华盛顿大学福斯特商学院(Michael G. Foster School of Business)成立于1971年,坐落在风景秀丽的西雅图。提供本科、全日制和兼职的MBA、EMBA和专业的高级领导课程,大部分毕业生已经成为西雅图地区以及全球各个地区的商业领导者。
福斯特商学院位于西雅图,那里是一个蓬勃发展的商业社区,从亚马逊、微软、T-Mobile和星巴克,到初创公司。城市和学校之间的牢固联系所以能拥有广泛的动手学习机会,实习机会非常多。 福斯特商学院连年位居美国商学院排行榜前列,根据US News在2022年的美国大学商学院排名中位列第22位。


夏季或秋季入学:4月5日 冬季入学:10月5日


要想获得申请福斯特商学院的资格,学生在申请时必须具备以下条件: 在华盛顿大学或其他被认可的学院和大学获得至少60个学分 所有大学学分的累计GPA不低于2.5,包括转换学分。 以下所有课程的累计GPA不低于2.5: 所有商业课程学分,包括转换学分 华盛顿大学的所有学分 华盛顿大学所有商业课学分(课程包括:ACCTG, BA, BCMU, MGMT, MKTG, QMETH等) 参加WSA并且成绩至少为3分



?Essay 1: Describe any personal or economic hardship/barriers you have experienced and/or are experiencing. Explain how the hardship/barriers directly affected your ability to be successful in your college academics. As hardships/barriers may occur throughout your life, be specific about when you encountered these hardship/barriers, how long they lasted, and how they impact your academic record. ?Essay 2: In the context of your life experience, describe your understanding of cultural differences and how this awareness was acquired. Talk about how your experiences influenced the person you are and what you will bring to the Foster School community (i.e. classroom, extracurricular, future career, etc.). You define what “experience” means to you; if it is important to you, it is important to share. ?Essay 3: Describe 1-2 experiences that demonstrate your leadership within a group or organization outside of class. Please do not use examples from high school unless you have completed high school within the past 18 months or your leadership involvement from high school continues today. Examples could be taken from: employment, community service, family responsibilities, student organizations, or similar situations. Explain what you learned about yourself through the experience(s). ?Essay 4: How has the educational background of your parents/legal guardians influenced your own education, especially your decision to go to college? What kind of support did you receive in making and pursuing the decision to go to college? Please tell us if you are among the first generation in your family to go to college. (First-generation, defined by the U.S Department of Education as students whose parents/guardians have not completed a bachelor’s (4-year) degree). 更多详细要求可以查看官网: https://foster.uw.edu/academics/degree-programs/undergraduate-programs/admissions/standard-admission/


?留学背景提升-高含金量的数学竞赛大盘点:竞赛介绍/竞赛对比/申请案例分享 ?留学背景提升-藤校标配的YOC竞赛,有哪些要求?在申请中的作用大吗? ?剑桥大学是个什么样的大学?有哪些热门专业?申请难度大吗? ?牛津/剑桥大学什么时候开始申请?有哪些重要时间节点?|牛津/剑桥2023年本科入学申请时间表! ?美国大学RD放榜:UW的录取情况怎么样?撤回申请但还是收到offer?
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