主题: 音乐会咨询 题型:填空 1. June 2. 12 3. Danlson 4. ticket 5. headache 6. light 7. Thursday 8. concert 9. sunscreen 10. nurseSECTION 2
主题:法国自行车骑行 题型:单选+多选SECTION 3
主题:讨论如何教授孩子分辨池塘生物 题型:选择+匹配 21. C. get the permission to visit the pond 22. A. because they do not want to make it too structured 23. B. to identify the food chain 24. B. provide variation to the class 25. A. movie is easier to control. It is practical 26. listen to teachers 27. Do a list 28. Report ideas 29. to fill some worksheets 30. do a drawingSECTION 4
主题:南极之旅 题型:填空 31. peace 32. library 33. acid 34. cameras 35. rubbish 36. ship 37. wave 38. radio 39. data 40. batteries2021年12月18日雅思阅读真题
Passage 1
主题:吉他历史 题型:判断+填空Passage 2
主题:商店监控Passage 3
Task 1
地图 图书馆5年前后的变化对比Task 2
Many people like to eat unhealthy food even though they know it's bad for themself. Why? What effective way can improve people's healthy eating habits? 信息来源于考生回忆与网络整理,答案和顺序可能不准确。 欢迎留言指正和补充!雅思备考资料
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