马上就要考试啦!趁现在赶紧突击一下,快跟着TD口语老师练练嘴皮子吧!说不定考试的时候就用上了呢? 本次话题来自2022年1-4月雅思口语最新题库中的题目~ 以后也会给大家分享最新题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!带你了解老外地道口语表达~ 怎么稳住最简单的雅思Part 1?千万不要用挤牙膏的方式回答考官,多说几句~让考官觉得你很走心!要把跟朋友聊天的感觉拿出来哦~
1.Do you like looking at yourself in the mirror? How often? [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/P1-1.mp3"][/audio] I look at myself in the mirror when I wash my face and get dressed before I go to work in the morning. I wanna make sure I look good and professional, part of my daily routine. Or when I’m done in the restroom, when I wash my hands, I sometimes use a tissue to remove the oil on my face, you know, I have oily skin, my face can get a bit too shiny sometimes. 2. Have you ever bought mirrors? [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/P1-2.mp3"][/audio] Yes, I have. About a year ago when I moved home, there wasn’t a dressing mirror in the new apartment, my wife said we needed one, so I went and bought one online. She didn’t like it. She often complained that she looked fat in that mirror. We ended up throwing it away when we moved again, it was just too bulky and wasn’t worth that much. 3.Do you usually take a mirror with you? [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/P1-3.mp3"][/audio] No, I don’t. I mean I do wanna look ok at all times and pay attention to my appearance, but I don’t think I need to take a mirror with me. If I have already checked that I look fine in the mirror at home before leaving for work, then there’s no need to check again. Besides, like I said, there’s a mirror in the restroom at my office that I can use anytime. 4.Would you use mirrors to decorate your home? [audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/01/P1-4.mp3"][/audio] Probably not. Some might say that if you have a small place, mirrors can help make the space look bigger. But we have this superstition in china that you wanna avoid having many mirrors in your home, especially in your bedroom. It is believed that mirrors can suck up your Chi, or your soul and weaken you physically and mentally. Ghosts are said to hide in mirrors. Basically, mirrors are like a bad omen in one’s home. 词汇表达整理: superstition 迷信(n.) omen 征兆(n.)




本期课程本期时间1月22日-2月18日,全科包括: 全科共12小时预习录播课(每科5节课共1.5小时) 48小时直播正课(每科6节课共12小时) 32小时模考&作业讲解录播课 20小时助教课分享答疑 总课时达到112小时 名师直播讲解+全程助教答疑+真题作业模考1对1跟踪批改+课前课后录屏辅助带你成功分手雅思,匠心品质,打磨优质课程。TD雅思备考计划就是你的菜!扫描二维码联系小马甲了解详情哟~ 另外,如果你期待短期快速出分,期待专属规划和服务,也可以关注TD『雅思一对一』!详情咨询小马甲哦!


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