雅思写作中,Task 1五花八门的图表总会让人有种“乱花渐欲迷人眼”的错觉,看到那密密麻麻的数据,是不是感觉无从下手?别担心,今天我们就来讲雅思写作Task 1中的其中一种图表类型——折线图。 雅思写作Task 1的折线图长什么样子?它的基本特征为纵轴基本以时间为单位,横轴的元素以线性方式呈现出不同的走向(升高、降低或者不变),如下图: 下面就让我们一起来学习下具体的分析思路和写法吧!

雅思写作Task 1语言积累

对于语言基础并不扎实的小白鸭同学来说,掌握不同走向的表达是写好折线图的重中之重,因为在评分标准中lexical resource要求我们的用词和句法要有多样性,因此很多同学会从天南海北搜罗“史上最全/最强/最高级折线图表达”,then, 早鸟同学会紧锣密鼓地开始背诵,懒癌晚期的同学会任它们在收藏夹中自生自灭。 但实际上,脑子输入越多,在正式写文章的时候越容易混乱,会纠结到底选择哪个表达最合适呢,严重些还可能会用错。因此,在积累句式表达的时候,一定要遵循一个原则:less is more,每一类的表达积累2-3个即可。 折线图中最重要的就是上升/下降/保持不变这三个趋势变化的表达,并且我们可以通过添加修饰词的方法更精准的呈现出这些趋势变化:副词+动词/形容词+名词。



掌握了这些表达后,我们要做的就是学会灵活使用: 例如,图中的上升趋势我们可以写出: 句1: The sales of coffee increased sharply between January and April. 句2:There was a rapid increase in sales of coffee between January and April. 句3: A dramatic growth in sales of coffee tooke place before April. 句4: The sales of coffee showed a rising trend between January and April. 如上所述,每一种句式都可以相互替换,在平时的练习中,我们就需要有这种变换句式的意识,做到可以自由切换毫不费力~

雅思写作Task 1分析图表

掌握好常用的词汇和句式表达后,我们要进阶到图表分析阶段啦,需考虑: 1)题中有几个图,一般情况下,有几个图就写几个主体段。 2)横纵轴分别代表什么,以及单位。 3)如果只有一图,按照横轴给出的信息,选取1-2截点进行段落的划分(不超过3个主体段) 4)确定好段落个数后,开始进行数据的描述,重点描述: ·趋势:上升/下降/不变 ·点:起始点/结束点/交点/最高点/最低点 切忌不要覆盖到每个点和趋势,只需要挑有代表性的去描述就可以!

雅思写作Task 1范文参考

让我们一起通过一篇范文进一步体会对图表的分析~ The graph below shows the amounts of waste produced by three companies over a period of 15 years. 分析: 1)题中只有一图,观察横纵轴元素,根据横轴时间确定时态为过去时 2)观察线:三条线分别为A/B/C三个公司的浪费吨数 3)安排段落 4)intro: 改写题目 5)overview: 描述宏观信息 A/B下降 C上升 6)主体段:找时间截点,2005年出现了折点,比较容易描述。因此,第一个主体段可以写2005年之前的起始点(注意对比,A公司最高),上升、下降了多少值;第二个主体段写05年-15年这一区间,三者的上升、下降值,以及交点和结束点。 分析完思路后,一起来看sample吧! The line graph compares three companies in terms of their waste output between the years 2000 and 2015. (改写题目) It is clear that there were significant changes in the amounts of waste produced by all three companies shown in the graph. While companies A and B saw waste output fall over the 15-year period, the amount of waste produced by company C increased considerably. (宏观描述:A/B下降 C上升) In 2000, company A produced 12 tonnes of waste, which is the highest , while companies B and C produced around 8 tonnes and 4 tonnes of waste material respectively. (起始点) Over the following 5 years, the waste output of companies B and C rose by around 2 tonnes, but the figure for company A fell by approximately 1 tonne. (分别上升下降了多少) From 2005 to 2015, company A cut waste production by roughly 3 tonnes, and company B reduced its waste by around 7 tonnes. (A/B下降了多少)By contrast, company C saw an increase in waste production of approximately 4 tonnes over the same 10-year period. (反之,C上升了多少) In addition, in 2010, company C met those in company B at around 7 tonnes. (交点)By 2015, company C’s waste output had risen to 10 tonnes, while the respective amounts of waste from companies A and B had dropped to 8 tonnes and only 3 tonnes.(三者的结束点,记得要有比较)


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