。也就是说,对于商业化和资本化的趋势,那时的作家们一方面在适应它,同时又在抵制它。第二句 :
Historians of the period have not, however, fully exploited literary criticism, due to the disciplinary boundaries that mark contemporary academic research. 白话版讲解: 但是,同时期的历史学家们,却因为当代学术研究所具有的不同学科之间的界限性,并没有充分地利用文学批评。文学批评是对文学的研究、评价和解读,研究文学作品的学者会撰写自己的研究结果,形成文学批评的文字。由于当代学术研究的特点就是不同学科之间是有界限的,所以虽然研究美国文学的学者已经发现了作家们在面对日益商业化和资本化的环境时的态度,但历史学家却没有充分利用文学批评来了解这一发现结果。第三句 :
Few historians have extensive training in critical theory and its specialized languages, and the sheer volume of work in early American history and literature challenges anyone who would master either field, much less both. 白话版讲解: 很少有历史学家接受了批判理论以及其专业术语方面的培训(这就说明历史学家中,能够读得懂文学批评的很少);另外,美国早期的历史作品和文学作品数量之大,对于任何一个想要掌握其中任一领域的人来说都是一个挑战,能够同时掌握这两个领域的人就更少了。第四句 :
Moreover, historians study people across the nation, but much literary scholarship called “American” actually examines works produced in northeastern states. 白话版讲解: 除此之外,历史学家研究的是(美国)全国各地的人们,而很多所谓的“美国文学研究”,其研究对象是位于美国东北部各州出产的作品。这里说明了历史学和文学研究的第一个不同之处,也就是两者的研究对象并不完全一致。第五句 :
And historians usually study the operations of capitalism in its details, while literary critics produce a generalized picture of literary commodification. 白话版讲解: 历史学家往往研究的是资本主义在细节方面是如何运作的,而文学批评则是对文学商品化形成了一个概括性的描述。这里说明了历史学和文学研究的第二个不同之处,一个研究细节,一个研究梗概。GRE阅读真题66题目解析
1. As discussed in the passage, the literary scholars and the historians differ in which of the following ways?
A. t he amount of scholarship that they produce B. the nature of their geographic focus C. the extent to which they are critical of early capitalism D. the extent to which they are interested in interdisciplinary study E. t he extent to which they restrict their focus to a particular time period 白话版讲解: 第一题: 根据文章的内容,研究文学的学者和历史学家的不同之处体现在以下哪个方面 ? 这道题的正确答案是 B。 正确答案可以根据原文第四句的内容得出,其它几个选项的内容在原文都没有提及。 A. 他们出产的学术作品的数量。 B. 他们研究对象的地理分布范围。 C. 他们对早期资本主义的批判程度。 D. 他 们对于交叉学科的感兴趣的程度。 E. 他们有多大程度将其研究聚焦在某个特定的时间范围内。2. The passage cites which of the following as a reason for historians’ failure to fully exploit literary criticism?
A. historians’ overly thematic approach to literature B. historians’ conservative notion of what constitutes literature C. historian’s lack of interest in critical theory D. the distinctive nature of much literary criticism E. the ahistorical quality of much literary criticism 白话版讲解: 第二题: 文章认为以下哪个是导致历史学家没能充分利用文学批评的原因? 这道题的正确答案是 D。 原文第三句提到了历史学家为何没能够充分利用文学批评。 A. 历 史学家研究文学作品的方式过于看重其主题。 B. 历 史学家对于文学作品的构成持有保守看法。 C. 历史学家对于文学批判理论不感兴趣。 D. 很多文学批评作品本身具有的特殊性。 (原文第三句中提到,很少有历史学家接受了批判理论以及其专业术语方面的培训,这说明文学批评作品在其用语方面有一些特殊性,需要经过一定的训练才能读懂其中的内容。 ) E. 很多文学批评作品具有 “ 反历史学 ” 的特点。文章作者
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