一张口还是满满的Chinglish吗???快来跟着TD雅思口语大神Ben老师练练嘴皮子吧!说不定考试的时候就用上了呢? 本次话题来自2022年1-4月口语题库中的题目~ 以后也会给大家分享2022年1-4月最新口语题库的题哦~ 绝对的干货!带你了解老外地道口语表达~

雅思口语Part 2

Describe a habit your friend has and you want to develop

[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/P2.mp3"][/audio] You should say: Who your friend is What habit he/she has When you noticed this habit And explain why you want to develop this habit I would like to talk about the body transformation of my friend Adrian from a skinny fat guy to this shredded body he has now. Well, Adrian had always been very thin until 3 years ago when he went to study in the UK. I guess he wasn’t watching he was eating at the time, and he gained a great of deal of weight from all the junk food he consumed. And all that fat went straight to his abdomen, while his limbs were very slim. So he had this strange body shape when he got back from the UK, and we almost didn’t recognize him when we picked him up at the airport. Then he decided to do something about it and started working out at a gym. In the beginning, I didn’t really believe he was gonna take it seriously. Then after about 6 months, he posted a selfie of himself in the mirror on his social media, and he had abs, and biceps, we were all surprised. He was making serious progress. I mean he has been hitting the gym really hard and eating clean and has lost more than 30 pounds. I used to jog after dinner to keep in shape but these past two years with this pandemic, I just haven’t been that physically active and have put on some weight. I wish I could pick up Adrian’s habit and start going to gym classes or lifting weights or something. He is really an inspiration for me. And I also have this sedentary job that gives me a stiff neck and back pain. I feel like if I could develop Adrian’s habit, my physical health would improve a lot. 注释: shredded 肌肉线条清晰的 hit the gym really hard 狠狠锻炼 eat clean 吃的健康

雅思口语Part 3

1. Do you think people should pay for higher education? Why?

[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/P3-1.mp3"][/audio] I think people should pay for higher education. Well, first of all, universities don’t build themselves, facilities and services in universities are costly, I mean, for example, it may take several million dollars to build a science lab where science students can have valuable lab experience which helps them find jobs in the future. And universities also need money to pay their faculty and staff, their salaries can amount to a staggering number. A lot of universities are private, they don’t get funds from the government, which means they rely largely on the tuition students pay.

2. Is it good or bad for people to have free education in the future?

[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/P3-2.mp3"][/audio] I think it’s a terrible idea to make education free. Because that means, the government will end up paying the cost. It’s just going to be a huge financial burden for the country, you know what the government will be left to do? Increase taxes. Then everybody is going to pay higher taxes. That’s not fair. And when education is free, the focus will be that everybody has an education, not better education for some people who can make the most out of it. With limited educational resources, the quality of education will be compromised.

3. What free gifts do companies usually give to their customers?

[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/P3-3.mp3"][/audio] I know that skin care companies usually give out free samples of lotions, creams, shampoos to their customers especially when they release new products. When people try these new products and like them. They are likely to buy these products and then companies can profit and also build a customer base. Many companies also like to give their customers calendars as gifts, usually at the beginning of the year. It could be table top calendars or calendars that can be hung on the wall or both. It serves two purposes; it is a good gift idea and also a promotional material.

4. Why do customers like to receive free gifts from companies?

[audio mp3="https://www.testdaily.cn/wp-content/uploads/2022/03/P3-4.mp3"][/audio] To receive something that you don’t need to pay anything for feels special. You feel like that the company values you as a customer and that they take the time to pick a gift for you to show that they really appreciate you. And when your friends ask you something like “wow, it’s beautiful, where did you get it?”, you can proudly say, “Well, it’s a gift from X, it’s only for VIPs”. I mean, you can totally brag about it. That I think gives people a lot of satisfaction.




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